I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 464 An Ordinary Boy

Chapter 464 An Ordinary Boy

"Okay, now that you are full of food and drink, those who should practice the exercises should practice the exercises, and those who should pack up should pack up."

Wu Youwang calmly instructed the girls in the field.

"Yes, Master."

"Okay, master!"

Many beauties in the audience responded respectfully.

Immediately, Wu You looked at Si Jinyan, Ying Ning and the others, smiled lightly and said:

"Now we can go out."

Hearing the sound, Si Jinyan and the others nodded, and then bid farewell to the girls one by one.

And just when Wu You flicked his sleeves, ready to take people out of the chaotic space.

"Wait, brother-in-law!"

Duan Jiaqi suddenly realized something, and hurriedly shouted.

"what's up?"

Wu You turned around and asked.

All the girls also looked at the beautiful mixed-race girl in surprise.

"Brother-in-law, do you really want to go out in this dress?"

Duan Jiaqi pointed to Wu You's body, the ice-blue gold-rimmed robe, and asked hesitantly.

"Why? Are these clothes ugly?"

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing the sound, Duan Jiaqi shook her head again and again, and then said seriously:

"It's so beautiful! If you go out like this, you will definitely cause a riot!"

Hearing this, all the girls in the audience couldn't help being stunned, and immediately reacted.

That's right, the flowing robes that were lingering in the cold air and faintly glowing with golden light were really eye-catching.

Wu You, who was wearing this gorgeous ice-blue gown inlaid with gold, was almost like a descendant of an immortal, and people couldn't help but feel admiration in their hearts.

If he really went out like this, no matter where he went, he would definitely become everyone's focus.

"I didn't expect you to be very careful."

Wu You smiled lightly, then lowered his head and took a look at his outfit, which was indeed a bit ostentatious.

And thinking of the scene of being surrounded by countless people in the snack street today, which almost spoiled his appetite, Wu You couldn't help but nodded and said:
"Well, it's really troublesome to be too eye-catching, so it's better to be ordinary."

With a playful smile, the ice-blue robe on his body suddenly burst into golden light!
And after the glaring light dissipated, a young man in ordinary casual clothes with a very ordinary appearance appeared in front of everyone!

"Li, Li Goudan?!"

All of a sudden, Li Yinan looked at the ordinary young man in the field and exclaimed in disbelief.

"Master, you, how did you become Li Haofan?"

Cao Yuxi also asked in amazement.

For a moment, everyone in the field showed doubts.

"Do you still think this seat is conspicuous?"

Wu You, who transformed into Li Haofan, smiled playfully.

And hearing the words that even changed their voices, all the girls in the audience were surprised, but they couldn't help nodding secretly.

Isn't that right, now their master, if ordinary people are thrown into the crowd, they will never be found again...

This unremarkable young man was indeed too inconspicuous.

"Brother-in-law, are you going too far? Actually, just change your clothes a bit."

Duan Jiaqi looked at the strange boy in front of her and said awkwardly.

However, Wu You shook his head and smiled, "No, I really want to experience the feeling of being an ordinary person."

After finishing speaking, his face suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Han Shuangyue and the others, solemnly exhorting:

"After this seat leaves, you must practice diligently.

Maybe after a while, there will be a place for you to come in handy. "

Hearing this, all the beautiful apprentices present couldn't help being extremely surprised, and then they all showed serious expressions.

At the next moment, Han Shuangyue, Tao Xiaomeng and other girls solemnly said in unison:

"Yes, Master!"

Seeing this, Wu You nodded in relief, then chuckled and said:
"Okay, it's getting late, so I'll leave first."

"Master, goodbye."

"Congratulations to the master."

Although looking at the ordinary boy in front of him was a bit weird, everyone around him didn't dare to neglect, and they all respectfully sent each other off.

Immediately, Wu You left the chaotic space with Si Jinyan and others.

But when they came to the outside world, Si Jinyan was surprised to find that she was actually standing on the roof of her own building!
At this time, the bright moon was hanging high, and it was already late at night.

"Okay, let's all go back and rest, there are still many things to do tomorrow."

After Wu You finished speaking, he turned around and walked downstairs on his own.

And seeing this handsome young man who was originally aloof and refined, now he looked ordinary.

Si Jinyan, Ying Ning, Lin Shuwen, and Lin Yihan all looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to speak for a while...

After a while, the four of them calmed down the extremely weird emotions in their hearts.

Immediately, Lin Shuwen and Lin Yihan were sent off by Si Jinyan, took a taxi and left here.

And the unimaginable events experienced today have completely subverted the three views of the siblings.

It feels like all this is a dream, but I don't know when I will wake up...

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Si Jinyan was sleeping soundly on the big soft and warm bed with Ying Ning in her arms.

A sound of commotion suddenly came from outside the window.

"Who are you? If you don't report your name, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Brother Bing, don't say that, he is here to find my sister, so just let me go there."

"Stop talking nonsense, guarding this place is the task of our Qianlong team, and any suspicious elements are not allowed to approach!"

"We are from Zhenwumen, we are not suspicious elements..."


Hearing these words vaguely, Si Jinyan was awakened suddenly, and slowly opened her eyes.

Immediately got up, squinted and looked out the window.

But he found a black luxury business car parked not far from his gate.

In front of the car, a woman in a red dress was accompanied by two strong men in black behind her.

He was explaining something to the Qianlong team members who were guarding their home.

I can vaguely hear the words of Zhenwumen, sister and so on.

Seeing this, Si Jinyan's heart shuddered, and the brows could not help but frown.

Could it be the night before yesterday, those villains from the True Martial Sect who came to arrest him, did not give up and came again?

Thinking of this, Si Jinyan suddenly felt a little angry.Immediately, not wanting to wake Ying Ning up, she got off the bed lightly, put on her clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

And when she went straight downstairs, opened the door and stepped out, wanting to reprimand those villains of the True Martial Sect who were like maggots attached to their bones.

But at the next moment, the whole person seemed to be petrified, completely stunned in place!
I saw that seductive woman wearing a sexy red gauze dress, who was arguing with the Qianlong team members.

He actually looks exactly like himself!
This, how is this possible?

Si Jinyan was shocked for no reason, and was dumbfounded.

Then a thought suddenly exploded in my mind!

Could it be, could it be that the woman in the red dress is, that is, her twin sister that she has never met? !

And at the next moment, the seductive woman who was arguing with the Qianlong team suddenly saw Si Jinyan who had just walked out of the gate.

Immediately, he waved his arms excitedly and shouted excitedly:
"Sister, I'm Si Hongchen!"

(End of this chapter)

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