I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 467 Boyfriend's Obligation

Chapter 467 Boyfriend's Obligation
Hearing this, Si Hongchen immediately wanted to reprimand him.However, after hearing the second half of his words, I also felt that there was some truth.

After all, the current Zhenwumen is already in dire straits, and everyone is in danger.

Even what my father called a safe place was only relative.

I'm afraid that when the time comes to fight together, it will be difficult to take care of my two relatives.

And if the mother and sister can be under the protection of Qianlong group.No matter how unscrupulous Zheng Xiancheng was, he would not dare to openly offend the Chinese military.

Therefore, as the strange boy said, it is indeed safer to stay here.

Thinking of this, Si Hongchen took a deep look at the young man. He didn't expect this ordinary guy to be quite thoughtful.

"Well, since Mr. Wu has arranged for someone to guard here. Mom, sister, you'd better stay here."

Si Hongchen said with a serious face.

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged woman nodded, and then said:

"Since we don't have to leave, Hongchen, you can go back to the house with Mom first."

"Mom, I'm sorry, the current situation in Zhenwu Sect is on the verge of breaking out.

Now I have to rush back and go to win reinforcements with my father. I really don't have time to accompany you. "

Si Hongchen shook his head sadly.

"Has Zhenwumen really reached such a critical moment? Hongchen, you must be careful when you go back. Remember that survival is more important than anything else, so don't be arrogant."

The middle-aged woman said with great sorrow, the corners of her eyes became moist again.

She knew that even if she asked Si Hongchen to stay here and not go back and take risks, her daughter would not listen.

"Mom, don't worry, after this difficult period, Dad and I will definitely come back to reunite with you.

At that time, our family will never be separated again. "

Si Hongchen sobbed with red eyes.Then he sighed again and mourned:

"It would be great if that Mr. Wu didn't leave the day before yesterday. If he can get the help of that god-man, then Zheng Xiancheng is nothing to worry about!"

Speaking of this, Si Hongchen couldn't help thinking of the invincible young man in Jingxianliu's house with his hand covering the sky, and suddenly became a little crazy...

Where are you now?
"Oh? Is that Mr. Wu really that powerful? It can't be because of his reputation."

The ordinary boy standing aside suddenly grinned.

Hearing the sound, Si Hongchen immediately came back to his senses, then stared at him coldly, and reprimanded sharply:
"You brazen fellow, Mr. Wu is not the kind of person you are, who can humiliate you at will. You really don't know how to live or die!"

At this time, Si Jinyan, after hearing Si Hongchen's previous words, felt a sudden movement in her heart, and then said resolutely:

"Hongchen, I will go back to Zhenwumen with you today."

Hearing this, Si Hongchen and the middle-aged woman couldn't help but startled.

I don't understand why Si Jinyan suddenly said such a thing.

And just when Si Hongchen was about to dissuade her from putting her sister in danger.

Si Jinyan then said with a sad face:
"I want to see my father with my own eyes. If something really happens in the Zhenwu Sect civil strife, I'm afraid I won't have the chance again."

Hearing this, Si Hongchen and the middle-aged woman also showed sadness.

"Okay, Jin Yan, you just go there, but you must pay attention to safety."

The middle-aged woman nodded earnestly.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely protect my sister."

Si Hongchen promised, and then said to Si Jinyan:
"Then sister, let's go now."

But at this moment, Si Jinyan turned around suddenly, looked at the ordinary young man beside him, and said pointedly:

"Since you are my boyfriend, come with me."

As soon as these words came out, Si Hongchen and the middle-aged woman couldn't help being dumbfounded.

They really didn't expect that Si Jinyan would bring an unknown oil bottle to Zhenwumen with her.

This, isn't this adding to the chaos!

"Sister, what are you doing with this weak guy? He's just a burden."

Si Hongchen pointed contemptuously at the foolish young man, and quickly dissuaded him.

"As my boyfriend, he naturally has the obligation to protect me. Isn't he, son of a bitch?"

Si Jinyan narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"No way, since you want me to meet the future father-in-law so much, then I will accompany you.

It just so happens that I still have an account and want to settle it with someone. "

The boy grinned and said casually.

But seeing that his elder sister was determined to take that nasty guy with her, Si Hongchen had no choice.

He could only stare fiercely at the young man who was completely unworthy of his sister, nodded helplessly and said:

"Okay then, without further ado, let's go now."

Si Jinyan nodded, and then said to her mother:

"Mom, Xiao Ning is still sleeping, so I will leave it to you first."

"Well, don't worry. Remember to pay attention to safety during this trip, and come back quickly if you have nothing to do."

The middle-aged woman was concerned.

Afterwards, the mother and daughter said goodbye to each other.

Only then did Si Hongchen take Si Jinyan away, and of course that ordinary young man followed behind him...

Immediately, the group got into the luxury business car and drove away.

Along the way, the two sisters of the Si family sat together and chatted about the past, and from time to time, there were sad or happy words.

While chatting, Si Hongchen turned his head and stared coldly at the young man sitting not far away.

Then he turned his head, frowned and whispered to Si Jinyan:
"Sister, how did you fall in love with that guy? I'm not talking about you, your taste really needs to be improved."

Hearing this, Si Jinyan was immediately speechless.

Seeing his sister's complex expression, Si Hongchen's heart shuddered suddenly, and he asked in a deep voice:

"Sister, are you forced to be with him because of some unspeakable secret?"

"That, he, he saved me."

Si Jinyan, who really can't lie, can only say so perfunctorily.

Hearing these words, Si Hongchen suddenly realized.

It turned out that it was because of my sister's gratitude that she begged to be the girlfriend of the guy who owed a beating.

This, this is simply unreasonable!
What age is it now, that despicable and shameless guy actually used this incident to force his kind and simple sister to agree with him.

He, he is really nothing!

Moreover, such an old-fashioned plot of hero saving the beauty may be specially arranged by that nasty guy in order to get close to his sister!

With his fragile appearance, who can he save?
Just bullying my sister has no heart, and someone else would have kicked him away!
Thinking of this, Si Hongchen glared coldly at the useless and mediocre boy again.

Lustful and daring villain, just wait and see.Seeing Zhenwumen, how can I deal with you!
(End of this chapter)

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