Chapter 476 Hope
"It doesn't look like there is anything delicious here, so you can accompany me to Dingxiang Tower."

The teenager grinned.

"Okay, I'll go with you. But you must promise me to help my father with this matter tomorrow."

Si Jinyan said solemnly.

"Okay, how could I miss such a good show?"

The boy smiled playfully.

Hearing this, Si Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of her worries.

Seeing this incredible scene, Si Qinghou and Si Hongchen immediately looked at each other in amazement.

Could it be that his own daughter and sister were also frightened out of their wits?

It's too unbelievable to be "in the same boat" with that muddy boy and say some unrealistic and childish words.

"Sister, you, are you okay?"

Si Hongchen asked with concern.

"I'm fine, Hong Chen, Dad, you don't have to worry about it now. I assure you, our family will be fine tomorrow!"

Si Jinyan said very seriously.

But upon hearing this, Si Qinghou and Si Hongchen were still bewildered, wondering where Si Jinyan's confidence came from.

"Let's go then, I'm a little hungry."

The young man smiled, then stood up and walked towards the main hall with a satisfied expression.

"Dad, Hong Chen, then I'll take a step ahead."

With that said, Si Jinyan followed the ordinary young man and left the main hall.

And it wasn't until the two of them completely disappeared from sight that Si Qinghou and Si Hongchen came back to their senses, and then both showed astonishment and bewilderment.

And at the next moment, Si Hongchen suddenly thought of something, raised his eyebrows, and exclaimed:
"Could it be, is my sister looking for Mr. Wu?"

As soon as these words came out, Si Qinghou was shocked!
Yes, I heard that the person who rescued Jinyan from Zheng Xiancheng the day before yesterday was that mysterious Mr. Wu.

But at this time, seeing how swearing her eldest daughter was, she might be going to rescue soldiers.

And if she can really invite that Mr. Wu, then her family will be saved!
After all, no matter how powerful the envoy of the Shangzong is, I'm afraid he won't be the opponent of the miraculous Mr. Wu.

And as long as I can escape this catastrophe and take my wife and daughter away and hide my name, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the organization to find me again.

Thinking of this, Si Qinghou, who had fallen into the abyss of despair, suddenly saw a glimmer of hope.

Then he said to Si Hongchen in a deep voice:

"Regardless of whether Jin Yan went to find Mr. Wu, we can't sit still!

Hurry now to inform the martial artist masters we have invited this time that we must make all preparations today to deal with tomorrow's crisis! "

"Yes, Dad."

Si Hongchen agreed solemnly, and then left the main hall suddenly.

Suddenly, Si Qinghou looked outside the gate, at the clear sky, and muttered to himself:

"I hope Mr. Wu will really come..."

Time flies, until it is nightfall.Si Jinyan, who went out at noon, returned to the main altar of Zhenwumen.

And behind him, except for the ordinary boy who was full of food and drink, he never brought anyone...

Seeing this, Si Qinghou and Si Hongchen couldn't help being extremely disappointed.However, when they saw Si Jinyan still full of confidence, they couldn't help being extremely surprised.

No matter how Si Qinghou and Si Hongchen asked, Si Jinyan kept silent and just told them not to worry.

There was no other way, Si Qinghou, who was always puzzled, had no choice but to arrange for Si Jinyan and the ordinary boy to stay.

I hope there will be a miracle tomorrow.

Silent all night.

In the early morning, when Si Qinghou woke up from his breath adjustment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Dad, it's bad!"

Hearing the sound, Si Qinghou was startled suddenly, and immediately stepped forward to open the door.But at this time, Si Hongchen outside the door was already full of anxiety.

Seeing this, Si Qinghou couldn't help frowning, and asked in a deep voice:
"Hongchen, what happened?"

"Father, those martial artists you invited all left overnight!
Some shameless guys even defected to Zheng Xiancheng's side.

Here, what can we do now? "

Si Hongchen said anxiously.

Hearing this, Si Qinghou was shocked for no reason.

Those warrior masters who had always had a good relationship with him suddenly left collectively.There is only one explanation, and it is simply instructed by the envoy of Shangzong!

Si Qinghou really didn't expect that the envoy of Shangzong would be so despicable. In order to ruin his reputation, he actually sent away all the martial artists he had worked so hard to invite to scare him away.

This is simply unreasonable!
In an instant, Si Qinghou, with a heart full of grief and indignation, led Si Hongchen through the corridors and alleys, and arrived at the center of Zhenwumen.

And just stepped into the gate of this huge and magnificent ancient building.

A sound of uproar suddenly rushed towards the face.

At this moment, this arena, which can accommodate thousands of people, is already full of seats.

Countless true martial arts disciples around were looking forward to it, discussing it excitedly.

And the moment Si Qinghou stepped into the arena, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily focused on the middle-aged man in a robe with a majestic face.

And as if they had received some news, facing the former sect master, everyone in the field had different expressions, some laughed, some pitied, some gloated, and some sighed...

"Si Qinghou, I didn't expect you to dare to fight today. The old man thought you would have escaped long ago."

Suddenly, a mocking voice broke the silence of the audience.

Following the prestige, the person who spoke was Zheng Xiancheng who was sitting on the main seat in the stands of the martial arts arena!

And sitting on both sides of it are more than a dozen majestic old men, all of whom seem to be masters of martial arts!
Si Qinghou looked at the group of master fighters beside Zheng Xiancheng, half of them were people he invited to help in the battle.

And who would have thought that now that the trees have fallen and the monkeys are scattered, these guys who used to be called brothers and brothers in front of him would immediately turn to the gate wall to turn against each other as soon as they saw that their power was gone. It was really chilling.

"Zheng Xiancheng, where is the envoy of the last emperor? I have something to find his theory!"

Si Qinghou asked in a deep voice with grief and indignation.

"Bold! Si Qinghou, what are you? What qualifications do you have to gossip with the envoy of the previous sect!"

Zheng Xiancheng scolded sharply, then snorted coldly and disdainfully:

"Hmph, let me tell you the truth, the messenger has already sent a message today, after the final battle with the winner and loser is over.

So I ordered us to take you, the next criminal, and your ignorant daughter together, and take them to confess the crime.

Your Si family is doomed today! "

(End of this chapter)

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