Chapter 495
But at this time, Xu Shengzi and others saw Li Haofan standing still, they couldn't help being extremely surprised, and then hurried forward.

When he got close, he saw that beautiful woman at first sight.Sure enough, it was Si Jinyan who had met once at the Ten Thousand Saints Temple in Xianwuling.

This simple and elegant beauty is the confidante by that adult's side!
If Li Haofan hadn't discovered it in time and prevented the demon spirits from attacking, the consequences would have been unimaginable!
Thinking of this, Shengzi Xu and the others broke out in a cold sweat and felt palpitations.

Immediately, they saw Li Haofan, whose eyes were staring straight at not far away, the young man pretending to be him was full of shock.

"Haofan, you, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Shengzi suddenly wondered.

"Master, look at the ring on his hand!"

Li Haofan said in shock without looking back.

Hearing the sound, Xu Shengzi and others also looked at the white jade ring on the young man's finger in amazement.

Then they looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding why an ordinary ring could make Li Haofan so emotional.

"What happened to the ring?"

Xu Shengzi frowned and asked.

The other four Taoist priests of Wansheng Temple also looked at Li Haofan in bewilderment.

"That ring is exactly the same as the one worn by Your Honorable Master!"

Li Haofan exclaimed inexplicably in shock.

Hearing this, Xu Shengzi and others also showed incomparable astonishment.

How could the Lord's ring appear on that kid's hand?
But at this moment, Li Haofan suddenly thought of something again, and muttered to himself as if falling into memory:

"People who can't be provoked, people who can't be provoked..."

After a while, he suddenly raised his head, looked at the boy who was exactly like himself in disbelief, and said dumbfounded:

"The one who can't be provoked, you, are you just..."

"Hehe, I didn't expect my seat to be betrayed by a ring in the end. It's really boring."

The boy looked at the white jade ring on his finger, smiled and shook his head.

After hearing the conversation between Li Haofan and the young man, the mature Xu Shengzi and others immediately reacted.

Immediately, an unprecedented look of shock appeared.

Who would have thought that the person they had been waiting for for a long time was actually in front of them at this moment!

This, this is simply unbelievable!

And just when Li Haofan and Xu Shengzi fell into a deep shock and couldn't extricate themselves.

Zheng Xiancheng and the others, who didn't know what happened in the distance, couldn't help but looked at each other in blank amazement.

Originally, that nasty kid was about to die, but now the Halloween audience started chatting?

"Master Xu Shengzi, hurry up and let those monsters do it. As long as you can get rid of that self-righteous guy this time, I promise to give up half of the territory of Zhenwumen. Please don't hesitate any longer!"

Zheng Xiancheng shouted anxiously.

The Shangzong envoy at the side saw that things might have changed, so he hurriedly made a promise:

"Friends of Wanshengguan, as long as you can capture that villain today. I guarantee with the reputation of ancient warriors that the entire Zhenwumen will belong to Wanshengguan from now on!
And whatever resources you need, my last organization will supply them to the maximum! "

After hearing the words of Zheng Xiancheng and the envoy of Shangzong, all the disciples of Zhenwumen couldn't help but be extremely surprised.

Unexpectedly, these two people lost the entire Zhenwu Sect in order to win against that mediocre young man.

The price is too high!

And all the Gang Jin masters in the field couldn't help being a little surprised when they heard this.I'm afraid no one would refuse such a generous offer.

However, at the next moment, an extremely angry shout resounded through the audience!
"Shut up, you bloody bastards!"

Hearing this, Zheng Xiancheng, the envoy of Shangzong and others, as well as the audience around the audience couldn't help but startled, and then followed the prestige to look.

But it turns out that the person shouting is none other than Holy Son Xu!
At this moment, the master of the Ten Thousand Saints Temple stared at Zheng Xiancheng and the others with a distorted face, as if they were sworn enemies.

"Xu, Xu Shengzi Guanzhu, you, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing this, Zheng Xiancheng, who didn't know why, asked in fear.

The envoys of Shangzong and more than a dozen Gangjin masters around him were also dumbfounded at this moment.

However, Xu Shengzi glared at Zheng Xiancheng angrily, but suddenly turned around.

Immediately afterwards, under the disbelieving eyes of everyone in the audience.

In an instant, Shengzi Xu, Li Haofan and the four priests in black robes suddenly knelt down in front of that ugly young man!

"Slave pays homage to His Excellency!"

Seeing this, the disciples of the Halloween audience in the stands couldn't help but look at each other, and then they all reacted.

Competing to be the first to jump into the arena, they knelt down to the young man, prostrating with great excitement:
"Disciple pays homage to Lord Master!"

And at the next moment, the clothes of these Wansheng Temple disciples suddenly burst!

Huge figures appeared one after another!

It's another demon spirit with different shapes!

In an instant, under the leadership of the scarlet flood dragon, the huge group of demon spirits that occupied almost half of the arena all bowed respectfully to the young man in the arena, and chanted loudly:
"Slave pays homage to His Excellency"

In an instant, the sound of prostration resounded throughout the world, and the entire contest hall trembled!
Seeing this unbelievable scene, everyone in the audience showed unprecedented shock.

No one expected that all the people in the Wansheng Temple and the terrifying beasts would kneel down and bow down to that ugly young man.

This, this is simply too unbelievable, too unbelievable!

"Respect, Lord Master?"

Si Qinghou and Si Hongchen stared blankly at the scene in front of them, they were already dumbstruck, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Then Li Goudan, no, who is that ancient warrior?
How come everyone in the dignified Wansheng Temple would treat them like slaves and servants in front of him, so respectful?

This is unbelievable!
At this time, Zheng Xiancheng, the envoy of the Shangzong, and a group of powerful masters, seeing this, were immediately horrified beyond measure!

This, what's going on?

Why all of a sudden, all the allies on my side turned their backs and bowed their heads to the hostile boy? !

Who is that seemingly ordinary boy?
For a moment, the entire competition hall was filled with an unprecedented shocking atmosphere, and everyone was extremely surprised.

But at this moment, the unattractive young man in the arena, looking at the respectful and worshiping people of the Wansheng Temple and the group of huge demon spirits, shook his head helplessly and said with a smile:
"No way, since you have recognized me, it won't be interesting for me to continue playing."

Hearing the sound, everyone's eyes involuntarily focused on the past.

At the next moment, a golden light burst out suddenly from the ordinary young man in the field!
And after the dazzling light dissipated.

Wearing an ice-blue flowing robe inlaid with gold, a handsome young man with a detached demeanor stands proudly with a faint smile.

But it was Wu You!
(End of this chapter)

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