I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 524 A High Price

Chapter 524 A High Price

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but startled.

He, he is the god of medicine?

What a joke!
Where did this brat come from, to speak so brazenly, is there something wrong with his brain?

At this time, Qian Jiaxin, who was lying on the ground, was terrified when he saw that the person who came was this ugly boy.

This kid is a martial artist, even Hans, the Skeleton King, is no match for him.If he starts a surge here, then he will definitely suffer!

Thinking of this, Qian Jiaxin broke into a cold sweat and shivered.

"I don't care who you are, please leave me now and don't get in the way here, or I'll be called a guard!"

Betty still said indifferently.

Hearing the sound, Hans on the side trembled in his heart, and hurriedly said in a low voice:
"Miss Betty, please don't get angry. This young man is a Huaxia Huajin warrior, and even I am not his opponent..."

Hearing this, the glamorous blond beauty on the stage was startled, and the tip of her fair brow furrowed slightly.

She never thought that this arrogant and arrogant boy was actually a master fighter, no wonder he was so confident.

But so what, would he be afraid of him?How childish!

Immediately, Betty looked at the ordinary Chinese boy expressionlessly, and said coldly:

"I'm warning you, it's best not to make trouble here, otherwise there will be absolutely no good end!"

"Troubleshooting? No, I'm just here to sell medicine."

The boy smiled meaningfully.

Betty couldn't help being stunned when she heard the sound, her brows furrowed even tighter, and she blurted out:
"Sell medicine? What kind of medicine do you sell?"

Seeing this, everyone including Hans and Qian Jiaxin suddenly showed expressions of surprise.

I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in this young man's gourd.

At the next moment, I saw the young man with a half-smile and said:
"This seat sells medicine that can cure all diseases in the world."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience showed disdain.

"I thought that kid had something to do with it. He turned out to be a charlatan."

"Yeah, if you don't learn how to deceive people at such a young age, how can you do it when you grow up?"

"There is no medicine in this world that can cure all diseases. It is an elixir in mythology. I really don't know what it means..."

For a moment, everyone at the scene scoffed at the boy's words.

At this moment, Betty was amused when she heard the young man's brazen words, and then sneered:
"What a medicine that can cure all diseases, do you really think you are the god of medicine?!
Even Norrin, the world's largest biopharmaceutical company with a history of nearly 200 years, dare not say such brazen words.

How can you, a little-known brat, have the courage to speak wildly here? It's ridiculous! "

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but secretly nod their heads in agreement.

This idiot who doesn't know where he came from, his behavior is really naive.

"Really, but the medicine of this seat is indeed real, and it is much cheaper than the medicine sold by your company. At least some people can afford it, and don't have to wait to die."

The young man smiled pointedly.

Hearing this, many patients and family members in the audience couldn't help but startled, and then showed helpless and complicated expressions.

This Nori's Gliva is indeed a magic drug, which can be said to greatly prolong the life of patients with chronic leukemia.But its high price is prohibitive.

The patient who was already in despair because of terminal illness had to experience the despair of having no money to treat the disease again.Dragging down my family for the rest of my life, until the family was destroyed...

That's why some people say that this magical medicine is not benefiting the society at all, but benefiting the real rich. Those who have no money can only die.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the arena suddenly felt a little depressed.

At this time, Betty seemed to have expected that the young man would talk about the price of the medicine, and then said righteously:

"Hmph, childish brat. Do you know how much money and time we pharmaceutical companies have to invest behind the advent of a new drug?

The cost of tens of billions, the painstaking efforts of countless scientific researchers, and more than ten years, or even decades of clinical research, are beyond what you, a vexatious brat, can imagine!

And even with these huge costs, these new drugs will have a high chance of stillborn.

Therefore, except for a few giant pharmaceutical companies with a long history in the world, almost no company has the ability to independently develop a new drug.

Therefore, our Nuori company has spent countless manpower and material resources to develop this targeted drug, even if the price is a bit more expensive, it is understandable, right?

After all, we need enough profit to develop the next generation of new drugs!
I believe that the majority of patients are unwilling to see our company go bankrupt, and no more powerful new drugs will come out, isn't it? "

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but nodded secretly. Although they were still a little uncomfortable psychologically, what they said was not unreasonable.

After all, no one is engaged in charity. Without sufficient benefits, no one will waste time doing white jobs.

And since the Nori company developed this anti-cancer drug, chronic leukemia patients who would soon enter the blast phase can finally prolong their lives greatly, although the price paid is extremely high.

Sigh, just consider yourself to be contributing to human medicine...

Everyone in the audience comforted themselves helplessly.

But at this moment, I saw the unattractive young man on the stage with a faint smile on his lips and said:
"It turns out that your company is so great, so why did I hear that the expensive medicines you sell in China are much more expensive than other countries?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked.

Yes, I heard that the price of Gulliver in Citigroup, Dongyang Country and other countries is more than half cheaper than that in Huaxia!
Why?It is also spending money to buy medicine, so is it that the wind blows your own money?Need to spend more?
In an instant, all the patients and family members in the audience showed anger.

At this time, Betty didn't expect the kid in front of her to mention this, and she was a little surprised.

Although she also knows that her company sells medicines in other countries, it is indeed cheaper than Huaxia.But this is also due to many complicated reasons, and it is impossible to tell for a while.

And seeing that nasty Huaxia kid, he still looked at him with a smile, as if he was waiting for himself to make a fool of himself.

Betty suddenly became angry, and then snorted coldly:

"Aren't you a drug seller? Then I'll tell you today. The pharmaceutical market in Huaxia is so chaotic because you drug dealers who fish in troubled waters are too rampant.

As a result, our Nori company has to pay high public relations and operating costs in order to guarantee its development in China.

Of course, we, Nori, will not pay for this part of the cost! "

(End of this chapter)

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