I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 53 Combining work and rest

Chapter 53 Combining work and rest

Hao Changfeng couldn't stop begging for mercy, but when he peeped at Wu You and saw that he was unmoved at all, his heart was shattered.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said:

"Yes, yes, Master Xian, listen to me. When I was alive, I left many treasures on earth. If you let me go, I would like to enshrine all of them to you. Immortal Venerable will get twice the result with half the effort, and return to the peak as soon as possible."

"Are you threatening me?"

Wu You snorted softly, and said with a sneer, "You can see that my current cultivation level is not high, but do you think I have no ability to annihilate your remnant soul?"

"Don't dare, how dare the little old man speculate about the immortal, just want to honor you."

Hao Changfeng was shocked instantly, and said tremblingly.This is an old monster who doesn't know how long he has lived. If he wants to deal with him, there are probably countless ways.

"Well, since you are so sincere, I will spare your life for the time being."

Wu You shrugged indifferently, and then worried: "But where are the treasures you mentioned? It's been 200 years now, so they won't be found by then?"

Looking at Wu You's weird eyes, Hao Changfeng couldn't help but tremble with fear, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the immortal, those things will definitely not be lost.

Back then, I founded a sect in the secular world, just to protect those treasures of heaven and earth, so that I could go and retrieve them conveniently if I regained my vitality one day. "

"Oh, you're pretty smart. But it's been 200 years. Has the sect you founded disappeared?"

Wu You asked with narrowed eyes.

Hao Changfeng couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Don't worry, Immortal Venerable, it won't happen. Back then, I accepted a total of five families as successors. Each of them is a big family that has existed for hundreds of years, and they won't perish so easily."

Hearing this, Wu You suddenly thought of something, and asked coldly: "What is the name of the sect you founded back then? Tell me!"

Hao Changfeng was taken aback when he heard the words, and replied tremblingly:

"Ancient, ancient Martial Daozong."

Hearing this name, Wu You's eyes were about to burst, and he asked sharply: "Among the five families you took in back then, is there a Chen family?"

Seeing that Wu You was so angry, Hao Changfeng was terrified immediately, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes."

Hearing this, Wu You raised his head and took a deep breath, then let it out long, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Holding the water drop pendant in his hand, he said coldly, "Go in!"

"Yes, yes, I would like to obey the decree of the immortal."

Although Hao Changfeng didn't know what happened, but seeing that his life was saved for the time being, he quickly turned into a cloud of black air and got into the pendant quickly.

Wu You casually threw the water drop pendant made of pregnant spirit stone into the chaotic spirit ring.

Then it took a while before I adjusted my mood.

He closed his eyes resolutely and began to look inside.

I saw that in the dantian, there were four cyan origin points surrounding the Qi of Absolute Beginning, continuously producing streaks of green spiritual energy for it to devour and absorb.

But now in the center of the dantian, the third trace of primordial qi has faintly formed, and Wu You also feels that his strength has improved again.

Observed the four cyan origin points again, the one belonging to Tao Xiaomeng was obviously bigger than the other three.

"It seems that Xiaomeng's source point can be adjusted from half to [-]% in a short time, so that she can acquire more aura.

At that time, although the aura I get will change from [-]% to [-]%, it seems that half of the aura has been reduced.

But with the improvement of Xiaomeng's cultivation level, the source point will generate aura faster and with better quality.This will of course be more beneficial to the Qi of Primordial Beginning.

But everything has to be combined with work and rest. If you just concentrate on practicing, you may be taken advantage of by your inner demons. "

Thinking of this, Wu You suddenly chuckled.

With a thought, I adjusted the source points belonging to Tao Xiaomeng, Han Shuangyue, and Duan Jiaqi so that 100% of the aura belongs to me.

Then, Wu You finished looking inside and opened his eyes.He got off the bed and opened the door in his slippers.

In the living room, the three girls also opened their eyes at the same time.

"What's going on here? The exercises I practiced seem to be useless."

Duan Jiaqi frowned.

Han Shuangyue also nodded in doubt and said, "Yes, I can't absorb any spiritual energy, Xiaomeng, do you know what's going on?"

Tao Xiaomeng, who heard the question, also looked puzzled, shaking her head and said: "Are the two sisters like this, and I am too. I used to practice hard to absorb spiritual energy, but suddenly it has no effect, so strange .”

Seeing the three people at a loss, the corners of Wu You's mouth curled up silently, and he coughed lightly and said:

"You guys are so tired, you need to take a shower and relax, then everything will be normal."

Hearing this, the three girls looked up at Wu You.

"Brother, really? Then I'm going to take a shower first."

Tao Xiaomeng said, and ran to the bathroom with bare feet.

"I'll go as well."

Duan Jiaqi tossed her blonde hair and followed.

Only Han Shuangyue looked at Wu You vigilantly, and said coldly, "It's not your fault, is it?"

Hearing this, Wu You coughed twice, and then said righteously:

"If you don't believe me, how could I, Immortal Emperor Wuyou, lie to you little girls? It's really ridiculous."

"You really didn't lie?"

Seeing this, Han Shuangyue hesitated.

"Of course, if I lie to you, there will be a thunderbolt!"

Wu You said casually, but secretly complacent in his heart: "This seat is a man who has experienced the catastrophe of ascending to immortality, so why would he be afraid of the five thunders?" '

Seeing Wu You being so "sincere", Han Shuangyue couldn't say anything more, so she also got up and walked to the bathroom.

After an unknown amount of time, three girls came out of the bathroom wearing large bathrobes.

Wu You looked at the three girls with different styles in front of him, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I feel a lot more relaxed. Now that you go to practice again, you will definitely gain something."

As he spoke, Wu You walked back into his bedroom and closed the door.

Seeing this, it is not convenient for the three girls in bathrobes to practice exercises in the living room anymore.

They had no choice but to walk into Han Shuangyue's bedroom. After locking the door, the three girls sat cross-legged on the big bed with bare legs.

Tao Xiaomeng closed her eyes first, tried the exercises, then opened her eyes, and said pleasantly: "Brother is right, it's really good, I feel like I can absorb spiritual energy again."

"Yes, I will try too."

Duan Jiaqi also closed her eyes, and after a long time opened her light blue eyes and said, "Well, it's true."

"It seems that I really misunderstood him."

Han Shuangyue also tried the exercises, and sure enough, the aura reappeared.

Then the three girls closed their eyes excitedly, and began to continue their practice.

After a long time, all three of them were in meditation.

And at this moment, a wall in the bedroom suddenly disappeared without a trace!
On the other side of the wall, a pair of strict teacher-like "supervising" eyes shine brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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