I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 533 Billionaires

Chapter 533 Ten Billionaires
After finishing speaking, Wu You threw the silver suitcase aside casually.

And seeing him stuff the Citi Supreme Card into his pocket so impertinently.Betty was dumbfounded and shocked.

That card is not 100 million, not 1000 million, or even [-] million.

But tens of billions of money!

You must know that even the total market value of the entire Pfizer Liuzhou branch is less than [-] billion.

This money is enough to buy everything anyone wants in this world!
However, that young man from Huaxia was so dismissive of such an astonishingly huge sum of money, it's really unbelievable!

He, who is he?How can you be so contemptuous of everything?
It was as if anyone and anything were not in his eyes at all.

Thinking of this, Betty's pretty face suddenly revealed an incomparably dignified expression.

This seemingly ordinary Chinese youth must have a special background, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a terrifying courage!

For a moment, Betty looked at the young man who claimed to be the God of Medicine, and felt unprecedented awe in his heart.

At this time, not only the blonde beauty was shocked, but Hans, Jia Huaqiang and others on the stage were even more shocked.

They never expected that the Huaxia boy who was reduced to black boxing.At this moment, he changed suddenly and became a billionaire.

This, this is really incredible!
And at this time, Qian Jiaxin, who had been paralyzed on the stage and never cared about, stared dumbfounded at the unimaginable scene, his heart was already shocked inside and out...

Who would have thought that it would take less than a while.That young man whom he has always been hostile to is already worth tens of billions!

I'm afraid that the entire Qian's group is not worth half of his wealth now...

My God, this is countless times more bizarre than dreaming!

At this time, the brothers and sisters Meng Qingru and Meng Qingnan on the stage also showed expressions of disbelief.

They thought that their master said he was here to sell medicine, but in fact he was here to do charity and treat the public.

But I didn't expect that he really came to sell medicine...

And this sale, sold tens of billions!
God, that must be a lot of money.

Immediately, the brother and sister couldn't help but look at each other, their eyes filled with shock.

For a moment, everyone in the audience looked at the young man on stage in shock, feeling that this Wu Yaoshen was even more unfathomable...

"What is Bald Qiang doing in a daze, why don't you rush to deliver the goods?"

Hearing the sound, Jia Huaqiang, who was squatting next to the bucket, recovered from the shock.

"Okay, okay, Master Wu, I'll do it now, I'll do it now."

As he spoke, Jia Huaqiang carefully and slowly poured half a bucket of the light red liquid medicine into another bucket.

I was overjoyed in my heart, it seemed that my choice was really wise, this Master Wu, Wu Yaoshen is really too powerful.

If I can be lucky enough to follow this divine man, I will definitely be able to make a fortune!
Thinking of this, Jia Huaqiang worked harder.

After a while, a bucket full of light red liquid medicine was ready, and Jia Huaqiang excitedly carried it to the blonde beauty.

"Goods for you."

After all, the bald man came to Wu You with a playful smile, and asked respectfully:
"Master Wu, besides the one we sold to them, we still have more than three barrels of magic medicine left.

How do you think about it? Do you still want to find another seller? "

Hearing this, Wu You shook his head, and ordered calmly:
"Now you take all the remaining liquid medicine to the Wang family in the provincial capital.

Let them sell it to terminally ill Huaxia patients at a price of one yuan each, remembering that no one else is allowed to buy it. "

Hearing the sound, Jia Huaqiang was taken aback for a moment, and then blurted out in surprise:
"The Wang family of the provincial capital? Is it the Wang family of the richest man in Liuzhou?

That is the top famous family in Liuzhou Province, a real rich and noble family!

People, can people really listen to what people like us say? "

"Of course I will listen, you just need to tell them my name.

Well, now you can go. "

Wu You said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, although Jia Huaqiang was still astonished, he did not dare to disobey the order of his nobleman.

Then he and his subordinates carried four buckets containing the liquid medicine, said goodbye to Wu You respectfully, and walked off the rostrum to the outside.

Seeing this scene, many patients and family members in the audience showed reverence.

These medicinal liquids will definitely bring back new life to those patients who suffer from plight and despair just like myself!

At this moment, Betty felt relieved when she saw that Wu Yaoshen wanted to share all the remaining liquid medicine with other patients.

As long as these miraculous medicines disappear completely, Nori, which has the only barrel of medicinal liquid, will have enough time to extract and develop this miraculous medicine.

And as long as the research and development is successful and an international patent is applied for, it can quickly monopolize the entire global pharmaceutical market!
And then...

Just when Betty was dreaming, her mood was extremely agitated.

But on the side, the ordinary young man suddenly called to Jia Huaqiang and others who were about to leave, and then smiled playfully:
"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to say. Because this body purification pill has been diluted, it will completely lose its effect after five days.

So let the Wang family sell all of them quickly, and don't smash them. "

As soon as the words fell, Betty, who was full of joy, suddenly seemed to be petrified, and she stood there motionless...

She never thought that this precious liquid medicine only has a "shelf life" of five days!
Five days later, it was a bucket of waste water!
And in such a short period of time, it would be a problem to transport the liquid medicine back to the headquarters of Citigroup. Where would there be time to extract and develop it?
This, this is simply a scam!
When she thought that her company had spent tens of billions of money to buy a bucket of waste water, Betty felt her head throbbing and almost fainted...

At this time, many family members of the patients in the audience couldn't help being surprised after hearing what Wu Yaoshen said.

Immediately, many people bowed and thanked the young man on the stage again, and then rushed to the outside of the arena with the vessel containing the light red liquid medicine in their arms.

I am afraid that I will delay the effect of taking this magic medicine for my loved ones.

As for Jia Huaqiang and others who were carrying the liquid medicine, they also quickened their pace upon hearing the words.Not daring to neglect the order of Wu Yaoshen, he hurriedly left the event site.

Immediately got into the car and went straight to Wang's house, the provincial capital.

In an instant, the originally crowded event site suddenly became much more relaxed.

"Okay, since everything here has been dealt with, and the medicine for this seat has been sold, then we can leave now."

Wu You chuckled to Meng Qingru and Meng Qingnan, and then stepped forward to leave this place.

And at this moment, an angry cold shout resounded through the audience.

"You big liar, stop for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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