I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 539 Luxurious and Elegant

Chapter 539 Luxurious and Elegant
"Oh, so that's what it is."

Hearing this, the taxi driver immediately reacted and automatically filtered out the second half of the middle-aged woman's words...

It seems that Wu Yaoshen is really powerful, otherwise so many people would not have come here spontaneously, just to witness his heroic appearance with their own eyes.

This is simply more popular than those so-called internet celebrities.

And just when the taxi driver was also aroused and wanted to see what that Wu Yaoshen looked like.

In the huge central square, the loud broadcast immediately resounded throughout the audience.

"Wu Yaoshen has already left, so please go back."

Hearing this, there was a helpless sigh in the crowd.

Seeing this, the taxi driver couldn't help being slightly disappointed.

"Hey, master, why are you here?"

Saying that, the masked youth from before walked to his side with a somewhat disappointed expression.

"I'm here to see the excitement, but that God of Medicine Wu seems to be gone, and I want to see what this God-man looks like."

"Yeah, I'm so unlucky. If I could come earlier, I might be able to buy medicine from Wu Yaoshen, alas..."

The young man in the mask said, with a deep look of disappointment in his eyes.

Some patients and family members around also looked helpless.

"Master, don't you want to see Wu Yaoshen's appearance? I just intercepted a live video here, you can watch it first."

After all, the masked youth took out his mobile phone, clicked on the video, and showed it to the taxi driver with great interest.

Seeing this, the taxi driver suddenly regained his energy, and hurriedly stared at the phone screen with bated breath.

And at the next moment, he couldn't help opening his eyes wide, showing a look of astonishment.

In the video, the boy who was receiving the silver suitcase turned out to be the kid in his own car this afternoon!

"Hey, why is this kid in the video? Where's Wu Yaoshen?"

asked the taxi driver in surprise.

Hearing this, the young man in the mask couldn't help being taken aback, then pointed to the ordinary boy in the video, and said seriously:
"This boy is Wu Yaoshen."

Hearing the sound, the taxi driver was dumbfounded, his face covered with unprecedented shock.

This, how is this possible?

Then, that kid who couldn't pay his own fare was actually Wu Yaoshen!

My God, what are you kidding me about!

Thinking back to the time before, I had such a disrespectful and contemptuous attitude towards such a god-like expert.The taxi driver broke out in a cold sweat and trembled slightly.

He would never have thought that Wu Yaoshen, who has great powers, would actually take his own taxi, which is too unbelievable.

And in the intercepted video, the young medicine god casually took out a black card from the silver suitcase.

The taxi driver felt as if he had been petrified, and was completely stunned in place, dumbfounded...

It turned out that the piece of broken iron was actually a bank card!

And it is still a bank card with tens of billions of huge sums of money!
When he thought that he was holding a huge sum of tens of billions in his hands before, the taxi driver was suddenly horrified, and his heart was beyond shocked.

Thanks to the fact that I had slandered others earlier, I didn't have the money to eat at that high-end restaurant.

And he didn't know until now that the family's money was enough to buy the entire building!

In an instant, the taxi driver blushed with shame, and wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, the masked youth couldn't help but startled.Immediately, he suddenly thought of something, and asked in shock:
"Master, from what you said just now, it seems that you know this Wu Yaoshen.

Well, do you know where he is now? "

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings instantly became quiet.Everyone's ears were involuntarily pricked up, and everyone showed great anticipation.

Seeing this, the taxi driver, who was stared at by so many eyes for the first time, suddenly trembled.Immediately nodded, blurted out:
"I, I know..."


At the same time, after getting off the taxi, Wu You led Meng Qingnan and Meng Qingru into the [-]-meter skyscraper.

And when the three of them took the elevator and came directly to the top floor.

A high-end western restaurant with extremely luxurious and elegant decoration, full of aristocratic atmosphere, was displayed in front of the group.

Seeing this expensive foreign restaurant, Meng Qingnan and Meng Qingru couldn't help but tremble with fear and hesitated.

The style of this kind of place is really too high, so that people like them who are used to hard life dare not approach at all...

"What are you still doing in a daze, let's go, I'm starving."

Wu You chuckled, and walked straight to the western restaurant with his hands behind his back.

Seeing this, Meng Qingnan and Meng Qingru couldn't help but look at each other, and then followed up bravely.

And when the three of them came to the door of the restaurant and were about to go in.

I saw a middle-aged Caucasian man wearing a well-crafted suit suddenly walk out, stopped the three of them from the door, and asked expressionlessly:
"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

"Have a meal."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged white man couldn't help but frown, and then looked at the three people in front of him again.

I saw that the clothes of these people were obviously cheap street stalls, and they could not exceed 500 yuan together...

Besides the young man who was talking to him, the two Chinese brats behind him could tell that they were nervous at a glance.Obviously, he has never been in or out of a high-end place like his own restaurant.

Where did this little beggar come from, and he didn't even look at his status, but he still wanted to come to their restaurant to eat, it's outrageous!
Thinking of this, the middle-aged white man's face became even colder, and then he said coldly:
"Sorry, our restaurant only accepts guests with reservations, so please come back."

"That seat is now reserved."

Wu You said indifferently.

Seeing that he is still messing around here, the middle-aged white man suddenly felt disgusted, and then said coldly:
"The reservations for this restaurant are already three months away. If you can't wait, you can go to the first floor of the building, where there are KFC and McDonald's."

"Three months? That's not okay, I've been hungry for a day now."

Wu You shook his head, then smiled slightly at the middle-aged white man, and said playfully:
"In that case, I will buy the entire restaurant of yours.

how much is it?Make an offer. "

And hearing this, the middle-aged white man couldn't believe his ears.

Is this Chinese brat really crazy?It's really unreasonable to dare to speak wild words here!
"Please leave immediately, or you will bear the consequences!"

(End of this chapter)

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