I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 56 The Golden Invitation

Chapter 56 The Golden Invitation
"Let's go"

Lin Yicong smiled slightly, took out a golden invitation card smartly, and led the proud Gao Lili forward.

After everyone came to the reception area, they realized that the invitation cards in the hands of the guests who attended the banquet were all different.Most people have red and silver invitations.

As if he had anticipated everyone's doubts, Lin Yicong introduced proudly: "Today, the Wang family almost invited Jing Xian, all the wealthy families and celebrities, so the banquet was held on the second and third floors.

Those holding red and silver invitation cards can only participate in the ordinary banquet on the second floor.Only a few invitations above gold can participate in the top feast on the third floor. "

When the boys and girls heard the words, they couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and looked at Lin Yicong with even more admiration.

"Thanks to Young Master Lin, we were able to meet those real big shots today. We are so lucky."

"That's right, the Lin family is indeed one of the best big companies in our Jingxian, and I heard that Young Master Lin's uncle is in charge of the Liu family. He is a big man with great hands and eyes. Naturally, the Wang family in the provincial capital has to give the Lin family some face."

"Of course, and Young Master Lin is a rare elite talent in our entire Jingxian, the younger generation. It's not like some people who were kicked out of the house and came here to eat and drink with the cheek..."

Under the flattery and flattery of the crowd, some guests who were waiting to enter the venue showed envy and respect when they saw the golden invitation card in Lin Yicong's hand, and nodded their heads in salute.

Seeing this scene, Gao Lili's vanity was greatly satisfied, and she held Lin Yicong's arm even tighter.At the same time, he also looks down on that down-and-out young master who followed with a sneer.

Complacent Lin Yicong, under the enthusiastic guidance of the reception lady, led the crowd to the VIP banquet hall on the third floor.

When everyone entered the arena, they couldn't help being shocked by the magnificent, spacious and bright golden hall in front of them.

Looking around in a blink of an eye, I saw a lot of high-class people wearing high-end dresses and luxurious dresses, holding crystal clear goblets, laughing and chatting in groups in the crystal palace-like hall.

Between the feasts, major plans for the future development of various fields in the city were decided.

All the boys and girls followed Lin Yicong into the venue with excitement.This group of well-dressed and wealthy young people naturally attracted the attention of many peers at the scene.

After seeing the person who came, a fat young man in a slim suit was holding a beautiful woman on his arm.Leading many young people behind him, they greeted Lin Yicong and others who had just entered the arena.

"Young Master Lin, why did you arrive so late? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The chubby young man came to Lin Yicong and smiled very familiarly.

"Young Master Zhu, I'm sorry, I went to buy some jewelry for my girlfriend when I first came, so I came late."

Lin Yicong smiled modestly, the fat boy in front of him was named Zhu Zizhou, he was the son of Jingxian's prestigious family, the young master of the Zhu family.In terms of status alone, he was on par with himself.

"Oh? This is Young Master Lin's female companion tonight?"

Zhu Zizhou looked at Gao Lili who was holding Lin Yicong's arm, he couldn't help his eyes light up, and praised: "Young Master Lin's vision is really extraordinary, he can let you find such a beautiful young lady, I'm really envious of others."

"Zhu Shaoyan is serious. The lady next to you, if I remember correctly, should be our Jingxian's popular anchor, the big beauty Su Feifei."

Lin Yicong looked at the sharp-faced beauty who was holding Zhu Zizhou's arm, who was as good as Gao Lili in terms of appearance, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he nodded politely and said.

After that, the two greeted and complimented each other for a while, and then began to introduce the people behind them to each other.

Since the young people on both sides had similar identities and statuses, they quickly became acquainted with each other under the introduction of Lin Zhu.

And just after this group of boys and girls in brocade clothes got acquainted with each other.

A teenager in ordinary casual clothes, ignoring others, walked to the exquisite and rich buffet alone, and began to savor it.

"Who is this? It seems familiar."

Zhu Zizhou looked at the young man and asked with a frown.

The people behind him also looked over, seeing the clothes and behavior of this son, they couldn't help showing contemptuous expressions.I thought to myself how could the dignified young master of the Lin family have such a miserable friend.

Seeing this, Lin Yicong felt a little embarrassed.

"Don't get me wrong, this person is Wu You. He used to be the young master of the Wu family, but now he has been kicked out of the house. He happened to meet our young master Lin on the road and insisted on pestering him. Our young master Lin saw him pitifully, so this Just brought him in."

The people behind Lin Yicong hurriedly explained.Then he gave Wu You a hard look in the distance, if it wasn't for this shameless guy, Lin Shao would not lose face in front of everyone.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized, and looked at Wu You with even more disdain.At the same time, he also had a good impression of Lin Yicong, who was very gentlemanly in front of him.

"Young Master Lin, I know you have a good temper, but that kid surnamed Wu really doesn't deserve your sympathy. Fortunately, the Liu family didn't send anyone here today, otherwise if something happens, it will be a big deal."

Zhu Zi Zhou said to Lin Yicong with a serious face, obviously he also knew why Wu You was expelled from the Wu family.

"Thank you, Young Master Zhu, for reminding me."

Lin Yicong was afraid for a while when he heard the words, anyway, he was the one who brought the person in.If the Liu family was really there today and had a conflict with Wu You, of course I couldn't get rid of it.

And in case the elder Bo Lin Shihong was implicated because of this matter, then the entire Lin family would not be able to think about it in Jingxian.

Thinking of this, Lin Yicong couldn't help feeling extremely regretful.Immediately, he wanted to kick Wu You out of the banquet, but it was hard to speak in front of so many people, it was a dilemma.

Seeming to see Lin Yicong's difficulty, Zhu Zizhou patted him on the shoulder and said with a sly smile, "Young Master Lin, don't worry, I'll help you with this matter, just watch."

Saying that, Zhu Zizhou sneered at Wu You who was eating and drinking alone in the distance.Then he turned around and walked towards the hall, where a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked.

When Zhu Zizhou came to the middle-aged man, he greeted him with a smile.Then he pointed to Wu You in the field and said something in the ear of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded immediately, and walked towards the rude young man in ordinary casual clothes in the distance with an angry expression on his face.

At this time, Wu You was tasting his favorite crystal glutinous rice cake.

But at this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly came from behind.

"Sir, please wait a moment."

Wu You turned around upon hearing the sound, but was still chewing, faltering and saying, "What's the matter?"

"I am the supervisor of this banquet. Now I suspect that you broke in without permission. Please show your invitation card."

The middle-aged man said coldly with a blank face.

(End of this chapter)

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