I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 610 Miracle

Chapter 610 Miracle
For a moment, nearly 3 people in the entire venue were all shocked by the unimaginable scene in front of them.

The whole place was silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

At this moment, Wu You on the judging panel smiled lightly and said:

"Old Chu, get up."

Hearing this, Chu Yuntian straightened up respectfully.

But at the next moment, when he saw bursts of golden light emitting from Mr. Wu's raised palm, he couldn't help being startled, and then blurted out in surprise:
"Mr. Wu, what is this?"

"It's nothing, I just want to accept a few spirit slaves."

Wu You said with a faint smile.

"Spirit slave?"

When Chu Yuntian heard this, he was even more puzzled, but there was a faint feeling in his heart.

Immediately looked around.

Only then did he finally discover Xing Weiyang who was paralyzed on the ground.

And seeing this adviser who is known as the sage master of all martial arts, his clothes are torn and his mouth is spitting out a miserable appearance.Chu Yuntian couldn't help frowning slightly, and asked in a deep voice:
"Xing Weiyang, what's going on? Who hurt you?"

Hearing the sound, Xing Weiyang suddenly recovered from the shock, and originally wanted to sue Mr. Wu for his evil deeds.But when he thought of Chu Yuntian's attitude towards him, he didn't know how to speak...

And at the next moment, a voice like the sounds of nature suddenly sounded in the field.

"Grandpa Chu, that bad guy was injured by me."

While speaking, a girl who was as beautiful as a fairy came to Chu Yuntian with some embarrassment.

Seeing this stunningly beautiful girl in an ice blue dress, Chu Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then asked in disbelief:

"Xiaomeng, this Xing Weiyang is an ancient warrior, how could you defeat him?!"

"Well, Grandpa Chu, I'm actually an ancient warrior now."

Tao Xiaomeng said with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, Chu Yuntian immediately opened his eyes wide, showing unprecedented shock.

The young girl in front of him is not only the widow of his late subordinate, but also the key person for him to get acquainted with Mr. Wu.

Therefore, Chu Yuntian cared and understood Tao Xiaomeng very much.

It was also because of this that when he heard that Mr. Wu's senior disciple had actually stepped into the ancient martial arts avenue, he was shocked beyond measure.

Immediately, he could no longer restrain the shock in his heart, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"Oh my god, Xiaomeng, you turned from an ordinary person to an ancient warrior within a month.

This, this is simply a miracle! "

As soon as these words came out, the entire venue was silent at first, and then an unprecedented uproar erupted!

"In one month, from an ordinary person to step into the ancient Wu Avenue, this, how is this possible?!"

"Yeah, ordinary people practice martial arts for a month, I'm afraid they can't even learn the surface?"

"I, am I dreaming? If this is true, then the common sense of the entire Chinese warrior world and the ancient martial arts world will be completely overturned!"

In an instant, all eyes of the audience were on the young Martial Saint in the arena, and everyone was shocked and inexplicable.

They can question anyone, but what Elder Chu said in person cannot be doubted.

This beautiful girl who easily defeated Xing Weiyang was really an ordinary person a month ago!

At this time, Xing Weiyang, when he heard Chu Yuntian's words, was completely stunned, and his mind went blank.

He has worked hard to practice martial arts since he was a child, working hard day and night.It was only at the age of 70 that he stepped into the ancient martial arts road as he wished.

However, at this moment, the girl in front of her has achieved what she has achieved almost in her entire life in just one month!

Moreover, the current strength of others is far beyond his own...

This couldn't help but make Xing Weiyang completely speechless, slumped on the ground in a daze, his face ashen.

And at the next moment, Tao Xiaomeng in the field suddenly proudly said to Chu Yuntian:

"Grandpa Chu, in fact, I was able to step onto the Guwu Dao so quickly, all because of Master's teaching and training."

With that said, Tao Xiaomeng looked at Wu You who was sitting on the judging panel, her eyes filled with deep admiration.

Just a week ago, in the chaotic space.When she came out of the gray ball of light in a daze, she felt as if her whole body had been reborn, and her whole body was filled with an unprecedented sense of comfort.

And in the following retreat practice, the speed of strength improvement is even more rapid.In less than three days, she miraculously stepped into the Martial Saint Realm!
Just yesterday, she broke through to the middle stage of Martial Saint Realm in one fell swoop!

And it wasn't until then that her rocket-like breakthrough speed finally slowed down...

That's why she was able to show her supernatural power today and defeat the bad guy who wanted to hurt her sister in one fell swoop.

But at this time, when Chu Yuntian heard Tao Xiaomeng's words, he immediately reacted, and then looked at Mr. Wu with even more reverence.

I feel extremely correct about my decision to invite this peerless god.

But at the next moment, Chu Yuntian suddenly remembered something, and then looked at Xing Weiyang who was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, and shouted angrily coldly:
"Xing Weiyang, you are so brave, you dare to be rude to Mr. Wu, what a shame!
Hurry up and kowtow to make amends now, and ask Mr. Wu for forgiveness, otherwise no one will be able to save you! "

Hearing these meaningful words, Xing Weiyang was startled for a moment, and then he reacted immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he endured the severe pain and propped himself up, kneeling on the ground desperately.Apologizing to the handsome young man on the judging panel, he said:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Wu, I was so petty and blind before, so I offended you so much.

Also, Mr. Wu, please let me wait for a way out if there are a lot of them. "

After all, under the astonished eyes of everyone in the audience.

This Martial Arts Consultant of Liudi and the Chief Instructor of the Outer Sect of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect suddenly bent down and knocked his forehead heavily on the ground.

"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

Immediately, a series of muffled sounds resounded throughout the venue.

Seeing this scene, all of Xing Weiyang's disciples also knelt down one after another.Immediately, they all imitated their master and kowtowed to Mr. Wu to apologize.

"Boom bang bang..."

"Boom bang bang..."

"Boom bang bang..."

In an instant, the sound of kowtowing was endless.

And at this moment, Xing Weizhou came to Wu You immediately, bent down deeply, and begged in a sad voice:
"Master, I beg you, my lord, have a lot, just spare these rude guys once."

Although Xing Weiyang and himself had never dealt with each other since they were young, when they grew up, they were even more like fire and water.

But no matter what, Xing Weizhou still couldn't do it when he watched his big brother fall into such a desperate situation...

(End of this chapter)

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