Chapter 616
Zhenwu Mountain is located in the eastern outskirts of the capital city of Liuzhou. Although it can only be regarded as a not-so-high hill, it covers a very large area.

Moreover, the vegetation on the mountain is prosperous, the environment is quiet and pleasant, and it can be regarded as a rare scenic spot around the capital of Liuzhou.

It stands to reason that it is such a treasure land with such a good environment and so close to the urban area.People should often come here to play, or it should be an ideal place for rich people to build villas.

However, from ancient times to the present, no one dared to stay a step in the entire Zhenwu Mountain except for the top of the mountain.

And this is all because, 70 years ago, Zhenwu Mountain was not called the current name, but was called Duan Hun Mausoleum by the older generation.

As the name suggests, it is a mass grave where the dead are buried all year round!
As the saying goes, if the mountain is not high and there are ghosts, you will be shocked, even if the Duanhun Mausoleum is not what it used to be.But in the minds of ordinary people, no matter how many dead people are buried in this place, no matter what it becomes now, it will never be clean...

While ordinary people are terrified of this soul-breaking mausoleum, it doesn't mean that everyone is afraid.

Just 70 years ago, after a group of powerful warriors came to this mountain, they not only forcibly transformed this mass grave into a paradise, but also established a sect here.

In just over ten years, this originally lifeless mass grave became the current Liuzhou martial arts holy place, True Martial Sect!
And this Duan Hun Mausoleum has since changed its name and surname, becoming Zhenwu Mountain today.


Near noon, it was set up on the top of Zhenwu Mountain in the main altar of Zhenwumen, which has a history of more than 70 years.As usual, everyone is busy and the scene is full of excitement.

But at this moment, in this magnificent ancient-style building complex that occupies the entire vast mountain top, there is a towering pavilion.

A beautiful woman in a blue dress with a simple and elegant temperament and a beautiful face is leaning against the delicate wooden window, watching the autumn water flow and leaning on the railing.

And his slender and silky jade hands are always stroking the delicate and small jade stone engraved with mysterious patterns that hangs on his chest.

This is already the ninth day, when will he come back again...

Si Jinyan couldn't help sighing again, a look of sadness flashed across Qiushui's eyes.

But at this moment, an innocent voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Sister Jinyan, are you thinking about big brother again?"

Hearing this, Si Jinyan, who was in a trance, suddenly came back to her senses, and a blush rose on her cheeks.

Then she turned her head and looked at the side. The delicate and lovely little girl in a light blue dress with two jet-black ponytails hanging down her shoulders defended with a bit of embarrassment:
"Small, Xiao Ning, what are you talking about? I didn't think about that guy."

"is it?"

Ying Ning tilted her head and blinked, then a trace of sadness appeared on her delicate face.

"But Xiao Ning misses big brother, and I won't sleep in anymore, or big brother will disappear..."

Hearing this, Si Jinyan sighed again, then hugged the poor little girl in front of her in her arms, and comforted her with pity:

"Xiao Ning, don't be sad, your big brother might come back today."

"Really? That would be wonderful."

Ying Ning immediately beamed with joy.

Seeing this, Si Jinyan sighed secretly again.

Looks like I should give him a call later...

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Sister, Xiao Ning, why are you still here, it's almost dinner time, come down with me.

Mom made a lot of your favorite dishes today. "

While speaking, a seductive woman wearing a red gauze skirt, with a charming and enchanting temperament, but her appearance is the same as Si Jinyan, suddenly stepped forward.

"Well, let's go down, Hongchen."

With that said, Si Jinyan stood up, wanting to go downstairs with Si Hongchen.

But at the next moment, Ying Ning in Si Jinyan's arms suddenly pointed out the window and asked curiously:

"Sister Jinyan, look quickly, what is that?"

Hearing the sound, Si Jinyan and Si Hongchen couldn't help being taken aback, and then turned their heads to look out the window.

At the next moment, the two women turned pale in shock!
At this time, in the center of the main altar of Zhenwumen, in the grand hall with carved beams and painted pillars, twenty or thirty warriors with extraordinary momentum are sitting in two rows and discussing matters.

But it is the big bosses of Zhenwumen and Wansheng audience, as well as more than a dozen gangster masters of Liuzhou martial arts circle.

But the topmost seat in the middle of the lobby, the seat where the stars are holding the moon, is empty...

Ever since Wu You took Zhenwumen under his banner and merged it with Wanshengguan, another major force in Liuzhou.

This new force, which has become unprecedentedly powerful, took a long time to temporarily reorganize.

And in this process, many former true martial arts disciples, as well as those who followed Zheng Xiancheng in the past.After seeing that Mr. Wu left, they all left this reorganized new force one after another.

Therefore, Zhenwu Sect, which had a large number of people, suddenly lost nearly half of its people.

But at the beginning, because of the dispute between the masters of the Zhenwumen, Zheng Xiancheng's side accepted almost all kinds of teachings and nine streams in order to expand their power.As a result, good and bad people are mixed inside, and young people emerge in large numbers.

So those guys who left also relieved Zhenwumen from many unnecessary burdens.

And this reorganization of the new forces has also eliminated many people who harbor evil intentions and eat and wait to die from the inside.So at this moment, the remaining members of Yuanzhen Wumen can almost be said to be elites.

However, compared to the small number of people, but the extraordinary strength of the people of Wansheng Temple, they are still far inferior...

At this moment, Si Qinghou, the master of Zhenwu Sect, and Xu Shengzi, the master of Wansheng Temple, were sitting in the middle of the hall, on the yellow rosewood chairs on both sides of the empty seat, discussing something with the people sitting there.

"Reporting to the two adults, we have searched everywhere for that old man named Bai, but there is no trace of him. Presumably he should have sneaked away long ago."

A bald old man got up angrily and said.

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help frowning slightly.

The vigorous old man named Bai Yanyan was the master who Zheng Xiancheng made a promise to recruit from Si Qinghou in the battle for the head of Zhenwumen before.

Afterwards, this person was taken in as a servant by Mr. Wu together with a dozen or so masters of Gang Jin.

However, just a few days after Mr. Wu left, the white rock suddenly disappeared without a trace and was never found again...

"Hmph, that damned guy dared to openly disobey the original order of the lord, it's really abominable!"

Xu Shengzi was furious when he heard the words, and shouted sharply.

Si Qinghou, who was sitting opposite Xu Shengzi, couldn't help but frowned, and said in a deep voice:

"I know that Baiyan, although powerful, is extremely timid and fearful.

This time, he took the risk of offending His Excellency and left my Ancient Hua Immortal Sect without permission. It must be because of one thing! "

(End of this chapter)

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