Chapter 619
Xu Shengzi said with a snort, all the clothes on his chest were torn.

On the bare chest, an incomparably hideous scarlet dragon tattoo was exposed in the air.

Suddenly, under the shocked eyes of everyone in the field.The dragon tattoo seemed to come alive, wandering wantonly on the chest of Shengzi Xu.

In the blink of an eye, the tattoo suddenly rushed out of Xu Shengzi's body, and turned into a huge red dragon, looking up to the sky and howling!

"Then, what is that?"

The foreigners standing in the courtyard couldn't help being stunned and horrified when they saw the terrifying scarlet dragon in the sky.

They never imagined that a monster would emerge from the chest of the old Chinese man.

And just when these foreigners were horrified.

The clothes of all the people in the Wansheng Temple were torn apart, and huge figures emerged out of it.

It turned out to be another huge monster spirit with different shapes!

In an instant, twenty ferocious demon spirits with a height of more than ten meters in the air looked down at those foreigners who were pale with horror.

"Oh my God, what kind of monster is that?!
Fourteen heads of nearly [-] fighting power!
20 combat power at both ends!

30 combat power at both ends!

A head of 50 combat power!
This, how is this possible! "

The electronic eyes on the head of the steel giant swept across the monsters in the air, and suddenly exclaimed in disbelief.

Hearing this, the many foreigners who were originally arrogant in the field were all shocked inexplicably.

No matter what, they never thought that those originally weak Chinese warriors would hide monsters with such terrifying fighting power. This is simply too unbelievable!
"Hmph, you self-righteous guy, now you know that my Guhua Xianzong is not easy to mess with!
Pindao will do good deeds every day today, now you guys hurry up and get out of here, or you will all feed my demon spirits! "

Xu Shengzi coldly shouted proudly.

Immediately, many gigantic demon spirits in the mid-air also let out an earth-shattering roar towards those foreigners.

But at this moment, all the martial artists in front of the lobby couldn't help but feel relieved seeing the sudden reversal of the situation in the field.

No wonder His Excellency left so simply, it turned out that he had left those powerful guardians in Guhua Xianzong long ago!
At this time, standing in the courtyard, the steel giant who suddenly became silent, suddenly ordered to the more than 20 strong men in silver-gray armor around him, without emotion:

Hearing the sound, the eyes of more than 20 foreigners in the field were blood red!
In an instant, this originally tall and strong body began to suddenly skyrocket again at this time!
Looking at the terrifying muscles that suddenly grew angry, everyone in the audience was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Then, what is that?"

Seeing this weird scene in front of him, the bald old man suddenly changed his expression.

"My God, are they monsters?"

The old man in the yellow robe was also dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Si Qinghou suddenly thought of something, and said in shock:
"Crazy? Could it be that this person is the rumored Berserker abroad?!"

And when his voice just fell.

Everyone was shocked to find that the bodies of the twenty or so tall and burly foreigners had soared to nearly four meters at this time!
The huge rock-solid muscles made their bodies look more than twice as strong as before.

If it weren't for the toughness of the silver-gray armor on his body, I'm afraid they would have been naked by now...




In an instant, more than 20 berserkers in the courtyard suddenly raised their heads and roared at the many demon spirits in midair.

Pairs of huge bloodshot pupils erupted with crazy auras!
Looking at the more than 20 giants standing in the field, all the warriors in front of the lobby couldn't help but gasped.

"These berserkers are all people with the blood of the ancient giant ape, the more anger they receive, the stronger they will be!

And their strongest combat power can reach more than [-], which is comparable to or even stronger than your ancient warriors in the Martial Saint Realm!

And to tell you the truth, the new type of power armor they are wearing at this moment not only has strong defense, but also has unparalleled mobility and strength increase!

Therefore, all in all, the fighting power of each of them at this moment is more than 20!
Then, for your own stupidity, prepare to bear the wrath of these violent giants! "

Hearing the electronically synthesized voice full of arrogance, all the martial artists in the audience couldn't help being shocked inexplicably.

No one thought that those blond foreigners would actually possess the terrifying power of ancient warriors in the Martial Saint Realm after being berserk. This is simply too unbelievable!
"Hmph, do you think ants can kill an elephant if there are too many people? It's ridiculous!
Since you are so ignorant of flattery, then stay here today! "

After Xu Shengzi finished speaking, he suddenly turned to the huge red dragon in the midair, and said in a respectful voice:

"Lingzun, please teach these idiots who dare to trespass in my ancient Huaxianzong and disrespect the lord!"

Hearing this, the scarlet flood dragon in the air immediately looked at the foreigners.Immediately, bloodthirsty rays of light burst out from the huge pupils, and suddenly opened his bloody mouth and said:

"Humble human beings dare to be disrespectful to my lord, damn it!
Now you have to pay the price of your life for your despicable words and deeds!

eat them! "

As soon as the words fell, the red flood dragon led all the demon spirits in the air, scrambling to rush towards those foreigners, intending to tear them to pieces.

But seeing this scene, the steel giant in the field suddenly snorted coldly:
"Since you guys want to die so much, then the president will help you!
Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you just now.This president's mecha has a combined combat power of more than 50! "

After all, the injector on the back of the steel giant was activated immediately, and a violent blue flame sprayed out.

Its incomparably huge body rose suddenly in the next moment!

Immediately, more than 20 berserkers around him also rose into the air with the help of power armor.

And at the next moment, under the leadership of the steel giant, the berserkers whose strength had increased dramatically, with red eyes, crazily charged towards the monsters that were rushing towards them!

In an instant, under the gaze of Si Qinghou, Xu Shengzi and other warriors.




In an instant, the sky above the main altar of Zhenwumen suddenly fell into an unprecedented roar.




In an instant, roars and roars resounded through the entire Zhenwu Mountain.

Looking up at the evenly matched two sides in the air, the scene of fighting together is inseparable.

Everyone in the main altar of Zhenwumen couldn't help but be dumbfounded, the shock could not be added!
(End of this chapter)

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