I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 626 Ancient Treasure

Chapter 626 Ancient Treasure

As soon as the words fell, the imposing cold light immediately slashed at Si Qinghou who was standing in the front row with a fierce roar, and was about to smash his corpse into thousands of pieces!

Seeing this, Si Qinghou resolutely showed an expression of resignation to death, and then closed his eyes.

And at the next moment, when the cold light was about to hit the middle-aged man who died generously.

"do not want!"

A desperate cry of grief sounded immediately.

Immediately, a cyan ball of light rushed out from the main hall door and blocked Si Qinghou.


Immediately there was a shocking crisp sound that shook the eardrums, and immediately resounded through the audience.

Under everyone's shocked eyes.

That invincible sharp and cold light was knocked flying by the cyan light ball in front of Si Qinghou!
It suddenly turned into a silver curved blade, and flew back to the cold and proud woman.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone who survived in the arena couldn't help being dumbfounded.

No one expected that the cyan light ball covering Si Jinyan and the three daughters would have such a strong defense that it could block the blow of an ancient martial artist at the peak of the Martial God Realm.

This, this is really incredible!
"Then, what is that? It can actually block the moon blade of the deity!

how can that be? ! "

All of a sudden, the cold and proud woman standing not far away stared at the blue light ball with disbelief as if seeing a ghost.

You must know that the Xingyinyueblade surrounded by her is an extremely precious ancient magic weapon!
Even as a half-step warrior, she didn't dare to block his blow head-on, so she could only avoid his edge.

However, such a destructive magic weapon, now slashed on the blue light ball, not only failed to destroy it in one fell swoop, but was even bounced away...

This is simply eye-popping!
But at this moment, Si Qinghou, who was about to die, suddenly opened his eyes, and saw the cyan ball of light blocking in front of him.Immediately, his face turned pale with fright, and he yelled bitterly:

"Who told you to do this! In case the treasure of the lord just now failed to block the attack of that stinky woman, you are already dead!"

"But, but we can't just watch you get killed."

Si Jinyan in the cyan light sphere said with great sadness.

"Yes, Dad, maybe if we hold on a little longer, Lord Zunzhu will arrive. We must not give up hope."

Si Hongchen also wept.

Hearing this, Si Qinghou sighed, with mixed emotions in his heart, but he didn't know what to say.

But at this time, the cold and proud woman who heard these words couldn't help but startled, looked at the blue light ball, and asked in amazement:

"This ball of light is Mr. Wu's treasure? How did he get it?"

Suddenly hearing the question, Si Jinyan and the others in the light sphere were startled for a moment, and then looked at the cruel and arrogant woman.

"This is a gift made by my elder brother for sister Jinyan. My elder brother is very powerful. You villains should go away quickly."

Ying Ning in the light sphere suddenly said angrily.

"That's right, this treasure was made by our Lord Master. I advise you to get out of my Ancient Hua Immortal Sect immediately, otherwise none of you will be able to escape when our Lord Master arrives!"

Si Hongchen threatened in a cold voice.

But at this time, when the cold and proud woman heard this, she snorted contemptuously and said with a snort:
"You guys are really brazen, the ball of light that can resist the attack of the deity, it looks like a relic from the ancient times, and it is simply not something that ordinary people can get their hands on.

Hmph, why is it made by His Excellency himself? It really makes people laugh out loud! "

As she said that, the corner of the cold and proud woman's mouth curled into a smile, and she said playfully:
"That's good. If you give this ancient remnant to the deity, the deity will be extrajudicial. How about letting your life be spared?"

Hearing the sound, the three women in the light sphere were startled for a moment.No one expected that the cold and proud woman would actually want this cyan ball of light around them.

But, that jade talisman has been broken...

"Don't believe the words of this poisonous woman. You just need to stay in this treasure and wait for the Lord to save you. Don't come out!"

Si Qinghou suddenly ordered in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the three women in the light sphere also fell silent and stopped talking.

And seeing those guys who were about to die unexpectedly took her words as deaf ears, the cold and proud woman suddenly changed color.

"Hmph, since you guys don't want to drink fine wine when toasting, then today the deity will kill you all first!
Then take this ancient treasure from your corpses! "

Saying it in an extremely gloomy manner, under the horrified eyes of everyone in the audience.

The silver curved blade surrounding the cold and proud woman suddenly turned into a cold light again.Once again, with a monstrous momentum, it shot towards the cyan ball of light in the courtyard!

The next moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone in the audience.

That incomparably fierce cold light began to strike at the cyan light ball non-stop.




In an instant, loud and crisp slashing sounds resounded through the audience, deafening.

And with the frenzied attacks of the cold light again and again, the originally radiant blue light ball gradually dimmed, as if it might be shattered at any time.

Seeing this scene, everyone standing behind the cyan light ball couldn't help being terrified and terrified.

It seems that the treasures of the Lord Lord should not last long...

"Hmph, I want to see how long you can stay in this tortoise shell.

When this shell is broken, it's time for you to die without a whole body! "

The cold and proud woman snorted cruelly.

And at this moment, the three girls in the cyan light sphere could not help but turn pale with inexplicable horror when they heard the terrifying slashing sounds around them.

Could it be, are they really going to die here today?

For a moment, everyone in the audience fell into deep despair.

My lord, why haven't you come yet...

But at this moment, an incomparably vicissitudes of words suddenly resounded through the entire Zhenwu Mountain.

"Ji Yue stop, I have something to ask these people."

Hearing these words, the beautiful woman who was originally full of cold and arrogant face suddenly changed, revealing an unprecedented look of reverence.

Immediately without a trace of hesitation, he made a move with one hand.

Then the sharp cold light that was about to cut through the cyan light ball suddenly shot backwards.It turned into a silver curved blade again, wrapping around the body of this woman named Yue Ji.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked and couldn't believe their eyes.

It's really inconceivable that the femme fatale who kills without blinking an eye can be stopped decisively with just one sentence.

And in the next moment.

A tall and burly man in a large red robe suddenly came slowly from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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