I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 638 Qingqiu

Chapter 638 Qingqiu

In an instant, a sword cry, like an ancient dragon, suddenly resounded through the heaven and earth.

Immediately, I saw a supreme sword shadow shining with deep purple light, like a dragon coming from the east with purple energy, slashing towards the giant black claw with majestic momentum!

With an earth-shattering bang, the huge black giant claw was immediately hit by the shadow of the purple light sword.

However, at the next moment, the mighty purple light sword shadow was suddenly knocked away by the black giant claws, turned into a purple giant sword and shot backwards.

But after the giant black claw was hit, it only lost a little black hair, and it didn't even hurt the flesh!

But even so, the giant black claw seemed to feel pain, and then there was a shocking roar that seemed to come from Jiuyou from the depths of the ground!

"Oh my god, even the master's Ziwei sword can't do anything to this black-haired beast! How, how is this possible?!"

The preserved egg, who got up in a panic, suddenly exclaimed in disbelief.

Zhu Yan at the side also showed unprecedented horror at this moment.

They really didn't expect the master's strongest magic weapon to return without success in front of that monster. This is really unbelievable.

You must know that Ziwei Sword is an extremely powerful spiritual weapon!
Even when they had the strength in the foundation building stage, they didn't dare to challenge them head-on.

What is that monster that came out of nowhere?How can you have such a powerful strength!

In an instant, everyone on the top of Zhenwu Mountain couldn't help but fell into deep shock.

However, at this time, Wu You's face was still as usual, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

And just when he wanted to drive Ziwei Sword to continue slashing at the giant black claw.

The giant claw, which was originally incomparably powerful, suddenly retracted into the gully, and disappeared without a trace...

In an instant, the entire Zhenwu Mountain returned to its former tranquility.

It's just the huge gully that divides the entire Zhenwu Mountain in two, as well as the disappeared corpses and ten ancient warriors.It is still reminding people that the unbelievable scenes before were not their hallucinations!
"Hehe, this guy runs fast."

Wu You shook his head and chuckled lightly.

"Big brother, what was that monster just now? It's really scary."

Ying Ning, who was in Wu You's arms, suddenly asked with a small face in horror.

For a moment, everyone in the audience looked at Wu You in amazement, eager to know the answer.

"Actually, it's nothing. This mound may have been a place of sacrifice a long time ago. And the guy just now should be the beast that was sacrificed.

Because a lot of people died here just now, a lot of blood and soul woke up this guy who had been hungry for a long time.

That's why it broke out of the ground impatiently to obtain the long-lost "sacrifice". "

Wu You smiled lightly.

And hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but be dumbfounded, and their hearts were shocked.

Especially Si Qinghou and other Zhenwu sect members were horrified and horrified.

No matter what, they never expected that there would be a terrifying monster sleeping under the ground of Zhenwu Mountain where they had been staying all year round!

This, this is simply too scary!

At this time, Si Qinghou in the field suddenly thought of something, and suddenly exclaimed in disbelief:

"I remembered that Zhenwu Mountain was a mass grave known as Duan Hun Mausoleum 70 years ago.

I have inquired about the situation of this mountain, and also checked some local county annals myself.I learned that a long, long time ago, Duan Hun Mausoleum was not the real name of this mountain.

The mountain was called Qingqiu in the earliest days.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the Yellow Emperor killed Chiyou.

At that time, I thought it was just a myth and legend, but now it seems that this place is indeed a dangerous place! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the ruins couldn't help being shocked.

It turned out that the dwarf mountain they were on had such an unimaginable history, it was really inconceivable.

Immediately, everyone became even more terrified, feeling like they were sitting on pins and needles for the ground beneath their feet...

"Respect, Lord Master, since this place is so dangerous, let's leave as soon as possible."

Si Hongchen said with a face full of horror.

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement, everyone wished to escape from this place as soon as possible.

Anyway, now the entire Zhenwumen has been destroyed, and there is nothing to miss.

Instead of continuing to stay in this terrifying place, it is better to choose another place to re-establish the sect.

However, at this moment, Wu You shook his head and said with a smile:

"You don't have to worry too much, in this dharma-ending era where spiritual energy is scarce, there is nothing to be afraid of a guy like the one just now.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke it, that guy doesn't have much energy to waste. "

Speaking of this, Wu You looked at the huge and deep ravine in the middle of the mountain with great interest.

Then he said with a half-smile:
"And I am very interested in the things under the ground."

As he spoke, Wu You gently placed Ying Ning in his arms on the ground, and then waved his sleeves, and Pi Dan and Zhu Yan were immediately taken into the chaotic space.

Then, under the shocked eyes of everyone in the audience, Wu You actually walked straight towards the ravine!
Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being horrified.

They never imagined that not only did their lord not leave, but he wanted to go deep into that incomparably terrifying ravine.

This, this is simply too dangerous!
"Big Brother, don't leave Xiao Ning behind, I want to go with Big Brother too!"

With an urgent cry, Ying Ning immediately ran forward desperately.

"Xiao Ning, wait!"

Seeing this, Si Jinyan was taken aback immediately, and hurriedly followed.

Hearing the sound, Wu You, who had already reached the edge of the gully, turned around, looked at the two beauties, one big and one small, who were chasing up, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said:

"Why, do you two still want to follow me and go underground for adventure?"

Hearing this, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning were taken aback, and immediately remembered the scenes they had experienced in the depths of the Xianwuling Mountains, and they couldn't help but feel a little lost.

And at the next moment, Wu You smiled lightly and said:

"In this case, then I will take you to have fun together."

As soon as the words fell, the purple light giant sword that had been hovering in the air suddenly swooped down and hovered in front of Wu You.

"Then let's go now."

Hearing this, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning immediately came to their senses and couldn't help but glance at each other.Then, as if he had made up his mind, he stepped forward resolutely.

Immediately Wu You picked up Ying Ning and stepped on Ziwei Sword.

Si Jinyan hesitated for a moment, but also stepped on the flying sword, holding Wu You's waist with her jade hand.

In an instant, under the shocked and inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience.

The purple giant sword that carried the three people rose slowly, and suddenly turned into a purple light rainbow, flew into the huge and deep ravine, and gradually disappeared into the darkness...

"Gui Zang Qi Di" says: Chi You comes from the amniotic fluid, with eight arms, eight toes, and sparse heads. He climbed Jiunao to cut down the empty mulberry, and the Yellow Emperor killed him in Qingqiu!

(End of this chapter)

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