I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 640 Under the Abyss

Chapter 640 Under the Abyss
Sensing such an ambiguous posture, Si Jinyan felt extremely embarrassed.

She has a somewhat reserved personality, and she has never been in such close contact with boys as she is now since she was a child.

In an instant, an unprecedented blush rose on Si Jin's elegant and pretty face.

If it wasn't for being in the darkness at this moment, I'm afraid she would be even more embarrassed.

Inadvertently smelling the faint fragrance of the young man, Si Jinyan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated involuntarily, and her breathing became a little rapid.

She had never experienced this strange feeling when she grew up.Although my heart is a little uneasy, it is very comfortable.

The next moment, Si Jinyan hugged Wu You's white tender arm, and involuntarily tightened it a bit...

At this moment, apart from embarrassment, Si Jinyan felt an unprecedented sense of security in her heart.

It seems that as long as there is this man, no matter how desperate the danger is, it can be easily solved.

Suddenly, Si Jinyan leaned her head gently on Wu You's back, and closed her eyes with peace of mind.

In this darkness where you can't see your fingers, you don't know how long you have fallen.

An indifferent laugh suddenly rang in his ears.

"Wake up, get off at the station."

Hearing these words suddenly, Si Jinyan, who was lying on Wu You's back and was really about to fall asleep, woke up immediately.

Then he opened his eyes and looked around in a daze.

Only then did I realize that although the surrounding area was still pitch black, with the brilliance of the purple light giant sword, I could see that the ground beneath my feet was no longer an abyss, but a grotesque rocky ground.

They finally came to the bottom of this deep ravine!
And just when Si Jinyan was extremely surprised.

Wu You turned around suddenly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"How long do you want to take advantage of this seat?"

Hearing the sound, Si Jinyan, who was holding Wu You tightly all the time, was suddenly embarrassed, and then hurriedly let go of her arms, jumped off the purple light giant sword, and came to the ground.

Until now, she was surprised to find that the stones under her feet were smooth and shiny rain flower stones.

And in the darkness not far away, there was the faint sound of gurgling water.

It seemed that he was standing on the bank of an underground river.

At this time, Wu You also floated to the ground with Ying Ning in his arms, and then flicked his sleeves, and put away Ziwei Sword.

And without this only light source, the surrounding immediately fell into absolute darkness.

Seeing this, Si Jinyan was horrified for no reason, then walked forward recklessly, wrapping her arms around Wu You's arms.

"Hehe, you have really changed, you always want to eat my tofu.

Hearing these teasing words in the dark, Si Jinyan blushed immediately, but she didn't dare to relax the arm holding Wu You...

But at this moment, due to the darkness around, Si Jinyan realized that there seemed to be a faint light far away.

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

Wu You chuckled, then walked towards the faint light source.

Seeing this, Si Jinyan, who was holding his arms tightly, hurriedly followed.

As the two walked forward slowly, the faint light in the distance began to get brighter and brighter.

After walking for an unknown distance, under the light, Si Jinyan found that the originally wide road around her became narrower.

And the underground river that I heard before also appeared beside me.

Stepping on the colorful rain flower stones under her feet, and walking beside this slowly flowing stream, Si Jinyan's originally panicked heart gradually calmed down.

After a long time, the surrounding light became more abundant, but the space became narrower and lower.

As a last resort, Si Jinyan could only let go of Wu You's arms, and Ying Ning also got down from Wu You's arms and walked between the two of them.

And just after they bent down slightly and walked forward dozens of steps, a handful of brilliant light suddenly shone on the three of them.

The originally cramped space around him suddenly became brighter!
Stunned by the bright light, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning suddenly closed their eyes.

After a long time, I gradually got used to it and slowly raised my eyelids.

In an instant, a lush and luxuriant peach blossom forest loomed in front of them.

Looking at the vast and boundless peach blossom forest on both sides of the stream, there is no miscellaneous tree in the middle, and the fallen flowers are scattered all over the earth.Si Jinyan and Ying Ning couldn't help opening their eyes wide, their pretty faces full of disbelief.

What, what's going on here?Are they not under the abyss now?How come there are so many peach blossom trees here?Where did that light come from?

Immediately, the two women looked up in amazement, and found that there was a blue sky above their heads, and the bright sunshine was shining all over the earth.

Looking back, I realized that I was standing at the foot of a big mountain.And the cave where they came out was the birthplace of a small stream.

A cool breeze gently brushed over the stunned two girls.

After a while, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning came to their senses and looked at each other, both seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

No matter what, they never expected that after spending so long with their group, they would come out of the ground again at this moment.

This, this is simply incredible!
"Big brother, where is this place?"

Ying Ning couldn't help asking.

"Go and see if you don't know."

Wu You chuckled, and then walked forward alone.

Seeing this, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning also hurried to catch up.

Immediately, the three of them strolled along the gurgling clear stream in the peach blossom forest full of flowers and trees.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them and smelling the refreshing fragrance of peach blossoms, the two girls who were at a loss in their hearts gradually relaxed.

Then began to appreciate the surrounding, which is like a fairytale beauty.There was also an intoxicated smile on her pretty cheeks.

"The fragrant grass is delicious, and the falling flowers are colorful.

It's so beautiful, it's unbelievable that there is such a beautiful place in the world. "

Si Jinyan couldn't help admiring.

"Yes, sister Jinyan, this place is really beautiful, like a fairyland in a fairy tale."

Ying Ning was bouncing and walking on the shore covered with petals, and said cheerfully.

However, Wu You just smiled playfully, but didn't say anything.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the surrounding peach blossom forests gradually thinned out.

After a while, the three of them walked out of the forest.

Immediately, a flat and vast land suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.

Si Jinyan and Ying Ning couldn't help being amazed as they looked at the rows of well-arranged wooden houses in the distance, as well as the neat fields, beautiful clear ponds, and lush mulberry and bamboo forests.

The two women never thought that there are still people living here, which is really unexpected.

It seems that they have really left the abyss and ravine and came to the outside world.

And at the next moment, a clear voice suddenly came from beside the three of them.

"Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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