Chapter 642
For a moment, Si Jinyan was dumbfounded, and her heart fell into an unprecedented shock.

Then he began to look carefully at the surrounding buildings and the clothes of the villagers, not even letting go of the long case in front of him.

And the more she looked at Si Jinyan, the more frightened she became, her pretty face was full of disbelief.

As a student of the Department of Archeology of Liuzhou University, Si Jinyan has somewhat dabbled in the architectural style, clothing, and layout of utensils in the Qin Dynasty.

I know that in the Qin Dynasty, there were indeed no stools and chairs...

After observing for a while, Si Jinyan finally affirmed what the bearded old man said. This place indeed retains a lot of customs and appearances from the Qin Dynasty, which is really unbelievable.

"Okay, sit down."

But at this moment, Wu You smiled lightly, and then sat on the ground indifferently.

Seeing this, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning temporarily suppressed the surprise in their hearts, and imitated Wu You's appearance and sat on the straw mat.

When the old man with long beard was also seated, the young woman from before bowed down on the long table in front of everyone, set down a few pottery bowls, and poured fragrant tea from a pottery pot.

"There is nothing in the small mountain village to entertain you. This is our own peach blossom tea. Please have a taste or two."

Hearing what the long-bearded old man said, Wu You casually picked up the pottery bowl in front of him, took a sip, then nodded and smiled slightly:
"This tea is not bad, but you guys can adapt to local conditions."

Hearing the sound, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning also picked up their ceramic bowls and took a sip of the peach blossom tea.

Immediately, I couldn't help raising my eyebrows, I really felt sweet and refreshing, with a lingering fragrance on my teeth and cheeks, very delicious.

"Mr. is rude."

When the old man with long beard heard Wu You's words, he was flattered and shook his head repeatedly.

Then, as if impatiently, he asked:
"Sir, I don't know what dynasty is outside now, but is it still the Jin Dynasty?"

As soon as these words came out, many of the surrounding villagers also showed great curiosity, and all eyes were focused on the gorgeously dressed young man.

Upon hearing this, Si Jinyan immediately put down the pottery bowl in her hand, frowned and said in surprise:
"Haven't you been isolated from the world here since the Qin Dynasty? Then how did you know about the Jin Dynasty?
You must know that the Jin Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty were separated by more than 600 years, and there was a Han Dynasty in between! "

Hearing this, the long-bearded old man hesitated for a moment, and then said:
"To be honest, a long time ago, besides you, there were people who came to our place.

And he claimed to be a person from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and our ancestors learned from him what happened outside. "

Hearing this, Si Jinyan suddenly exclaimed:
"That person from the Eastern Jin Dynasty is a fisherman?"

"Huh? How do you know this girl? That person is indeed a fisherman."

The old man with long beard suddenly asked in disbelief.

"Because your stories are now written in textbooks for junior high school students..."

Si Jinyan supported her forehead and shook her head.

"Junior high school students? Textbooks? What's that?"

The old man with long beard couldn't help but be very puzzled.

"That is to say, everything that the fisherman saw here is already known to everyone outside.

A poem about your place has been passed down through the ages and will last for a long time.

That's all right, let me recite it for you.

In the Taiyuan period of the Jin Dynasty, the people of Wuling fished for a living.Walking along the edge of the stream, forgetting the distance of the road.Suddenly in the peach blossom forest..."

As she said that, Si Jinyan began to read with some excitement, that middle school text that she had memorized fluently.

And listening to this poem, all the villagers around, including the long-bearded old man, couldn't help but slowly opened their eyes wide, and their faces gradually showed incomparable shock.

They never thought that this place of their own would actually be compiled into poetry, which is simply unbelievable!
But having said that, this poem is quite nice...

"...As soon as you get out and get your boat, you will help you to the road, and you will find it everywhere. When you reach the county, you will go to the prefect, and you will say so. The prefect will send people to follow him, find the direction you want, and then get lost, and you will never find the way.

Liu Ziji of Nanyang, a noble scholar, heard about it and went happily.In vain, the search for illness ends, and there is no one who cares about it. "

After reciting the whole text in one breath, Si Jinyan picked up the pottery bowl, drank it upside down, and then said excitedly to the stunned villagers:
"Because of this poem, your place is called the Peach Blossom Spring by the world.

There is even an idiom for this, Xanadu.It means an ideal world where people are isolated from the real society and live in peace.

So your place is yearned for by countless people outside.

If the world knows that Taohuayuan really exists, it will definitely shock the whole of China, no, it will shock the whole world!
At that time, your place will definitely be rated as a world cultural heritage and the number one tourist attraction in China.Countless people will flock to it and flock to it..."

Listening to Si Jinyan's eloquent words, all the villagers couldn't help frowning slightly.

"This girl, please wait a moment. In fact, we have the same thoughts as our ancestors, and we don't want to be disturbed by outsiders. We hope to continue to live here quietly.

So please don't tell outsiders what happened here, okay? "

The bearded old man frowned tightly.

Upon hearing this, Si Jinyan, who was originally excited because of discovering this real paradise, was immediately puzzled and said:
"Why is this? Do you really want to stay in this isolated place for the rest of your life, and don't want to go out to see the vast world outside?
In fact, you don't have to worry, the outside world is no longer the era of wars and chaos in ancient times.

Now that the whole of China has been unified and has entered an era of peace, no one will hurt you.

And even if you are not thinking about yourself, you should think about your children and grandchildren.

As the saying goes, no matter how hard it is, children cannot suffer, no matter how poor, education cannot be poor..."


However, before Si Jinyan finished speaking so earnestly, Wu You couldn't help but chuckle.

"What's so funny about this, these people are so selfish, they are willing to ruin their children's future for their own temporary comfort.

This kind of feudal thinking is really ignorant. "

Si Jinyan couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said angrily and righteously.

"Really, then you are really an excellent socialist successor."

Wu You chuckled, then looked at the frowning old man with long beard, and said calmly:
"Don't worry, this seat promises that you will not say this out.

Now I am a little hungry, read the poem, you still have wine here, chicken is also good, go prepare some.

This seat will live here today. "

Hearing that they don't treat themselves as outsiders, all the villagers in the audience couldn't help but startled.

But when they thought that this gorgeously dressed young man must have an extraordinary status in the outside world, everyone was relieved.

The princes and grandsons should be so arrogant and domineering...

(End of this chapter)

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