I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 644 Frightened

Chapter 644 Frightened
Suddenly, when Wu You pushed open the door, a gust of icy cold wind poured into the room.

Immediately, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning shivered, feeling a little creepy in their hearts.

Seeing that Wu You had already walked out the door, the two women did not dare to stay here alone, so they hurriedly followed.

At this time, the moon is bright and the stars are thin outside the house, and the mist is filled.

When the three of them came to the courtyard, they found that those green light spots that were originally flickering not far away seemed to have receded a lot, and they were still in darkness.Like pairs of green pupils, staring at them non-stop.

And as the three of them moved forward, those light spots couldn't stop moving backwards, as if they were afraid of something, and seemed to be luring something.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning immediately shuddered.

But Wu You didn't notice it, with a faint smile, he continued to walk forward with fluttering clothes.

Not long after, the group of people followed the green light spots and left the yard, walking in the village.

It was only at this moment that Si Jinyan and Ying Ning realized that the windows and doors of the surrounding houses were closed, and none of the houses were lit. Presumably, the villagers had already fallen asleep.

It's just that in this Taohuayuan, which is isolated from the world and has no outsiders, there is no scene of keeping the door open at night in the ancient rumors, which makes people feel a little surprised.

Thinking about it, maybe it was because wild beasts often appeared at night, so the villagers closed the windows and doors and went to rest early...

For a moment, the whole village was in darkness, only the moonlight in the sky pierced through the mist and shed a little light.

In this strange environment with black lights and blind lights, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning followed Wu You closely, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

And when the three of them walked out of the village, the countless green light spots were still receding slowly, keeping a certain distance from them all the time, never leaving them...

"Me, do we still have to go forward?"

Si Jinyan asked in fear.

In this unfamiliar environment, anyone who is in such an extremely weird scene will feel fear involuntarily.

"of course."

Wu You smiled lightly, and continued walking forward without looking back.

Seeing this, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning looked at each other helplessly, but they could only bite the bullet and follow up.

After a long time, the group of people followed those light spots through fields, ponds, mulberry and bamboo, and finally returned to the vast peach blossom forest.

But at this moment, those strange green light spots suddenly disappeared in the peach blossom forest, and they were no longer visible.

"Huh? Why are those green lights gone?"

Ying Ning asked in surprise.

Si Jinyan also showed doubts.

However, regarding this, Wu You still looked as usual, walking straight into the peach blossom forest with a faint smile.

There was no other way, and the two girls, who were extremely astonished, could only follow closely behind and stepped into the forest.

At night, the peach blossom forest is dark and silent. During the day, the colorful tree trunks and branches look like twisted arms, claws and claws in the air.

For some reason, the fragrance of flowers, which was originally refreshing, permeated the entire forest with a trace of blood that made people palpitate.

Si Jinyan held Ying Ning's little hand tightly and walked in this extremely weird peach blossom forest.The heartbeats of the two couldn't help but quicken, and they looked around in fear, for fear that a wild beast would suddenly pounce on them...

And in the darkness, after walking for an unknown amount of time, a clearing in the forest suddenly appeared in front of the three of them.

Si Jinyan and Ying Ning couldn't help but be amazed as they looked at the bare black soil in front of them.

And just when the two women stepped onto the black land.


A crisp sound suddenly came from Si Jinyan's feet.

Hearing the sound, Si Jinyan frowned and looked down suspiciously.


At the next moment, a terrified scream suddenly broke the tranquility of the peach blossom forest.

In an instant, the pale-faced Si Jinyan suddenly pulled Ying Ning and retreated back to the edge of the forest recklessly.

"Sister Jinyan, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the frightened Si Jinyan, Ying Ning hurriedly asked.

At this time, Si Jinyan, who was as pale as paper, pointed at the place she just stepped on with a trembling voice, and said in amazement:

"Well, there are dead people there!"

Ying Ning was startled when she heard the sound, and suddenly looked at the place Si Jinyan was pointing at.

But in the black soil, this pale skull was exposed!
In an instant, the cold mountain wind howled past.

The mist that filled the forest suddenly dissipated, and the cold moonlight instantly filled the earth.

And at the next moment, on the black land in the peach blossom forest, human skeletons exposed on the ground were displayed in front of the three of them!
Looking at the piles of bones that seemed to have weathered a bit, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning couldn't help being terrified, their faces turned pale.

They never imagined that there are so many dead people buried in this fairytale-like peach blossom forest.

This, this is simply unbelievable!
And just when the two women were terrified.

But Wu You suddenly grinned at the forest glade full of corpses and said:
"What's the matter with you leading me here in the middle of the night? If you don't show up again, I will go back to rest."

As soon as the words fell, an incomparably piercing wind blew past, and the whole peach blossom grove couldn't help shaking, and there were bursts of rattling sounds like ghosts crying.

Then under the horrified eyes of Si Jinyan and Ying Ning.

On the countless corpses in the clearing in the forest, clusters of faint green light spots suddenly floated out, which was the thing that led them here before!

But at the next moment, these spots of light suddenly expanded, and they turned into hideous green faces, hideous and terrifying figures in an instant!

Looking at the frightening scene of ghostly shadows, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning's hairs stood on end in fright, and their delicate bodies trembled.

It never occurred to them that those green light spots were not beasts at all, but ghosts!
And just when the two women were terrified.

Cold words that seemed to come from Jiuyou suddenly came out from the mouths of those terrifying ghosts.

"Run away, get out of here, or you won't be able to get out again!"

"Run, run away! Those people won't let you go!"

"If you don't leave, you will be trapped here forever like us..."

In an instant, bursts of hysterical, scalp-numbing screams echoed throughout the peach blossom forest!
Listening to these incomparably terrifying words, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning, who had been overly frightened, suddenly showed doubts.

How is this going?Not only did those ghosts seem to have no intention of harming them, but they couldn't wait to get them out of this paradise.

This, this is simply too unbelievable!

(End of this chapter)

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