Chapter 650
And in the next moment.

The villagers kneeling on the ground raised their heads one after another, and suddenly said to the middle-aged man with three tails:

"My lord, I am the real human sacrifice, take me away!"

"No, I am the chosen sacrifice, I will go with you!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm a human sacrifice, I've long wanted to see Lingzu with my own eyes..."

All of a sudden, there was a scrambling sound in the audience.

"Oh, why are you doing this..."

The fox-faced old man sighed, and he had already arrived in front of the little commander of the imperial guards, and then he bowed and said in a respectful voice:

"My lord, please take the little old man away."

However, as soon as the words fell, the giant pangolin under the middle-aged man stretched out its huge claws like a cattail fan, and suddenly slapped the fox-faced old man away!


With a muffled sound, he fell among the kneeling villagers.


The fox-faced old man who collapsed on the ground suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You old bastard, are you really easy to be fooled by my lord!

Sacrifice must be fresh body and soul, do you old things deserve it! "

The little commander of the imperial guard snorted and shouted angrily.

Seeing this, all the villagers present couldn't help being terrified and trembling.

"Come on, catch that little brat and take him away in the car!"

Following the order from the middle-aged man with three tails, two two-tailed soldiers in leather armor immediately walked towards the little shepherd boy in the field with ferocious faces.

Seeing this scene, all the villagers felt extremely sad, but there was nothing they could do.

At this time, the fox-faced old man who endured the pain and struggled to get up was already devastated. He could only watch helplessly as the little shepherd boy was taken away, helpless.

And at the next moment, a young woman suddenly came and ran out of the house at the head of the village desperately.

He suddenly came to the field, stood in front of the little shepherd boy, then knelt down on the ground, begging for mercy to the commander of the imperial guards:

"I beg you to be merciful, my lord, just let my child live.

I am willing to be a sacrifice for him, and I beg you to show mercy..."

As he spoke, he bent down and kowtowed one after another.

Seeing this, the villagers kneeling on the ground also kowtowed in mournful voice:
"Please forgive me, my lord."

Immediately, everyone including the fox-faced old man bent down and kowtowed to the three-tailed middle-aged man.

"Forgive me? Huh, what a joke! Even if I really can make the decision, I will never show any mercy to you guys!"

The little commander of the imperial guard snorted contemptuously, then his face darkened, and he said sternly:
"Hmph, if it wasn't for thousands of years ago, your ancestors neglected their duties and let outsiders come to my Qingqiu country one after another.

How could the only royal princess of our family who has the blood of Nine Tails be lured out of the country by that hateful human man, and there has been no news since then.

As a result, our family no longer has a nine-tailed royal family that can restrict each other with the Lingzu.So much so that after he wakes up, he must sacrifice the lives of his clansmen in exchange for a short period of peace.

And now you, as a descendant of criminals, still have the face to plead with me, it is really shameless and ridiculous! "

As soon as these words came out, all the villagers in the audience suddenly fell into deep despair.

It seems that the little shepherd boy is really doomed this time...

"No, don't come over, don't come over!"

All of a sudden, the young woman yelled hysterically at the two approaching two-tailed soldiers.

However, the two soldiers turned a deaf ear to it, and came to the front with a ferocious look.

And just when they were about to kick the young woman who was in the way in front of them away.

A playful discourse suddenly came from not far away.

"I will replace that little fox, I really want to go to your capital to see and see."

Hearing the sound, all the imperial guards in the field couldn't help being startled, and then turned their heads to look.

But I saw a handsome young man wearing a gorgeous robe, with an extraordinary demeanor, suddenly came out of the house at the head of the village in a calm manner.

And behind him are two beautiful women in strange costumes, one big and one small.

After a while, these three people whose clothes were incompatible with the villagers here suddenly came to the field.

Seeing this, all the imperial guards couldn't help showing surprise.

"Which clan are you descendants of? How did you come here?"

Looking at the handsome young man with extraordinary temperament, the little commander of the Imperial Guard couldn't help asking in a deep voice.

Looking at his luxurious clothes, his status must be either rich or noble, and he should not be an ordinary clansman, but why did he come to this place where the lowly refugees live?

And just when the middle-aged Sanwei was puzzled.

But I saw that handsome young man, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:

"This seat is not a child of a clan, let alone a member of your clan."

Hearing this, the little commander of the imperial guards was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, his mind couldn't help being shocked, and he exclaimed in disbelief:

"Could it be, are you human beings?!"

"That's right, I just came here from outside yesterday."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing the sound, all the imperial guards present were inexplicably shocked and couldn't believe their ears.

Since the event that shook the country thousands of years ago, their entire ethnic group resolutely closed the country and completely cut off all communication with the outside world.

Therefore, for thousands of years, no outsider has ever come to their Qingqiu country.

But at this moment, the boy who appeared suddenly said that he was from the outside world, how could this keep them calm.

And seeing the three people who were originally hiding in the house, they came out in such a big way at this time, revealing their true identities.All the villagers in the audience turned pale with fright, and all their souls trembled.

"Hey, who told you to come out! It's over, it's over, you really killed us..."

The fox-faced old man suddenly cried out sadly.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the little commander of the Imperial Guard who was riding on the pangolin showed an unprecedented ferocious expression on his face.Pointing at the villagers kneeling on the ground, he shouted angrily:

"You brave people dare to openly cover those outsiders. You are really rebellious and deserve death!"

As soon as these words came out, all the villagers in the audience couldn't help being horrified, shaking like chaff.

Thousands of years ago, their ancestors let the fisherman go without permission, which led to a series of evil consequences.It even indirectly caused the entire country of Qingqiu to almost fall into a situation beyond redemption.

But now, as the descendants of criminals, they actually failed to report and expose the three outsiders in time in front of the imperial guards.

This kind of behavior of knowing the law and breaking the law will definitely not end well...

Thinking of this, all the villagers, including the fox-faced old man and the young woman, suddenly fell into deep despair.

(End of this chapter)

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