Chapter 656

Looking at the main hall, standing solemnly at the moment, there are many noble royal families with five or even seven tails behind them.

The fox-faced old man and many other fox-clan refugees were shocked beyond measure, and trembled involuntarily.

He even couldn't help wanting to kneel down and worship those real big men standing at the top of Qingqiu country.

And at the next moment, when the fox-faced old man and his party had just stepped into the gate.All the royal ministers in the hall with extraordinary momentum immediately turned their heads and looked over.

In an instant, a series of cold and stern eyes suddenly cast on the visitor.

Then, it swept past those fox refugees in ragged clothes, and immediately concentrated on the young man in gorgeous robes and the two women in strange clothes.

For a moment, everyone in the hall was extremely surprised. This was the first time they saw the legendary human beings, and they couldn't help feeling extremely surprised.

"come over."

A majestic and grand discourse suddenly broke the silence in the hall.

Hearing the sound, the golden armored man didn't dare to delay, and immediately led more than 20 people behind him to the high platform deep in the hall.

A moment later, the fox-faced old man and his party came to the high platform in fear under the countless cold gazes around them.

And it was only at this moment that they realized that those ten men and women of the fox clan who were sitting on the majestic throne with overwhelming aura had eight gorgeous fox tails swaying behind them.

They are the kingdom of Qingqiu, the most powerful eight-tailed royal family!

It is also the well-deserved ten leaders of the entire fox clan, the king of the fox clan!
In an instant, he was faced with these ten majestic and majestic eight-tailed royals who were not angry or arrogant.The fox-faced old man, the young woman, the little shepherd boy, and the dozen or so fox children in the audience suddenly felt a kind of coercion from the blood, pressing extremely heavily on themselves.

Immediately without any resistance, the most inferior refugees of the fox clan knelt down on the ground, bowed their heads and trembled.

Seeing this scene, the ten fox kings present on the stage did not feel any surprise.

He didn't even look at the refugees kneeling on the ground, and cast his eyes directly on the three outsiders who were still standing in the audience.

"My lords, those three people are the alien humans that the imperial guards said."

The big man in golden armor pointed at Wu You and the three of them suddenly, and bowed to report respectfully to the eight-tailed royal family on the stage.

Hearing this, the eyes of the ten kings of the fox clan couldn't help showing a look of interest.

Immediately sitting on the central throne, an old man with eight tails wearing a gold and jade imperial robe and with a breath of air said in an incomparably majestic way:

"Where did these three people come from?"

Hearing this, the little commander of the imperial guards under the stage hurried forward, knelt down on both knees, and bowed down to the kings of the fox clan on the throne, saying earnestly:

"Reporting to my lord, these three humans were my subjects when they were accepting sacrifices in Taohua Village. With years of experience and intuition as a guard, I discovered that the words and deeds of those villagers were different.

Immediately, under the scrutiny of the ministers, the alien humans who were sheltered by the rebellious people were found out.

However, the human youth was very powerful, and he wounded all the soldiers of the Imperial Guard.The ministers fought bravely with him for a long time, but in the end they were also defeated.

Helpless, for the sake of the future safety of the Qingqiu country, the ministers had no choice but to make a compromise and delay the attack.

Lured these three human beings who sneaked into our country to plot evil, together with those rebellious villagers, and lured them to the capital.

Now seeing that these three outsiders are already the shackles in the urn, the subject can be regarded as retired after their accomplishments, and they will die without regret. "

In the end, the little commander of the imperial guards had a look of righteousness on his face.

After hearing these words, many ministers of the royal family in the entire hall couldn't help but frowned, and their faces suddenly darkened.

Although the three alien humans were very suspicious, those refugees who sheltered them were even more hateful!

For a moment, the entire royal family glared angrily at the fox-faced old man and others kneeling on the ground, wishing to tear these rebellious creatures alive!
But at this time, after hearing the embellished complaint from the commander of the imperial guards, the fox-faced old man and the young woman suddenly lost their souls.Want to explain something, but don't know how to speak.

After all, they really shielded those three humans, and it is useless to say anything now...

In an instant, feeling the countless icy cold gazes around them, the fox-faced old man and the others turned pale with fright and trembled like chaff.

And at the next moment, among the ten kings of the fox clan sitting on the throne, a middle-aged man with eight tails who was at the bottom suddenly said with a sullen expression:
"Those who communicate with outsiders, should be punished!"

As soon as these words came out, the fox-faced old man and the young woman suddenly lost their souls and collapsed to the ground in despair.

It's over, it's over...

The king of the fox clan has opened his golden mouth, and all the people in Taohua Village will be killed!
At this time, the other eight-tailed royal family on the stage didn't care much about the life and death of those refugees, and kept looking at the three alien humans with great interest.

"You three come forward, the king has something to ask."

The eight-tailed old man in the center ordered with a dignified face.

Hearing the sound, Wu You walked forward with his hands behind his hands indifferently with a faint smile.

Seeing this, the uneasy Si Jinyan and Ying Ning also hurriedly followed.

After a while, the three of them came to the stage.

"What are you still doing, why don't you kneel down as soon as you see my king!"

The big man in golden armor suddenly shouted in a deep voice.

However, the three humans remained indifferent, standing there without any intention of kneeling.

"Bold! You humble human beings, who are already doomed to escape, dare to be so presumptuous, you really want to die!

Hurry up and kneel down and ask my king for sins! "

The little commander of the imperial guard immediately shouted proudly.

At the next moment, all the royal ministers in the entire hall stared at the three humans coldly, and said in unison:

"Your Majesty!"

The sound was earth-shattering, as if the hall was shaking.

In an instant, those fox refugees who were kneeling on the ground were almost stunned by the overwhelming words...

However, no matter how the royal ministers in the field reprimanded and threatened them, the three humans standing in front of the stage never knelt down to their king.

This can't help but make all the fox people in the audience furious. If the king didn't give the order, they would have stepped forward and skinned those three rude people!
"Hehe, it seems that these three little guys have tough bones. This is interesting."

Suddenly, in the middle of the high platform, on the throne adjacent to the old man with eight tails, there is a beautiful woman with eight tails with a seductive appearance.Looking at the three humans under the stage, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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