Chapter 662
Hearing this, Si Jinyan couldn't help but startled.

Yes, judging from the poems, after Liu Ziji came out of Taohuayuan, he should have died soon after "seeking illness"...

It is impossible to have a child with the third princess of the fox family.

Moreover, Her Highness the Third Princess of the Fox Clan was born more than 600 years ago. How could Ying Ning be her child?

"Xiao Ning, sister has never asked you, who is your father? Where is he now?"

Si Jinyan asked in surprise.

"Sister Jinyan, I was still too young at that time, and I don't remember many things clearly."

Ying Ning shook her head, then said sadly:
"I just remember back then, after my father let me take a pill, I fell into a deep sleep for some reason.

And when I woke up, I was the only one left in the house, and there were some words written by my father on the wall.

It said he was going to a faraway place, and he would be back to see me soon after I woke up.

The location of the place where my mother was buried was also left on the wall, so I can pay homage to it when I have time.

And when I came out of the house, I realized that the outside world had changed, and everything was different.

It wasn't until then that I realized that after taking that elixir, I had been asleep for a long, long time..."

Hearing these words, Si Jinyan was shocked for no reason at all, and she was even more puzzled and confused.

Who is Xiao Ning's father?Where is the faraway land he went to?

How could he have the miraculous elixir that can make people sleep for many years without aging or dying?

And he also said that after Xiao Ning woke up, he would come back to meet him soon.

Could it be that Xiao Ning's irresponsible father will really appear soon?
At this moment, Si Jinyan was deeply caught in many doubts and couldn't extricate herself...

And after hearing the conversation between the two women in the venue, all the fox clan members in the hall were puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and looked at each other in dismay.

But what is certain is that the little girl who can receive the protection of many holy spirits is the third princess who left Qingqiu Kingdom, the child born to humans by Tushan Zhidie and humans!
For a moment, all the fox clan members in the audience were in an unprecedented shock, unable to control themselves for a long time.

"Tu Shan Zhidie..."

Hu Meier, who was bruised and bruised and collapsed on the ground, looked at the little girl surrounded by the nine-tailed white fox in disbelief, and her heart was already so shocked that it couldn't be more.

It turned out that the person I wanted to kill just now was actually a descendant of the Nine-Tails royal family!
No wonder those remnant souls left by the Nine-Tails royal family took the initiative to protect the little girl.

This must have felt the aura that belonged to the blood of Nine Tails.That's why he instinctively obeyed the orders of this descendant of the same line.

And before, I wanted those holy spirits to attack their descendants.

This, this is simply asking for humiliation!

Thinking of this, Hu Meier, who was originally pale, suddenly turned red and embarrassed...

But at this moment, Bai Yunliu of the Eight-tailed Royal Family suppressed the turbulent waves in his heart for the time being.To the little girl with an amazing background, she said with complicated emotions:
"The holy spirit will gradually fade away from the holy monument for too long, and it must be recalled now.

You, can you let them return to the stele first?
Of course, don't worry, now that we know that you are a descendant of the Nine-Tails Royal Family of Qingqiu Kingdom, we promise that we will not hurt you any more. "

Hearing this, Ying Ning immediately recovered from the sadness of the memories, then nodded in a daze and said:

"OK, all right."

After finishing speaking, he quickly said to the nine-tailed white foxes who were sitting around him, who were baring their teeth at other fox tribe members:

"Go back quickly, or you will be in danger."

Hearing the sound, many nine-tailed white foxes in the field stood up one after another, and whined a few times to Yingning reluctantly.

Then he roared intimidatingly at the terrified fox people around him, and then flew back to the white jade stele in the center of the hall, which turned into lifelike reliefs...


Following a loud noise, the tall and majestic white jade stele suddenly descended slowly until it disappeared completely.

Suddenly, the ground returned to its usual level, as if the unimaginable scene just now was just an illusion...

And at the next moment, Bai Yunliu and the other eight fox clan kings suddenly helped Hu Meier, who was seriously injured, to the center of the hall, where the white jade stele was before.

Immediately, the nine eight-tailed royals stood on the circular pattern on the ground like the previous royal ministers.

At the next moment, the nine fox kings in the arena suddenly bent down and put their palms on the ground.

Then a mysterious ancient spell resounded through the entire hall.

At the next moment, the palms of the eight-tailed royals who touched the ground suddenly lit up!

In an instant, the circular pattern on the ground once again radiated bright light, and bursts of sacred aura immediately permeated the air.

The next moment, that incomparably gorgeous brilliance completely enveloped Hu Meier who was lying on the ground.

In an instant, dazzling flames filled the entire hall!

Everyone present immediately turned their heads away, not daring to look directly.

After a long time, Bai Yunliu and others suddenly stopped chanting the mantra, withdrew their palms, and straightened up.

The flames in the hall also gradually dissipated.

In an instant, Si Jinyan, Ying Ning and others looked into the field in amazement.

But on the ground in the center of the hall, there was Hu Meier, who was bitten by the holy spirit and was covered in bruises all over her body.At this time, those terrible wounds on his body miraculously healed.

Although the clothes on his body were still a bit ragged, the injury was as good as ever!

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Si Jinyan, Ying Ning, and those fox refugees couldn't help being shocked for no reason.

They never expected that the strange circular pattern on the ground could not only summon the nine-tailed white fox, but also had such a miraculous healing ability.

This is incredible!
At this time, Wu You, who was always standing aside with a calm expression, looked at the mysterious circles of circular patterns on the ground with interest, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

And at the next moment, Bai Yunliu, who had taken care of all the important matters, suddenly turned around and walked towards Ying Ning who was not far away.

After arriving in front of him, under the shocked eyes of everyone in the audience.

This incomparably noble old man with eight tails, the king of the fox clan, immediately bowed deeply to the little girl in front of him, and bowed respectfully:

"My subject, Bai Yunliu, pay my respects to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Seeing this unimaginable scene, all the fox people in the hall couldn't help being dumbfounded and shocked.

No one expected that a majestic king of the fox clan would bow down to a little girl as a vassal.

This is simply too unbelievable!
(End of this chapter)

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