I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 689 The True Face of the Spirit Ancestor

Chapter 689 The True Face of the Spirit Ancestor
Seeing this incomparably terrifying scene, tens of thousands of Fox clan members were immediately frightened and completely plunged into despair.

Now even the human cultivator is no match for Lingzu, they are doomed today.

And at this extremely critical time, seven cyan rainbows suddenly shot towards the ancient beast!

"Hmph, your sword array just now can't do anything to this king's mount, so what about those seven broken swords!"

Chi You snorted contemptuously, but didn't even bother to dodge it, letting the seven blue rainbows fly towards him.

"When! When! When..."

At the next moment, following a series of deafening crackling sounds, the Changhong that had struck the head of the ancient giant beast with seven slashes was immediately knocked flying.It turned into seven blue light swords again, trembling in the void...

But the spirit ancestor who was hit was unharmed!
Seeing this expected scene, Chi You's incomparably ferocious face immediately showed contempt and disdain.

"Hmph, brat who overestimates himself, now you know how powerful this iron-gnawing beast is!

If it wasn't for that despicable and shameless Yellow Emperor who used insidious tricks to assassinate this king, even with my extremely powerful mount, that guy would not be able to do anything to me!
And now, you, a little-known brat, dare to be so rude to this king, I..."

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly found that the iron-gnawing beast that was bent down and was about to devour the tens of thousands of foxes raised its head suddenly at the next moment.

Suddenly, he turned his incomparably huge head and looked at the seven blue light long swords in the air.

Immediately, two greedy gazes shot out if they had any real substance!

At the next moment, this huge monster that covered the sky and the sun suddenly abandoned the tens of thousands of foxes under it.Unexpectedly, he rushed towards the seven blue light long swords desperately...

Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone on the ground who had escaped.While extremely rejoicing, but also more surprised and puzzled.

Didn't this spirit ancestor want to eat them?Why are you suddenly chasing those flying swords now?

Seeing this, the corner of Wu You's mouth suddenly curled up into a playful smile, and then he manipulated the seven Tongtian swords and flew into the distance at top speed!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

In an instant, the mountain-like ancient ferocious beast also moved away from the crowd present and galloped away into the distance.

For a moment, watching the huge monster surrounded by black air, chasing the seven blue light long swords, running and jumping on the endless grassland like butterflies.Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded and dumbstruck...

At this time, the spirit of Chi You, who followed his host and "flyed freely" on the grassland, was already full of confusion.

"Stop, stop, stop chasing! You idiot, stop for me..."

However, no matter how much he yelled, the giant beast never paid any attention to it, chasing the seven blue-light long swords wholeheartedly, galloping on the prairie to its heart's content...

"Brother, big brother, what kind of spell is this? It's too powerful to make that ancient beast so out of control!"

Seeing this, the ten-tailed sky fox above the sky exclaimed in disbelief.

At this moment, all the members of the Fox clan in the audience looked at Wu You in shock and inexplicable, wondering how this human practitioner did all this.

And at the next moment, Wu You, who was stepping on the Ziwei sword, said calmly with a half-smile:
"This is not a spell, but because the materials of the Tongtian swords in this seat are quite special."

As soon as these words came out, everyone including Ying Ning was stunned, puzzled.

But at this time, the spirit of Chi You, who heard these words from afar, suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed hysterically:

"You, are your flying swords made of bamboo?!"

"Well, yes, you guessed it."

Wu You nodded, then smiled playfully and said:

"Of course their material is not ordinary bamboo, but the spiritual species of heaven and earth, the emperor of bamboo, Tongtian bamboo!"

Hearing this, Chi You's spirit was stunned for a moment, and then burst into anger!

"Damn it, what are you using to make a flying sword? It's not good to use bamboo. It's really disgusting!"

As soon as the words fell, Chi You's incomparably ferocious face suddenly burst into the sky, and all the black energy on the ancient beast's body suddenly disappeared!

In an instant, the Lingzu, who had always been shrouded in black air, finally revealed his true colors at this moment.

All I saw was a fat, plump, and black-and-white behemoth, which was impressively displayed in front of the world!
Looking at the round, furry face of the giant beast, the pair of figure-eight dark circles.

Ying Ning and Si Jinyan were stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed in unison:

"The Lingzu is actually a national treasure!"

In an instant, the two women suddenly showed unprecedented shock.

No matter what, they never imagined that the extremely terrifying and ferocious Spirit Ancestor who has plunged the Qingqiu Kingdom into dire straits for thousands of years would be a giant panda...

This, this is simply unbelievable!
For a while, Ying Ning and Si Jinyan stared blankly at the grassland, which was still clumsily "flapping butterflies".

I can't help but feel that the national treasure is so cute...

The next moment, the two women both reacted, no wonder this Gun Gun, no, this spirit ancestor will be attracted by those flying swords made of bamboo, maybe this is the so-called instinct.

This really proves the old saying that a panda will never be a slave, unless it includes food and shelter!

But at this time, the spirit of Chi You, who had escaped from the host's body in the air, looked at the iron-gnawing beast that was still bouncing around and "preying", and immediately became furious!

"It was because of the old man of the Yellow Emperor who threw a bundle of bamboo on the ground when the two armies were fighting. At that time, the king who was riding the iron bit was beheaded here...

I didn't expect this stupid guy to make the same mistakes again today, I'm really angry! "

Chi You's spirit yelled angrily, then turned his head and looked coldly at the human youth, with a ferocious face and said:
"Don't be too happy, even without the help of that stupid mount, this king can still make you little ghost fly away!"

Immediately without any hesitation, the thick and huge billowing black air in the sky suddenly rushed towards Wu You with extreme speed!

Seeing this, Ying Ning and Si Jinyan came back to their senses immediately, and then turned pale in shock.

At this moment, Wu You is manipulating the seven-handled Tongtian sword to deal with the spirit ancestor, how can he have the spare power to deal with the Chi You spirit, which is no small matter at first glance?
Sure enough, at the next moment, Wu You was completely indifferent to the majestic black air coming from him.

Immediately under the horrified eyes of everyone in the audience.Without any surprise, the human youth was instantly enveloped by the thick black air!


"Shen Yi Jing": "There is a beast in the south, which is called iron gnawing. Bear-like, small head, numb feet, black and white, can lick copper, iron and bamboo bones."

(End of this chapter)

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