I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 7 The Night Banquet

Chapter 7 The Night Banquet
"I don't believe it. There are no gods in this world. It's just nonsense."

Duan Jiaqi sneered at Wu You's words, although she didn't know how to make Duan Shuping recover miraculously.

But while Duan Jiaqi was grateful, she still had a heart for this cold and arrogant guy.Just like when she was a child, she always wanted to fight against him, even she didn't know why.

Everyone else present also shook their heads, thinking that Wu You was joking.

"I knew you didn't believe me. Forget it, just treat it as if someone gave me a panacea, saying it can cure all diseases, so I'm here."

Wu You didn't bother to explain anything, so he said casually.

Hearing this, Duan Shengchao felt relieved immediately, as expected, this kid had some kind of shit luck to get the elixir given by an expert.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary student suddenly have the confidence to break into Duan's house to treat someone?
Duan Jianliang thought more, such as how Wu You got into Duan's house, who gave him the elixir, what was the relationship between the two of them, and so on.

He was about to ask in detail, when Duan Shuping, who was sitting on the main seat, suddenly said in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense, no matter what kind of opportunity You Er has, it is his own business, you better not give it to me." What am I thinking about?"

"Father was joking. You watched Wu You's nephew grow up. It's not an exaggeration to say that he is from my Duan family. Who would dare to think of him."

Duan Jianliang explained with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry you don't dare."

Duan Shuping snorted, turned his head to look at Wu You, his eyes instantly softened, and said in a gentle voice, "You'er, I have really suffered for you this year. Apart from the bastards of the Duan family, has anyone bullied me during my illness? past you?"

Before Wu You answered, Duan Jiaqi blinked her pale blue eyes, and whispered, "Grandpa, you don't know, the Wu family has abolished his inheritance rights, and he is no longer the young master of the Wu family."



As soon as Duan Shuping slapped the table, his face changed drastically, and he said angrily, "I knew it, I knew this group of bastards from the Wu family would definitely do such despicable and shameless things while I was away!"

"Grandpa, don't get angry. In fact, part of the reason why the Wu family is like this is because of Wu You's own fault."

As Duan Shengchao said, he glanced at Wu You, and said teasingly: "Who made him idle and hurt the second young master of the Liu family in public. It is understandable for the Wu family to do this in order to calm down the Liu family."

"shut up."

Duan Shuping looked at Wu You, frowned and said, "You'er, what's going on?"

Wu You chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, "Grandpa Duan is no big deal, it was that Liu Kunlong who bullied people too much, I couldn't understand it, so I took action, but it's a pity that the beating was too light at that time."

Duan Shuping nodded and said: "I've heard about the second generation ancestor of the Liu family, he's not a thing at all, he acts recklessly all day long because of the poor money in the family. He really should be taught a lesson, You'er, you're not wrong. "

Then, staring at each other, he snorted coldly: "The Liu family and the Wu family have come together to humiliate you. There really are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys dominate. The old man has been lying down for so long, it's time to move his hands and feet."

Seeing Duan Shuping protecting Wu You so much, Duan Jianliang hesitated to speak.

Duan Jiaqi and Duan Shengchao's eyes were full of jealousy.Duan Shuping has loved Wu You in every possible way since he was a child, even closer than his own grandson.This is also one of the reasons why the juniors of the Duan family hate Wu You very much.

After hearing Duan Shuping's words, Wu You had a rare warm look in his eyes, and he was even more moved in his heart.

After a while, he shook his head and said, "Grandpa Duan, you just recovered from a serious illness. Don't worry about the affairs of the Wu family and Liu family. I will naturally settle accounts with them one by one!"

Seeing Wu You's firm expression, Duan Shuping sighed helplessly: "Forget it, you've grown up, an old man like me can't control it anymore.

But you have to remember that as long as Grandpa Duan lives for one day, he will always stand behind you, support you, and make decisions for you. You don't have to be afraid of anyone. "

Wu You immediately stood up and bowed deeply to the white-haired old man.

You'er failed to be filial to you in the last life, and I will repay you in this life forever.

For a while, the hall was silent.

After a long time, Duan Shuping asked Wu You to sit down with moist corners of his eyes.

Seeing that the atmosphere was dull, Duan Jiaqi took the lead and said, "Grandpa, your illness is just right, you must be a little hungry, why don't you let the kitchen prepare some food and drink?"

"Well, I'm really hungry, You'er will have a drink with Grandpa Duan later." Duan Shuping said with a smile.

"Okay." Wu You nodded.

Not long after, the servants prepared a sumptuous banquet.

Duan Jiaqi held the white jade jug and lightly moved the lotus steps to pour wine for everyone.

Duan Shuping raised his glass and said with a smile: "The old man was able to escape from the gate of death this time, all because of You'er's contribution, this glass of wine should be respected first."

No one dared to object to this, and everyone drank a toast.

After drinking for three rounds, Duan Shuping became happier as he drank more. Although he was just recovering from a serious illness, his health was surprisingly good and he didn't feel drunk at all.

Wu You even drank like drinking water, not a problem at all.

On the contrary, Duan Jianliang and Duan Shengchao were a little drunk.

"Jianliang, when is Gu Rou coming back?"

Duan Shuping put down his wine glass and asked suddenly.

Duan Jianliang turned his head and said: "Father, Gu Rou is studying at Kyoto University. I just came back to see you a few days ago, but you have been sleeping in bed all the time, so I don't know."

"Oh, then you ask her to come back some time, and make an appointment with Yu'er."

Duan Shuping said casually.

Hearing this, Duan Jianliang suddenly sobered up for the most part, wondering: "Father, let's discuss this matter in the long term."

"Huh? Why? Do you think Yu'er is not good enough for her!"

Duan Shuping frowned immediately, and stared at Duan Jianliang with an unkind expression.

Duan Jianliang quickly explained: "No, no, Wu You's nephew is a talented person, and he has a marriage contract with my Duan family, how could I despise him.

It's just that Gu Rou has grown up now, and she has her own ideas about everything, let alone the major events in her life.If you push her too hard, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating. "

"Yeah, Grandpa, Gu Rou is still in school, so you can't delay your studies because of it." Duan Shengchao agreed, glaring at Wu You, and sneered in his heart, it's wishful thinking just because you, a toad, still wants to be my brother-in-law .

Duan Shuping said coldly: "What do you two mean? You think I don't know? Stop talking nonsense. Gu Rou is back. I'll tell her personally. I'll see who she listens to."

Duan Shuping and Duan Shengchao were immediately speechless.

And Duan Jiaqi, who was pouring wine for everyone, felt a sense of loss for some reason.

"Grandpa Duan, in my opinion, my engagement with Duan Gurou should be annulled."

After finishing speaking, Wu You raised his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

 Signed, please collect
(End of this chapter)

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