Chapter 709
Hearing the little shepherd boy's answer, Ying Ning suddenly became angry.

She really didn't understand why the master accepted such a fool who was so muddy that he couldn't support the wall as his disciple.

But at this moment, Wu You didn't think so.

As early as when he was in Taohua Village, he discovered that this little shepherd boy named Qianwu had a rare talent for cultivation in this world.

He was on par with his big disciple Tao Xiaomeng!
Of course, this cannot be ignored for Wu You, who is eager for talents at the moment, so the current scene was staged, and he wanted to get him into his family.

And just when Ying Ning wanted to say a lesson, that stupid guy who doesn't know good from bad.

But Wu You looked at the innocent little shepherd boy, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:

"When you learn the skills of this seat, you will not only be able to herd one cow, but hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of cows.

How about it?Are you willing to worship me as your teacher now? "

Hearing what His Majesty said, Prisoner Wu's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded excitedly and said:
"Yes, I am willing to take you as my teacher and learn the skills of herding cattle."

Seeing this, Ying Ning was completely speechless, and then coldly snorted:
"If you're willing, don't hurry up and call your master, what are you doing there?"

Hearing this, Prison Wu immediately knelt down on the ground with a plop, kowtowed respectfully to Wu You and said:


At this time, the [-] fox people under the high platform were all shocked when they saw this unimaginable scene.

They really didn't expect that the Lord would accept a low-status refugee as an apprentice, which is simply too unbelievable.

That guy with only one fox tail, He Dehe Neng would be so valued by the Lord, it is really outrageous.

But at this moment, the villagers of Taohua Village, who were standing at the outermost edge of the crowd, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

They didn't know until now that the lord Lord didn't want to punish them for their disrespect, but wanted to accept the little shepherd boy as his apprentice, which really made them worry for nothing.

At this time, the fox-faced old man and the middle-aged woman couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw the shock and surprise in each other's eyes.

They deeply know how powerful that Lord Master is.

Prisoner Wu was lucky enough to be under his sect, it is simply a blessing from the people of Taohua Village who have cultivated for several generations, the future must be limitless!

And just when everyone in the audience had mixed feelings and mixed feelings.

Wu You smiled calmly to the little shepherd boy kneeling in front of him:

"Get up."

Hearing the sound, the little shepherd boy kowtowed again, then quickly got up and stood in front of Wu You with an innocent face.

"Okay, now that you have worshiped me as your teacher, I will teach you the cultivation methods of my sect at this moment."

As soon as the words fell, Wu You stretched out his jade-like palm and gently pressed it on the little shepherd boy's head.

Just the next moment.

Countless mysterious characters and training images appeared in Prisoner's mind out of thin air, and were imprinted in the depths of memory.

Immediately afterwards, the palm of Wu You's pressing on the little shepherd boy's head suddenly emitted a bright green light, instantly covering the whole body of the prisoner under it.

After a long time, when the blue light gradually disappeared, I slowly opened my eyes again.

Immediately afterwards, I felt that my body at this moment seemed to have been completely reborn, filled with waves of unprecedented comfort and lightness.

"Okay, this seat has washed away the impurities in your body, and now you can try to practice the returning to the source exercise in your mind."

Wu You smiled lightly.


Prison Wu nodded in a daze, then imitated the picture in his mind, and sat cross-legged on the white jade floor.

Then he closed his eyes and started the so-called practice according to the mysterious exercises in his mind.

Because his own cultivation aptitude is extremely excellent, and his mind is pure and free of distracting thoughts, and Wu You has washed his meridians again.

The little shepherd boy quickly entered a state of meditation, and his breath gradually became longer.

Not long after, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Wu You's mouth.

A brand new source point has emerged in his dantian!

And at the next moment, the ten eight-tailed royals standing respectfully not far away suddenly sensed the aura around them, and they all seemed to be frantically rushing towards one direction at this moment!
Following their feelings, Bai Yunliu and the others discovered to their horror that the refugee child who was sitting cross-legged on the ground was emitting a hazy blue light all over his body at this moment.

A large amount of spiritual energy around him is continuously instilling into his body.

And that layer of blue light is just the magical phenomenon that occurs when the spiritual energy gathers!
Seeing this unbelievable scene, Bai Yunliu and the others were shocked inexplicably.

This, what kind of exercise is this?How could it be so powerful.It is countless times more powerful than the inherited exercises treasured by their Qingqiu Fox Clan!

At this time, not only the people on the stage, but even the [-] fox people below the stage could keenly sense the changes in the aura around them.

Immediately, everyone showed incomparably shocked expressions, and couldn't believe their eyes.

Could it be that the exercises that His Excellency imparted to the refugee children were legendary fairy arts? !

But at this moment, not only all the fox clan members present, but even Chi You on the platform, no, even Ji Chi was also at this moment, showing an unprecedented shock.

The master is worthy of being the ancient true immortal who once ruled the universe, this practice method is really too powerful!
All the exercises I knew during my lifetime were like rubbish in front of him, not worth mentioning at all...

And just when everyone in the audience was shocked.

An incredible exclamation suddenly sounded in the field.

"God, look at his foxtail!"

As soon as the words fell, the original fox tail on the back of the refugee child who had attracted much attention suddenly began to split!
Two, three, four!

Four tails noble!

Yet the split isn't over yet.


Five-tailed royal family!

Oh my god, a refugee from the Fox tribe with mixed blood has become a royal family at this moment.

This is simply incredible!
For a moment, the [-] fox people in front of the palace were all dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their eyes.

However, at the next moment, the five fox tails on the back of the refugee child who was still cultivating cross-legged started to split again!

This, how is this possible? !
Eight-tailed royal family!

In an instant, all the fox people in the audience opened their eyes wide, shocked beyond measure.

And when the ninth fox tail suddenly appeared behind the refugee child.

The huge capital of Qingqiu suddenly fell into an unprecedented silence.

In an instant, the entire Qingqiu Fox Clan's [-] people, as if petrified, were all stunned on the spot, motionless.

Even in their dreams, they never imagined that they were still fox refugees with only one fox tail.

At this moment, he suddenly changed.

He has become the only nine royals in the entire Qingqiu Kingdom for thousands of years!
This, this is simply incredible!
(End of this chapter)

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