I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 711 Formation Accomplishments

Chapter 711 Formation Accomplishments
Because of mobilizing a huge number of people, and because of the incomparable excitement in everyone's hearts.

It took less than a day for the fox people to move all the items out of this huge white jade palace group, and there was almost nothing left.

Even seeing that there was still time, countless fox people cleaned the entire empty white jade palace overnight.

And on the second day.

After everyone has withdrawn from the White Jade Palace Group according to the order of the Lord.




An earth-shattering roar resounded continuously throughout the entire Qingqiu Kingdom!
Under the inconceivable eyes of countless people watching.

In the group of white jade palaces, which are nearly fifty football fields in size, the magnificent and tall palaces and pavilions began to sink into the ground one after another.

After a long time, when the last majestic palace disappeared before everyone's eyes.

A vast, boundless, mirror-like white jade ground is impressively displayed in front of the world!
Until now, Bai Yunliu and all the fox clan talents finally discovered that the true face of the White Jade Palace is indeed a jade plate as the Lord said...

For a moment, he looked at the flat and flawless white jade ground in front of him, which was covered with circular patterns.Countless people felt an indescribable shock, which suddenly hit their hearts.

And on this endless white jade ground, at this moment, there is only a young man who looks like a fairy, standing proudly in the center of the whole good fortune jade plate.

Just the next moment.


With a voice like an evening drum and a morning bell.

Centering on the young man, the circular pattern on the jade floor suddenly lit up, and began to spread rapidly!
In less than a moment, under everyone's shocked and inexplicable eyes.

The entire piece of smooth mirror-like jade ground has already lit up!
Looking at the radiant good luck jade plate, everyone in the audience was already dumbfounded, beyond shock.

And right now.

Standing proudly in the center of the white jade floor, Wu You smiled lightly.Immediately sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

next moment.





With the earth-shattering sound, the supreme sword sounded like a dragon's chant.

The Ziwei sword and the seven-handled Tongtian sword suddenly rise from the sky, roaming wantonly in the void!


Following Wu You's order.

The eight imposing peerless divine swords immediately descended from the sky and hit the ground directly.

In an instant, a series of incomparably complicated patterns were engraved on the vast and boundless ground of the good luck jade dish by Ziwei Sword and Tongtian Sword!

If you take a closer look, the newly engraved lines actually connect the originally chaotic circular patterns with a magical skill, without any sense of disobedience.

It seems that those newly engraved lines should have appeared in that place, it's just natural!
Looking at the central position of the white jade ground, it has begun to gradually reveal its clues, exuding a huge array of distant breaths.All the onlookers couldn't help being stunned and amazed.

"My lord seems to be assembling a natural spirit formation on the ground. Such a profound attainment of the formation is really unbelievable!"

Bai Yunliu couldn't help exclaiming.

Many ministers of the royal family beside him also showed expressions of disbelief.

As the mainstay of Qingqiu Kingdom, they have some understanding of the densely packed spiritual formations on the ground through document records and personal verification.

Naturally, they knew that on the white jade floor, there were only a few of the seemingly dense and endless circular patterns that could be used by them.Most of the other spiritual arrays did not respond, and even opened it rashly, which may be dangerous.

Therefore, it is really unbelievable that His Excellency can open so many complicated spirit arrays, and even connect them with each other without any conflict at all.

"As expected of the master, the art of formation is simply unprecedented!"

Ji Chi, a tall and beautiful woman, praised sincerely.

"Of course, the master is a true immortal, so of course it is beyond the reach of mere mortals!"

The cold-faced young man in black robe, Pi Dan, exclaimed proudly.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was deeply shocked and couldn't extricate themselves.

At this time, Wu You closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the center of the good fortune jade plate, using his spiritual consciousness to drive the eight flying swords to imprint patterns on the huge white jade ground without stopping.

Even so, it took a whole morning to engrave an area the size of two football fields.

It wasn't until the evening that the circular patterns on the ground that had been communicated and connected could barely reach the area of ​​four football fields.

Just like this without stopping the engraving, one fifth of the countless spirit arrays on the white jade ground have been combined and communicated after a day has passed.

However, Wu You at this moment still didn't stop, still crossed his knees and closed his eyes to control the flying sword, and continued to dance and engrave on the huge fortune jade plate.

Seeing this, countless people onlookers couldn't help but be deeply impressed by the perseverance of their lord.

Five days passed without a break.

On the vast expanse of white jade ground, the last spirit formation was finally completed by engraving and combination!

Just the next moment.

The entire vast and vast good fortune jade plate suddenly burst out with unprecedented light!
In an instant, the entire Qingqiu Kingdom was filled with monstrous flames.

Seeing this, everyone who had been waiting here for five days and five nights couldn't help being shocked beyond measure.

At this time, Wu You, who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the light, suddenly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice:

At the next moment, the ten thousand zhang ray suddenly began to shrink rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, all of them returned to the Good Fortune Jade Plate.

And then.


A loud shout that seemed to open up the world suddenly resounded through the sky!


In an instant, the extremely huge white jade ground was already covered with countless lines of spiritual formations.

Under the unbelievable eyes of everyone in the audience, it suddenly rose from the ground and was suspended in mid-air!
Until this moment, the onlookers finally witnessed the true face of this good luck jade dish.

In fact, it is a huge continuous piece of jade with a thickness of [-] meters!
For a moment, looking up at this huge "floating land", everyone present couldn't help being dumbfounded.

And right now.

The huge jade that had been suspended in the air suddenly began to stretch and deform in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, there was already an extremely vast jade plate of fortune.

At this moment, the area has doubled again!
A land of white jade, nearly the size of a hundred football fields, is displayed in front of the world!
Suddenly looking at the jade plate of good fortune that covered the sky and the sun above the head, everyone in the audience suddenly turned pale with astonishment and were inexplicably shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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