I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 714 The only condition

Chapter 714 The only condition
Hearing this, the tens of thousands of people in the audience were immediately refreshed, and their moods were extremely agitated.

It turned out that they thought the real trial of Guhua Xianzong was so difficult and terrifying, but now it seems that it is quite simple.

Isn't it just climbing stairs?They still have some physical strength.

When he thought that he was about to become a disciple of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect, he would learn that incomparably miraculous exercise.Everyone standing at the gate couldn't help but eager to try.

"Let me explore the way first."

At the next moment, with an excited utterance, Hu Meier, the royal family of Eight Tails, suddenly stepped out and walked towards the white jade staircase in the center of the hall.

However, just as she walked a few steps, a spirit array on the ground under her feet suddenly lit up!

All of a sudden, Hu Meier felt a blur in front of her eyes.

When he came back to his senses again, he was shocked to find that he was in a boundless ocean at this moment!

"Wow! Wow! Wow..."

Listening to the sound of the waves that can be heard all around.

Hu Meier, who was completely submerged in the water, was immediately stunned.

Am I not undergoing trials at the main altar of the Ancient Hua Xianzong?Why are you here all of a sudden?What is this place?
And at the next moment, a wave suddenly hit Hu Meier's face, and the cold and salty water curtain woke her up.

Then he looked at the blue water in front of him in horror, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"This, is this the sea recorded in ancient books?!
God, why am I here? "

In her life, she was not afraid of anything, but she had a deep fear of rivers, lakes and seas.

Therefore, Hu Meier has almost never dared to go into the water since she was a child, and even when she takes a bath, she asks the maid to scoop up water to rinse...

However, at this moment, she was actually in the sea of ​​nightmares, which made Hu Meier, who had been a landlubber all her life, terrified and frightened.

And just when she was floating on the surface of the sea helplessly, her hair was trembling in a mess.

But suddenly discovered that there is a small island indistinctly far away from him!
Looking at the vast sea, the only small island, Hu Meier, who was soaked in the cold sea water, immediately lifted her spirits.

Immediately, this lofty eight-tailed royal family used both hands and feet recklessly.

Towards the remote island, the dog planed away...

And not long after swimming, Hu Meier was shocked to find that all the powerful strength possessed by her as the eight-tailed royal family had disappeared at this moment!
I can only swim like an ordinary person in this sea.

Because of this, Hu Meier began to lose her strength and was out of breath not long after swimming.

She had no choice but to float on the sea to rest to recover her strength, and then went on to swim to the only small island in the vast sea.

As the saying goes, Wangshan ran to death, and Wangdao was exhausted to death.

After Hu Meier dog-planed for a day and a night, the small island was finally within sight.

Immediately, she was already physically and mentally exhausted, relying on the last bit of strength, she swam to the small island without stopping!
And when her body was completely exhausted, she collapsed on the beach like a puddle of mud.

Suddenly, Hu Meier felt her eyes darken.

When he opened his eyes again, a vast and shining hall came into view!
She, she actually returned to the main altar of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect!

But at this time, Hu Meier, who was already powerless due to the continuous dog-planing all day and night, actually felt that her body had regained its original strength at this time.

It seems that the previous scenes in the vast ocean were just a dream...

However, at this time, although Hu Meier had recovered her original strength, her face was pale and she was covered in cold sweat.

When I thought of being in that terrifying illusion, I struggled desperately for a day and a night.Hu Meier showed an expression of incomparable horror, and her whole body trembled involuntarily.

At this time, tens of thousands of people at the gate of the White Jade Palace looked at the scene in amazement, the terrifying expression of the beautiful woman with eight tails, as if she had seen a ghost.Immediately stunned, I don't know why

Just now, when Hu Meier stepped into the floor of the hall covered with dense patterns of spiritual formations, she suddenly closed her eyes for unknown reasons.

And in the blink of an eye, it opened again, and then it changed into the present extremely frightened appearance.

What happened to the eight-tailed royal family?It's unimaginable why he was so frightened all of a sudden.

"I, how long have I been in the illusion?"

The next moment, Hu Meier turned her head tremblingly, and asked with a bloodless face.

As soon as these words came out, countless people looked at each other in blank dismay, puzzled.

fantasy?What illusion?How did they not see it?

At this time, Bai Yunliu replied with a face full of surprise when he heard the words:
"You, you just went in, less than a moment."

Hearing this, Hu Meier was dumbfounded and couldn't believe her ears.

She obviously worked hard for a day and a night in the illusion, why did it take so long in reality?
And just when Hu Meier was extremely surprised and confused.

Si Jinyan, who was standing in front of the gate, suddenly said:

"What you experienced just now is not some illusion, but the projection of the thing you least want to work on, or you can say that you are having a nightmare.

But this kind of nightmare that directly hits the soul is more real and terrifying than any illusion! "

As soon as these words came out, Hu Meier's eyes widened and she was dumbfounded.

It turned out that everything that happened to her in the vast ocean was just a dream...

But at this time, everyone in the field heard the words, but they were even more surprised and puzzled.

This, isn't this the Guhua Immortal Sect's apprenticeship trial?Why make people dream?
Ying Ning seemed to see everyone's doubts, and immediately said solemnly:

"According to the information given by the master, the trials of the disciples on the first floor of the Guhua Immortal Sect's main altar do not depend on the strength and aptitude of the testers and other conditions.

The only thing to look at is perseverance!
Only those who can defeat themselves and have great perseverance can pass the trial, reach the second level of the main altar to practice exercises, and become disciples of the ancient Hua Xianzong! "

Hearing these words, tens of thousands of people at the gate of the palace suddenly came to their senses.

It turned out that if one wanted to become a disciple of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect, one must not only have good morals and thoughts, but also have perseverance far beyond ordinary people.

And if you can overcome the nightmare that you are least willing to work for, wouldn't it be the best embodiment of perseverance!
It was only at this moment that everyone understood the true intention of this trial, and then they all sighed, lamenting the good intentions of the lord.

But at this moment, after Hu Meier heard the words of the Tianhu King, she suddenly thought of something, and she was pleasantly surprised and said:
"Then, have I passed the test?"

However, Ying Ning shook her head and smiled wryly when she heard the words:
"The trial of Gu Hua Xianzong is not as easy as you imagined."

(End of this chapter)

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