Chapter 721
And just when the skinny man was dreaming.

The young man in a flowing robe standing in front of the car smiled lightly and said:
"Okay, there's nothing else for you here, go with peace of mind."

After all, he lightly waved his sleeves.

Immediately, the skinny man who paled in shock felt his eyes go dark.

When I came back to my senses, I found that I was actually in a vast and huge space!
"What, what is this place?"

The skinny man stared blankly at the unimaginable scene in front of him, forgetting the pain in his body for a moment.

"Could it be that I was killed by that martial arts master? This, this is the underworld?"

Thinking of this, the skinny man suddenly felt extremely sad.

Since he hitched a ride, he hasn't made a single vote, so why is he dead now?It's so worthless...

And just as he was thinking wildly, a blue light suddenly shot from above.

The skinny man looked up suspiciously, and then opened his eyes wide in an instant.

I saw an extremely huge Qionglou Yuyu shining with bright blue light, floating majesticly in the void.

Then, could it be the legendary Palace of the King of Hades!

My goodness, will there be a bull's head and a horse face later, to catch myself and accept the trial? !
And when he thought of all the evil deeds he had done during his lifetime, the skinny man was suddenly terrified and regretful.

If he really knows that there is a hell after death, even if he is given 1 guts, he won't dare to do anything bad.

But fortunately, although my character is not very good, and I even wanted to kill someone, but in the end it was not an attempt?

Maybe I can ask Lord Yan to give me a lighter punishment so that I don't have to be reincarnated as a beast...

And just when the skinny man was racking his brains to organize his speech.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

A loud noise that shook the sky and the earth suddenly came from a distance.

The skinny man followed the sound, but was shocked to find an extremely huge black dragon flying towards him at extreme speed!
And behind the black dragon, there was actually a terrifying and ferocious brown giant ape!

Oh my god, isn't it the promised bull head horse noodles?How did you become a dragon and a gorilla?
And in the next moment.

"Da da da……"

A burst of crisp footsteps sounded from behind.

Hearing the sound, the skinny man immediately turned his head to look.

But I saw a tall, graceful and sexy woman in a slim long skirt, with a cold and arrogant face, stepping on a pair of high-heeled shoes, she had already come to him.

For a moment, looking at this sexy beauty with bare snow-white skin and slender legs, the skinny man couldn't help being extremely shocked.

Fuck, it turns out that the staff of the underworld are so seductive, it's really a feast for the eyes.

And just when the skinny man looked at the sexy beauty in front of him with a piggy face, unable to extricate himself.

"Chicken wings, don't touch the food the master gave me!"

"Shut up chicken wings, that guy's soul belongs to me! If you dare to snatch it from me, I will never end with you!"

In an instant, two earth-shattering shouts came from the mouths of the red giant ape and the huge black dragon in the distance.

Hearing this, the skinny man was terrified, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

chicken wings?preserved egg?Is the food in the underworld so rich?
And just when he was inexplicably shocked.

The sexy beauty who had already come to him suddenly felt a cloud of black energy all over her body.

And when the black energy dissipated, a burly giant wearing black scale armor, six-armed hooves, and two horns on his head appeared impressively!
Seeing this scene, the skinny man was even more dumbfounded.

My mother, there are really bull heads!

Immediately, he rolled his eyes and passed out completely...

At the same time, on the road near Zhenwu Mountain, there was a white private car parked in the middle of the road.

Lu Xiaoran was stunned and inexplicably shocked when he saw the skinny man who fell on the hood and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Could it be that I am dazzled?Where did that villain go?
And just when Lu Xiaoran was puzzled.

The youth who was wearing an ice blue robe inlaid with gold and had an extraordinary demeanor suddenly opened the car door and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaoran immediately reacted.

Then he remembered the conversation between the boy and the skinny man just now.

It seems that this person's real purpose is not to save himself, but to rob this car...

Could it be that this boy is also a bad guy?

And then I thought about it, just now this young man seemed to be talking to that skinny man about what a "happy surprise" he was.

Oh my god, could it be that he just escaped from the tiger's mouth, and now he has entered the wolf's den again?
This young man is a master of martial arts who can kick that knife-wielding gangster away with one kick.

How could I escape from its hands?

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaoran looked at the back of the young man sitting in the passenger seat in the car in horror, trembling all over.

And at the next moment, an indifferent question suddenly came from the front.

"Are you a reporter?"

Seeing the young man questioning himself without looking back, Lu Xiaoran suddenly came to his senses, then nodded in horror and said:

"I, I'm just a trainee reporter for Liuzhou News.

Please, this hero, just let me go. I haven't even seen your face clearly, so I definitely won't call the police and cause you trouble. "

Speaking of landing, Lu Xiaoran closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look at the boy again, for fear of being murdered by him.

But at the next moment, only the young man continued to ask:

"Since you are a reporter, you should know what major events have happened in Liuzhou in recent days.

Now tell me about it. "

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoran couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect this young master who was planning to plot against him would actually ask such a question.

However, in order to save his life, Lu Xiaoran had no other choice but to tell the boy about all the big and small events he had learned in recent days.

And when the boy heard that a week had passed since Liuzhou Satellite TV's live tour in the provincial capital, he chuckled suddenly and said:

"It seems that I missed a good show, and now sister Jing is probably going to settle accounts with me."

Hearing the nonsensical words, Lu Xiaoran was startled suddenly, not understanding what the boy meant.

And just when she wanted to continue talking.

But only the young man asked calmly:
"can you drive?"

Hearing the sound, Lu Xiaoran was startled again, wondering why the boy asked this.

Then he nodded truthfully and said:

"Yes, but I just got my driver's license and I'm not very proficient yet."

"It's okay, as long as it can be opened."

The young man laughed lightly, then threw the car keys in his hand to Lu Xiaoran who was sitting in the back row, and said calmly:
"You drive."

Lu Xiaoran who received the key suddenly was shocked.

She never thought that the boy would actually let her drive this "stolen car" at this moment, which is really unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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