Chapter 733

With that said, Pu Junxian looked at Bai Lulu in the field, and said with a smile:

"Presumably everyone knows more about this beautiful lady than I do.

That's right, the person who accompanied me to Liuzhou today is my partner in Huaxia's new drama, Ms. Bai Lulu.

Please give me a round of applause. "

"Clap clap clap..."

Immediately, all the guests applauded enthusiastically. Obviously, they respected and welcomed this popular actress who was not inferior to Pu Junxian in China in terms of fame and status.

"Thank you everyone. I am also very happy to come to Liuzhou and meet so many new friends."

Bai Lulu nodded slightly and smiled.

After saying that, he couldn't help but glance at the handsome young man in a gorgeous robe...

Realizing this scene, Pu Junxian suddenly became angry again, the smile on his face gradually cooled down, and he didn't even speak anymore.

Just looking at Master Wu's eyes, full of hatred and jealousy.

Seeing that these two well-known superstars stopped after a few words of politeness, Yang Zijie hurriedly winked.

The waiter who had already been prepared by the side immediately held a tray and elegantly served several fine wines.

Immediately Yang Zijie picked up a goblet filled with crystal clear wine, and said in a pleasant voice:
"Okay, now that the guests from afar have been introduced, please raise your glasses, and let us welcome Mr. Park Junxian and Ms. Lulu again."

However, at the next moment, everyone in the audience showed doubts.

It seems that there is another person who has not been introduced, right?
In an instant, many people's eyes turned to the handsome young man in the field.

Seeing this, Yang Zijie immediately reacted, then shook his head and said with a sneer:
"Oh, look at my brain, how can I forget a person."

After finishing speaking, Yang Zijie immediately pointed to the indifferent young man, grinned and said:
"Now I would like to introduce you to everyone. This is the famous god of magic in Liuzhou Province, Master Wu!"

Immediately, he changed the subject and sneered:
"As for the purpose of Master Wu's coming here today, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to guess.

He's here for dinner. "

As soon as these words came out, all the guests present couldn't help being stunned.

For dinner?What does it mean?
"Well, everyone must know that Master Wu has always been indifferent to fame and wealth, and the dragon never sees the end.

So much so that he didn't want to meet the audience during the live tour a week ago, so he was completely blocked by Liuzhou Satellite TV.

Master Wu has been hungry for several days now, it really makes people who hear it sad, and those who listen to it cry. "

Yang Zijie sighed mockingly, then suppressed a smile, and said in a sad voice:
"So I couldn't bear it, so I invited Master Wu to come to the banquet to have a quick bite. Otherwise, I would starve to death, and that would be a great loss to our Liuzhou entertainment industry.

After all, Master Wu is known as the God of Magic, so he can't starve to death on the street. "

At the end, Yang Zijie sneered again and again.

And hearing this undisguised, full of sarcasm, many guests in the audience also reacted.

It seems that this time, Boss Yang wants to humiliate Master Wu in public and beat the dog in the water.

For a moment, the celebrities and bigwigs in Liuzhou's entertainment circle couldn't help showing a weird smile.

Hehe, there is a good show to watch now.

But at this moment, Pu Junxian, who was originally depressed, saw this scene, and finally had a bright smile on his face.

Obviously, Yang Zijie's words of mocking that nasty kid made him feel very relieved and refreshed.

But at the next moment, Yang Zijie saw that the kid who was mocked by him was still indifferent at the moment, and he snorted coldly in his heart.

Hmph, you are still pretending to be a saint here, let me see how long you can pretend!
Immediately, under the strange eyes of everyone in the audience.

Boss Yang of Hengda Media suddenly came to the young man with a goblet in his hand.

Then he said with a half-smile:

"Master Wu, I really want to thank you this time, if it weren't for you, Liuzhou Satellite TV's live tour would not have been taken over by Hengda Media.

Come, let's toast and celebrate. "

After finishing speaking, Yang Zijie picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall couldn't help chuckling.

Now, I'm afraid that Master Wu will no longer have the face to stay here.

And at this moment, Lu Xiaoran, who was standing behind Wu You, saw his idol and savior being humiliated by that dog-like guy.Immediately, he couldn't bear the anger in his heart, stood up suddenly, pointed at Yang Zijie and said angrily:

"How can you bully people like this, don't you have times when you are in trouble, it is really unreasonable!
Although Master Wu has encountered difficulties now, I believe he will make a comeback and trample all those who look down on him today! "

After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoran turned back to Wu You and said indignantly:
"Master Wu, let's go, don't be as knowledgeable as these guys."

Hearing these words, everyone in the audience couldn't help but startled. They didn't expect that a young girl would dare to contradict Yang Zijie in public and stand up for that Master Wu. This is really surprising.

At this time, Yang Zijie was not very angry, but sneered in an arrogant manner.

Faced with the barking of some bereaved dogs, it is impossible for him to lower his status and go back.

That little girl is not qualified to talk to herself!

Anyway, now that I have achieved my goal and humiliated the so-called Master Wu to my heart's content, it doesn't matter if he wants to leave.

After all, today is the welcome banquet of the South Korean superstar Mr. Park Joon-hyun, this unsightly guy had better get out of here!
"Since Master Wu wants to leave, I won't force him to stay. We'll have a long life, bye!"

With his chin raised high, Yang Zijie pointed at the pretending brat, and walked away with arrogance.

However, at this moment, the young man who had always been calm and calm shook his head suddenly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Are you kidding? I haven't eaten anything yet. How could I just leave like this?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the astonished eyes of everyone around him, pulled up the dazed Lu Xiaoran, walked straight to the exquisite and rich buffet not far away, and began to bury his head in tasting.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, all the guests present couldn't help being dumbfounded.

That Master Wu has been hurt like that, yet he still doesn't take the initiative to leave the venue, it is really unbelievable.

At this time, Yang Zijie was even more stunned on the spot, with a confused expression on his face.

It was the first time he saw such a brazen person who disregarded his own dignity and only wanted to eat and drink.

She's even more shameless than myself...

(End of this chapter)

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