Chapter 754
But just as Wang Boya nodded in embarrassment, the polite young man sitting beside him was always talking with the walkie-talkie.

"Director Wu, the audience has already entered the venue, how is the backstage preparation?"

"Mr. Wang, everyone and equipment are ready, and the performance can start at any time.

But is there really no need to wait for Yuko to come? "

Wu Jing, who was busy behind the stage, asked with a frown on the walkie-talkie.

"According to what General Chu said, Mr. Wu told me before leaving that you don't need to wait for him. Mr. Wu will naturally be there when the time comes.

So after the audience has entered the arena, the performance can officially begin. "

After Wang Bohao finished speaking, he turned the channel of the walkie-talkie and told the unprecedentedly large filming team that gathered all the camera resources of Wang's Media and Liuzhou Satellite TV:
"I repeat again, after the show starts, no matter what happens, no downtime, no interruption of the live broadcast!"

A handsome young man in a beautiful costume sitting behind stood up suddenly, and greeted the fashionable young woman beside him:
"Sister, I'm going to prepare for the performance first."

After finishing speaking, he left the auditorium and ran backstage.

And it wasn't until Lin Yihan ran away that Lin Shuwen, who was absent-minded, came back to her senses.

"Why, are you still worried about your girlfriend?"

The burly, square-faced young man at the side asked Lin Shuwen casually.

"Isn't it? It's been a few days. Ever since Jin Yan and Xiao Ning went underground with Master Wu, there has been no news at all. Can you not worry about it?"

Lin Shuwen mourned.

"Sister, don't worry, as long as my master is here, there will be no danger.

After all, my master is a god-like existence!Have you ever seen the protagonists in the movie anime novels?My master is much stronger than them..."

All of a sudden, a short-haired boy in denim and holding a huge backpack was very proud to talk endlessly.

"Shen Feiyang, please calm down, why do you have everything, it seems that the homework left before is still not enough!"

The glamorous woman in a tight professional suit sitting beside her suddenly said coldly.

Hearing Tian Qiaoling's words, Shen Feiyang fell silent immediately, holding the backpack in his arms and daring not to make a sound.

"What are you doing with that big bag all the way? Don't you think it's troublesome?"

Hearing this, Shen Feiyang said with a smile:

"Teacher Tian, ​​you don't know, it's all a gift I'm going to present to Master.

"shut up!"

Hearing this, Tian Qiaoling suddenly thought of the so-called gift that Shen Feiyang gave Wu You in order to learn from his teacher, and immediately interrupted his words with righteous indignation.

And just when she wanted to continue to reprimand this ignorant guy.

A soft and weak voice suddenly came from the front row.

"Hi sister, are you my master's teacher at school?"

Tian Qiaoling was startled, and followed the sound, only to see a pretty girl in a plain dress, looking at her timidly.

Immediately Tian Qiaoling nodded, smiled and said:
"Well, I'm Wu You's class teacher, hello little sister, what's your name?"

"Hello, teacher. My name is Meng Qingru. I want to ask you about my master's work at school..."

And just when Meng Qingru asked Tian Qiaoling what to do with excitement.

The tall and thin boy sitting next to him was also greeting a tall and strong middle-aged white man behind him.

"Hello, Uncle Hans, I didn't expect you to be invited by my Angkor."

"Hey, Menggui boy, no, Meng boy, I did receive an invitation from my Huaxia master.

At the same time, I also accompanied Miss Betty to watch the performance here. "

Hearing the words of Skeleton King Hans, Meng Qingnan turned to look beside him, only to see a blonde beauty with a sexy figure and full of aura sitting there.

And on the seat next to this foreign beauty, there is also a dignified and elegant foreign lady with an amiable face.

"Grandmother, there is no need for you to condescend to come to Huaxia in person. I will just explain the situation to that big liar."

The blonde beauty frowned slightly.

"Betty, how many times have I told you to treat that Mr. Wu with courtesy and no disrespect? If you don't obey me again, you will return to Citigroup and never set foot in China again!"

The old woman reprimanded solemnly.

Hearing this, although Betty Adams was angry, she did not dare to disobey her grandmother's wishes.

After a while, he hesitated again and said:

"Grandmother, you said that lie, is that Mr. Wu really capable of helping us achieve that?"

"Well, I always trust my instincts. This Mr. Wu must be the one I have been waiting for for decades."

The old woman nodded firmly.

Then he asked again:

"These days, have you invited the former curator of the Liuzhou Provincial Museum?"

"Not yet, grandma, I took people to the Provincial Museum in person these few days, but that Dean Qi Heqing seems to have disappeared suddenly..."


All of a sudden, the invited people sitting in the front row of the auditorium greeted each other warmly and introduced each other with excitement.

But their topic always revolved around one person, and that was Mr. Wu!
It is precisely because of this person that these people whose identities and statuses are very different, who should have had no intersection, are gathered together today.

And just as they chatted and got acquainted with each other in full swing.

The rows of seats behind were already full of people who came to watch the performance.

Although this live broadcast tour, the organizer has set up an unprecedentedly large auditorium, which can accommodate 5 people.

However, it didn't take long for all the stands to be filled.

Those audiences who had finally climbed the mountain and arrived late naturally did not want to leave.Under the command of many staff and troops, countless people stood neatly and orderly behind the auditorium, looking forward to it.

And until the number of people going up the mountain to watch the performance gradually decreased, after all of them reached the top of the mountain.

There are nearly 20 people on the top of the huge Zhenwu Mountain!
At this moment, there are so many people, it is no longer enough to describe the shocking scene in front of me. The top of the mountain is full of human heads as far as the eye can see...

If it weren't for the fact that the military was well-prepared this time, and countless soldiers were conscientiously maintaining order on the scene, it would have been a mess long ago.

And for this live broadcast tour, Liuzhou No. [-] Family and No. [-] wealthy family invested a huge amount of money at any cost, and the manpower and material resources they provided were unprecedented.

From this, one can imagine how magnificent the stage of this live broadcast tour is.

Compared with the top big shows abroad, it is not inferior!

(End of this chapter)

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