I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 761 Master Wu Is Really Here

Chapter 761 Master Wu Is Really Here

Hearing these words suddenly, everyone on the top of Zhenwu Mountain couldn't help but startled, and then followed the prestige.

But in the distant sky, there is a purple Changhong like a dragon, shooting towards Zhenwu Mountain with boundless power.

After a while, when it approached and slowed down, everyone suddenly realized that the majestic purple Changhong was actually a huge purple sword!
And just above this huge sword, there is a person standing impressively at this moment!

When he came to the sky above Zhenwu Mountain, everyone saw clearly that the person who came with the sword was actually a handsome young man in an ice blue and gold flowing robe, with an extraordinary aura, just like a fairy!

"It's Master Wu! Master Wu is really here!"

In an instant, the more than 20 spectators on the top of Zhenwu Mountain looked at the handsome young man standing proudly riding the wind and holding the sword in the void, and there was a burst of cheers.

The person who came was Master Wu, General Wu, God of Medicine Wu, and Mr. Wu whom they were looking forward to so much!

But at this time, Yuwen Boyan on the back of the giant crow stared blankly at the young man standing with his sword in the air, and his heart suddenly felt turbulent.

Yujian flying?This, how is this possible? !
Now is the Dharma-ending age, so extravagantly using magic weapons and wasting one's own precious aura, this is nothing short of violent!

And why does the flying sword under his feet look a little different from ordinary magic weapons?
And just when Yuwen Boyan was extremely suspicious, Wu You Yujian lowered his body and was suspended in mid-air.

Then he looked at the young man in red robe not far away with great interest, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said:

"You are the body of that Yuwen?"

Hearing the sound, Yuwen Boyan came back to his senses immediately, and then his face suddenly sank, and his tone was cold and sharp:

"That's right, this Immortal Monarch is the founder of the Slaughtering Wind Sect, Yuwen Boyan!

Hmph, you brat is that so-called Mr. Wu? "

"Well, it is this seat."

Hearing this, Wu You nodded with a light smile.

"Okay, you daring brat, now tell me the truth, more than half a month ago, the avatar puppet of this fairy king was destroyed by you?!"

Yuwen Boyan gritted his teeth and asked.

"That's right, your remnant soul was indeed eaten by my servant."

Wu You nodded indifferently.

"Servant? Eat?"

Hearing this, Yuwen Boyan couldn't help being taken aback, and then said angrily:
"Stop talking nonsense, why on earth do you want to destroy my clone? Hurry up and do it!"

"No way, who made him keep saying that this seat is his life-and-death enemy, and still shouting for beating and killing.

That seat had no choice but to fulfill him. "

Wu Youfeng smiled lightly.

Life, life and death enemies?

Yuwen Boyan was taken aback again, then suddenly thought of something, and immediately showed an unprecedented look of shock.

Immediately stretched out a pale finger, pointed at the young man in front of him, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"You, are you Hao Changfeng!"

However, Wu You shook his head and said with a sneer:
"Why do you also treat me as a preserved egg, it really gives me a headache.

Let me tell you the truth, your so-called enemy of life and death is the servant who ate your remnant soul back then. "

As soon as these words came out, Yuwen Boyan was startled, and then angrily reprimanded:
"Impossible, you don't talk nonsense here, what Hao Changfeng said back then, he was also the top foundation-building monk standing on the entire earth.

Even if he is really reborn now, and his strength is not as good as before, he will never condescend to you, a brat, and call him a slave! "

"If you don't believe me, I'm just telling the truth."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Seeing this, Yuwen Boyan was furious immediately, and coldly shouted with a ferocious face:
"Hmph, you don't eat fine wine for toasting, it seems that if you don't give you a little bit of strength, you won't be telling the truth!
Come on, let me catch that guy, regardless of life or death! "

As soon as the words fell, among the hundreds of crows in the sky above Zhenwu Mountain, ten giant crows carrying ancient warriors suddenly flew over.In an instant, with overwhelming momentum, he rushed towards the handsome young man standing on the sword, intending to kill him with one blow!

Seeing this scene, the more than 20 spectators in the arena suddenly turned pale with horror.

Facing the attacks of so many terrifying strange birds, how can Master Wu deal with it?
"Go to hell, brat!
After you die, I will suck your soul out again, and then I will make you unable to survive or die!Hahaha……"

Yuwen Boyan grinned ferociously.

However, at the next moment, the smile on Yuwen Boyan's face suddenly froze.

In a blink of an eye, his ten powerful servants were already very close to that self-righteous brat.

And when it looks like it's about to succeed.

A dazzling golden light suddenly burst from the boy's body!
"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

Following a series of loud muffled sounds, the ten giant crows carrying ancient warriors were all blown away!
After retreating a long way in the air, he finally stabilized his figure and barely stopped.

Seeing this scene, Yuwen Boyan immediately opened his eyes wide, and blurted out:
"This, how is this possible? Are you in the late stage of Qi training? Fighting in the fairyland!"

Then, as if he had discovered something, he stared closely at the young man's gorgeous robe, and said in disbelief:
"The clothes you are wearing, is it a magic weapon for protection?!"

"That's right, the Myriad Illusory Clothes worn by me is indeed a magic weapon, and it's also a spiritual weapon."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Magic weapon?

Yuwen Boyan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he showed unprecedented shock.

Spirit weapon!This, how is this possible? !
From the descriptions of some ancient ruins before his death, he learned that magic weapons in the practice world are divided into three levels: magic weapon, spiritual weapon, and sacred weapon, from low to high.

However, even though he was once a well-deserved top powerhouse of this star, at most he only had magic weapons.

Just like the soul-locking banner he sacrificed before, it is the strongest magic weapon in his body, but it is not even a quasi-spiritual weapon...

But who would have thought that at this moment, the boy said that the clothes on his body were actually more powerful spirit weapons than quasi-spirit weapons!
This huge gap was really unbearable for him, and he couldn't believe it.

However, that body-protecting magic weapon did withstand the attacks of ten qi cultivators.

Could it be that that dress is really a legendary spiritual weapon?
No, this is absolutely impossible!
Suddenly, Yuwen Boyan roared hysterically:
"Give it all to me, tear that kid alive!"

In an instant, without the slightest hesitation, hundreds of ancient warriors in the air immediately drove the giant crows below them, wrapped in majestic and incomparable aura, and rushed towards the boy frantically!
(End of this chapter)

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