I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 771 Evangelism

Chapter 771 Evangelism
As soon as these words came out, the more than 20 viewers in the audience were extremely surprised, not knowing why.

Then Master Wu actually said that he is not a magician?But how is this possible?

If it is said that the amazing scenes before were all real, it would be too far-fetched.

After all, this is the age of civilization. Such an unscientific argument is really unacceptable, and even more unbelievable.

And what is the ancient Hua Xianzong sect?
And what exactly did Master Wu want to announce?

But when countless audiences were puzzled, Wu You said calmly:

"In the near future, the world as you know it will undergo tremendous changes.

And the impact of that change is cruelty that you people can never imagine!
Only those with great power can finally survive in that new world.

But now you have only one dead end! "

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being surprised.

Earth-shaking changes?what does that mean?earthquake?
Then why did Master Wu turn from a magician to a prophet again?

Could all this be the prelude to the next performance of this magic god?

Yes, it must be, Master Wu is starting to create suspense, ready to continue the magic show!
Thinking of this, many audience members couldn't help but cheer up.

And at the next moment, Wu You on the stage asked with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Now I ask you, do you want the power to survive in the new world?"

Hearing this, all the viewers who thought it was the arrangement of the program all replied in unison:

"miss you!"

"Very well, then I will give you a chance today."

Wu You smiled lightly, and then proudly announced:
"Today, I am here to preach to the world and teach the world my ancient Hua Xianzong skills!

And anyone who can become a disciple of our sect and learn our martial arts can protect himself in the new world with a small achievement in practice, and even point to longevity after a great achievement! "

Hearing this, countless audiences who originally thought that Mr. Wu was just performing, suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of solemnity in their hearts for some reason.

Could it be that Master Wu wasn't just adding to the stage atmosphere?

Is everything he said true?
But, how is this possible?

And just when the audience was astonished, those people in the field originally came here to become Mr. Wu's disciples.Although I don't understand what the so-called new world is, I don't really expect to gain longevity by practicing that technique.

But I still look forward to becoming a disciple of Guhua Xianzong, after all, Mr. Wu's own strength is obvious to all.If I can practice his sect's skills, then maybe one day, I will also have that incomparably powerful strength!

Thinking of this, many warriors and members of Qianlong team who came to pay homage to the sect couldn't help being excited.

At this time, although Chu Yuntian in the audience was also very excited, he was a little frustrated when he thought that there was not even a house to shelter from the wind and rain on Zhenwu Mountain at this moment.

Could it be that on this bare mountaintop, let your master establish a sect and accept disciples to pass on his skills?
This is really disrespectful to Master.

Alas, I can only blame myself for not thinking well at the beginning and failing to live up to Master's expectations...

But at this moment, Yuwen Boyan, who was standing on top of the ruins, was even more regretful.

If I hadn't destroyed the archway marked with Guhua Xianzong before, I wouldn't have embarrassed the master so much now.

Establishing a sect without even a plaque in the end, it will definitely be criticized and become the laughing stock of everyone.

And if the master pursues it afterwards, then he will definitely not end well...

Thinking of this, Yuwen Boyan couldn't help but turn pale with astonishment, his soul flew into the sky.

And just when everyone in the audience was astonished.

But I saw the young man standing proudly on the stage, speaking with great momentum:

"Today, I announce that my Ancient Hua Xianzong is officially established here!

Anyone who can pass my sect's apprenticeship test can become a disciple of my ancient Huaxian sect and obtain my sect's cultivation skills! "

In an instant, shocking words resounded throughout the world like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

Hearing the sound, everyone on the top of Zhenwu Mountain couldn't help but be inexplicably shocked.

It wasn't until now that they realized that Master Wu was not actually performing any magic tricks when he came to the tour this time, but to announce the founding of a sect in Zhenwu Mountain and recruit more disciples!

This is so unbelievable.

For a moment, the more than 20 spectators in the arena couldn't help but be infected by the boy's earth-shattering words.

He even began to fantasize that if everything that Master Wu said was true, wouldn't he be able to become a superman if he could worship under him? !
Immediately, the scene of flying into the sky and escaping from the ground before, reappeared in everyone's mind.

And thinking that if one day, I can also travel across the world like that Master Wu, everyone can't help being fascinated.

Especially those who made a special trip to worship the sect, after hearing Mr. Wu's words, they were even more excited. The day they had been waiting for for a long time finally came!

If I can join Mr. Wu's sect this time, then I will definitely have a bright future in the future!

At this moment, countless people in the audience were extremely excited and wanted to try to worship that ancient Hua Xianzong.

However, when they looked around, they were surprised to find that on Zhenwu Mountain, apart from this stage, there was not even a decent house, let alone a sect.

Then Mr. Wu is not joking, is he?
Could it be that Guhua Xianzong is just a barren mountain?

To start a sect on this bare hilltop with nothing?To preach to disciples?
Although imagining that picture, there is indeed some artistic conception, but isn't it a little too crude?
And where is the apprenticeship trial that Mr. Wu just mentioned?
Shouldn't they be allowed to do push-ups and sit-ups on the spot...

But at this time, Chu Yuntian saw that many people in the field began to question his master because of this incident, and he was extremely anxious and guilty.

On the day of the official founding of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect, there is not even a decent house. This scene will definitely become the laughing stock of others...

And as if seeing what everyone in the audience was thinking, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Wu You's mouth.

Immediately, under the gaze of more than 20 people in the audience, he stretched out his jade-like finger.


He snapped his fingers crisply.

And in the next moment.


A burst of earth-shattering bang, suddenly resounded through the world!
In an instant, the entire Zhenwu Mountain began to shake violently!

Oh my god, is this, is this an earthquake? !

Seeing this, everyone in the audience was horrified, and their souls were dying.

Could it be that Master Wu's previous prophecy is really about to come true?
The end of the world is coming? !
(End of this chapter)

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