Chapter 773
At this moment, they really realized that everything that Master Wu said before was not joking with them or enhancing the atmosphere of the stage.

Instead, I really want to establish a sect here and preach to the world!

The majestic palace that leans against the sky is the best evidence.

In an instant, the more than 20 people on Zhenwu Mountain couldn't help being shocked beyond measure.

Immediately, they suddenly thought of something, and almost everyone was refreshed!
Since all of this is true, what Mr. Wu said just now, the cultivation method that can make people become superhuman and even live forever, is it really not a joke? !

Thinking of this, everyone's heart suddenly set off a stormy sea, and the excitement was beyond words.

Especially the many martial artists who had been waiting for a long time in the arena were even more inexplicably excited, and immediately wanted to worship under the Guhua Xianzong's sect.

And just when everyone was eager to try.

Ye Wushuang suddenly came to the stage, and with great excitement, asked Wu You respectfully:

"Mr. Wu, can I go to the Guhua Xianzong's disciple acceptance trial now?"


Wu You smiled lightly, then looked at the densely packed crowd below the stage, and said loudly:
"My Ancient Huaxianzong accepts disciples without discrimination. Anyone who can pass the trial of this sect can become a disciple of my ancient Huaxianzong and obtain my sect's skills!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience became even more excited.

Just the next moment.

"Thank you Mr. Wu."

Ye Wushuang thanked her, then quickly straightened up, impatiently turned into a phantom, and rushed towards the divine palace that covered the sky and the sun at top speed!
Seeing this, the dozen or so ancient warriors from Liuzhou's Ye family and the military all stretched out their bodies without hesitation, scrambling to follow Ye Wushuang.

Seeing so many extremely powerful ancient warriors desperately wanting to become disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect, all the warriors present could no longer hold back their excitement.

Immediately, they all left their seats, and rushed towards the white jade palace that went straight into the sky with excitement on their faces!

But at this moment, Chu Yuntian suddenly ordered to the members of Qianlong Team on Zhenwu Mountain:
"What are you still doing, why don't you hurry up and participate in the Guhua Immortal Sect Acceptance Trial!"

After receiving the order, many members of the Qianlong team who had long been fascinated by it, without any hesitation, stretched out their bodies one after another, and quickly swept towards the ancient Huaxianzong main altar in a well-trained manner!
In an instant, almost all the warriors in the audience resolutely left the table, and rushed towards the white jade palace like crazy.

Seeing this unbelievable scene, countless audiences present couldn't help being stunned, and even if they were infected by it, they all felt itchy.

Just now, Master Wu himself said that anyone can participate in the trial of accepting apprentices, and of course he is no exception!
Suddenly, many ordinary viewers left their seats and walked towards the majestic Qionglou Yuyu with a "try mentality".

After a while, more and more people left the table, nearly half of the more than 20 people in the audience walked away at once!
And at this moment, Lu Xiaoran on the stage seemed to have received some instructions from the backstage, and suddenly raised the microphone.

"Dear audience and friends, I believe that our performance today will definitely feast your eyes and make you unforgettable forever.

So that's all for today's live tour, thank you for watching, goodbye. "

After the voice fell, the main console immediately ended the live broadcast.

And the last scene of this tour was fixed at the scene of countless people rushing towards the White Jade Immortal Palace...

At the same time, on Zhenwu Mountain, countless people were slowly moving towards the palace of the gods with excitement and apprehension.

And following the footsteps of everyone, the unparalleled white jade palace that covered the sky and the sun became more and more magnificent in front of their eyes.

In an instant, an unprecedented sense of holiness and majesty became stronger and stronger in everyone's hearts.

At this moment, almost everyone involuntarily felt extremely devout worship.

But at this moment, Ye Wushuang and a dozen or so ancient warriors had already arrived in front of the extremely huge main altar of the Ancient Hua Xianzong, which was close to the top of Zhenwu Mountain and could not see the edge anyway.

And it was only at this moment that they really realized how magnificent and vast this fairy palace-like Qionglouyuyu is.

In front of him, people like himself are as insignificant as ants, insignificant...

And when they stepped on the radiant jade steps in front of them with great excitement, they suddenly felt a strange coolness rushing into their minds.

And just a moment after they climbed the steps, someone was shocked to find that his legs seemed to be petrified, and he couldn't move forward any more!
"Hey, what's going on here? Why can't my legs move?"

"Yeah, I can't go up either, I can only go back now, these jade steps are weird!"

"Could it be that the apprenticeship trial has already begun? But how can you go up? This is too unfair!"

Hearing the sound, Ye Wushuang, who had already come to the middle of the stairs, couldn't help frowning, and suddenly looked back.

But there were at least five or six people behind him, who had just stepped up a few steps, and then stopped suddenly, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't make any further progress.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Ye Wushuang couldn't help but froze in place, not knowing what happened.

And at the next moment, an extremely cold voice suddenly came from above the steps.

"Who are you? Why did you trespass on my Ancient Hua Immortal Sect?!"

Hearing this, Ye Wushuang and the others were shocked, and then they all looked up in amazement.

But above the white jade stairs, there was a seductive and beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous royal robe, with extraordinary temperament, staring at him vigilantly.

And at the next moment, hundreds of men, women and children in ancient costumes came to the steps, looking down at them with surprise on their faces.

Seeing this, Ye Wushuang and the others were stunned for a moment, unexpectedly there were already people in the Guhua Immortal Sect that emerged from the ground.

And just when Ye Wushuang was about to express his intention to come, he only heard an exclamation from behind:

"God, look at the backs of those people!"

Hearing the sound, Ye Wushuang and others followed their words in surprise.

But all the men, women and children on the steps have fluffy tails on their backs, and there are more than one!
Looking at the countless gorgeous fox tails swaying and dancing in the air, Ye Wushuang and others suddenly paled in horror.

God, what kind of monsters are these people?
At the same time, all the fox people who had just come to the ground looked at them in amazement, and those humans in strange clothes were also shocked in their hearts.

They were originally concentrating on cultivating exercises on the second floor of the main altar, why did they appear in this place now?
(End of this chapter)

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