Chapter 793
But after a long time, Qian Jiaxin suddenly came to his senses.

Immediately thinking of something, I was even more excited.

Since Mr. Wu was able to entrust such an astonishing sum of money to this tall and thin young man in front of him.That means the relationship between the two of them must be better than I imagined!

And if I can get this friend of Mr. Wu to say a few good words for me in front of Mr. Wu, then the crisis of the Qian family will be solved easily!
Thinking of this, Qian Jiaxin couldn't help being elated and extremely excited.

But at the next moment, I saw the tall and thin young man in the field, suddenly turned to the lobby manager who had been completely sluggish, and said with a half-smile:

"Is the money in my card enough to treat my two old classmates to dinner here?"

Hearing this, the lobby manager suddenly reacted, blushing and embarrassed.

There are 100 billion in the card, let alone a meal, even if they buy ten of their restaurants, it is far from enough!
Seeing that the tall and thin boy was still looking at him with a smile, the lobby manager hurriedly nodded respectfully and said:

"It's enough, of course it's enough, my honorable lord, no matter what you want to eat, our restaurant will do its best to satisfy your request."

But at this moment, the tall and thin boy turned his head to look not far away, the two young men and women who had turned around quietly and were secretly walking towards the gate of the restaurant at this moment.

Then he said playfully:

"Stop, where do you want to go?"

However, upon hearing these words, Qu Pengfei and Ma Laomoo immediately lost their souls. Not only did they have no intention of staying at all, but they were even more eager to escape from this place of right and wrong.

At this time, Qian Jiaxin frowned when he saw this scene, and immediately shouted in a cold voice:
"Are you two guys deaf? Can't you hear my little brother calling you!

Don't think that I don't know that you are a manufacturer from Jingxian, so hurry up and get the hell out of here! "

As soon as these words came out, Qu Pengfei and Ma Laowei, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to escape, stopped immediately.

Immediately, the two looked at each other, and finally had no choice but to turn around and walk back obediently with their heads down.

"Hehe, didn't you two still want me to treat you to dinner just now? Why are you leaving now without saying goodbye?"

The tall and thin boy smiled playfully.

Hearing this, Qu Pengfei, who had already come to the venue, immediately bent down to the tall and thin boy without any hesitation, and begged in a sad voice:
"Brother Qingnan, we were the ones who didn't know Taishan just now, and we were so sorry for speaking rudely to you.

For the sake of our classmates, please spare us this time. "

"Yes, Qing Nan, I'm really sorry. What we said before was actually just joking with you, so please don't take it to heart."

Ma Laomo also bowed and apologized.

But when he heard these begging words, the tall and thin boy suddenly smiled and said:

"Then will you still let me treat you?"

"No, no, how dare we let such a distinguished guest like you spend money, let us invite you."

Qu Pengfei complimented him kindly.

"Yes, yes, we should have invited you to dinner and apologized to you."

Ma Laowei nodded repeatedly.

"Really, I really don't need to invite you? Then don't regret it, you won't have a chance in the future."

The tall and thin young man laughed, then looked at Qian Jiaxin in front of him, and said calmly:

"I have already said before, from now on, the two of them will never be able to eat food here.

As for what to do, you can figure it out yourself. "

Hearing this, Qian Jiaxin's heart trembled immediately, without any hesitation, he suddenly bowed and said:

"Don't worry, I know what to do!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Jiaxin looked coldly at the young man and woman, his eyes revealed a cold and stern look.

Hmph, they are really two blind people who dare to offend Mr. Wu's friend, they are really self-inflicted!
Immediately, everyone present looked at the young man and woman with pity.

I'm afraid that these two people will not only be unable to afford the food here, but also have no place to stay in Liuzhou...

But at this moment, after hearing Meng Qingnan's words, Qu Pengfei and Ma Laiwei were terrified and frightened.



Following two muffled sounds, Qu Pengfei and Ma Laowei's knees suddenly softened and they knelt on the ground.

"Brother Qingnan, I beg you, my lord, you have a lot, just let us go this time, and we will never dare to be presumptuous in front of you again."

Qu Pengfei begged desperately, tears were about to flow out.

At this time, Ma Ruowei suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said:

"Brother Qingnan, in fact, the only person I have always liked in my heart is you.

If it wasn't for the pressure from my family, I really didn't want to be separated from you. "

Then he pointed to Qu Pengfei beside him, and said in a cold tone:
"Everything is this guy's fault, if he hadn't come to my house to stalk me, I wouldn't have missed my true love and held grudges for the rest of my life.

Brother Qingnan, if you want to vent your anger, let his family be ruined, but I am innocent.

I also beg you, for the sake of past affection, please forgive me this time.As compensation, I can do whatever you want with me. "

At the end of the speech, Ma Ruomo immediately puffed up her chest, and looked longingly at her former ex-boyfriend.

But at this moment, Qu Pengfei, who was kneeling on the ground, heard Ma Laomoo's extremely vicious and shameless words beside him, and immediately became furious and felt sad.

It can be said that he was wholeheartedly devoted to this woman, but now seeing the imminent disaster, he immediately abandoned himself and even spoke ill at her.

Even in order not to be implicated, don't throw yourself into your arms with criticism!

This is really the needle behind the tail of the wasp, the most poisonous woman's heart!
For a moment, Qu Pengfei, who was frightened and angry, felt dizzy, rolled his eyes immediately, and fainted from anger...

At this time, Ma Laomoo cast a cold glance at Qu Pengfei who was unconscious on the ground, not only did he not show any concern, but instead showed a hint of disgust.

Then he ignored that useless trash and looked at Meng Qingnan with hope.

I am extremely looking forward to reconnecting with this ex-boyfriend who is now so successful.

However, at this moment, the tall and thin young man in the field looked at him indifferently. Qu Pengfei, who was unconscious on the ground, and Ma Laowei, who was kneeling on the ground, had playful smiles on the corners of their mouths and said:
"Hehe, you two guys are really a pair of dogs and men made in heaven."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the stupefied Ma Laolai, suddenly turned around and looked at Qian Jiaxin beside him, and said indifferently:
"Now it's time for us to settle the score."

(End of this chapter)

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