I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 798 Set sail

Chapter 798 Set sail
After a long time, Hans, who was always by the side of the tall and thin boy, finally couldn't help asking:

"Boy Meng, is our master still retreating?"

Hearing the sound, the tall and thin boy raised his head and swallowed a Belon oyster, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:

"Just left the customs."

"Yes, that is very good, Mrs. Daisy and Miss Betty have been waiting for a long time.

Now that everything is ready and waiting for Mr. Wu's arrival, we can immediately go to Dongyang Kingdom. "

Hans said excitedly.

However, at the next moment, the tall and thin boy shook his head and said with a playful smile:
"There's no need to wait, Master, because he has some things to deal with, he has already gone to the Eastern Kingdom alone.

I was sent out this time just to inform you that he will appear naturally after you arrive in Dongyang Kingdom. "

As soon as these words came out, Hans was shocked immediately, showing an inconceivable expression.

It never occurred to him that his master had already gone to the Eastern Kingdom alone, which was really surprising.

But when I think about it, it's not surprising that he has always acted unusually...

After a while, Hans thought of something again, and hurriedly asked:
"Then how can we contact Master when we arrive in the Eastern Kingdom?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I will go with you on this trip to the East. Naturally, there will be a way to contact Master when we get there."

The tall and thin boy said with a half-smile, and then lifted another plump and juicy Belon oyster and poured it into his mouth.

Hearing this, although Hans still had a lot of questions, but now that the matter was over, he could only do as Meng Qingnan said.

Immediately, Hans was unwilling to waste his brain cells any more, and imitated Meng Qingnan's appearance, and began to attack the delicious food in front of him.

After a long time, the mercenaries from all over the world couldn't help admiring after tasting many Chinese delicacies.

But what surprised them even more was the appetite of that Huaxia brat.

Although this guy is quite thin, he is really edible!

He has never left the table since he entered the arena, and has always been immersed in eating and drinking.

The waiter is about to serve the seventh batch of dishes...

"Hmph, he's not afraid of being strangled to death!"

The little magic loli snorted arrogantly, then rolled her eyes No.13 times...

"Phyllis, don't you think that kid is very interesting?"

Chris smiled, then looked away.Holding a glass of whiskey, he walked to the corner of the hall.

To the masked female ninja who stood still like a shadow and didn't eat anything from the beginning to the end, she asked with a smile:

"Qianyu, do you really want to kill that Huaxia brat now?"

Hearing this, the masked woman who had been staring coldly at the tall and thin young man nodded without hesitation and said:
"Yes, sir, as long as it is related to Mr. Wu, I want to kill everyone!"

Hearing these cold and ruthless words, Chris was not surprised, chuckled and said:
"It's because of your sister,"

"That's right, after my elder sister Yuan Qianxue was taken away by that Mr. Wu, she never heard from her again, and her life and death are still unknown.

And because the entire Genji family is currently in the midst of internal and external troubles, no one cares about my sister at all.

That's why I will take the initiative to ask to join your team this time, and come to Huaxia to personally settle accounts with Mr. Wu and save my sister! "

At this moment, Yuan Qianyu stated his purpose without concealment, and the murderous look in his eyes became more intense.

Hearing the sound, Chris still smiled and said meaningfully:

"This time our task is to protect the Adams family, I am not interested in the lives of other people.

So this time, as long as you fulfill your duties, I will not stop you no matter what you do, and I will try my best to help you fulfill your wish. "

"Thank you, Captain."

Yuan Qianyu bowed deeply, grateful.

"you are welcome."

Chris chuckled and drank his glass.

In a blink of an eye, the banquet lasted until noon.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone in the audience, the tall and thin boy who seemed to be the reincarnation of a starving ghost left the table contentedly after eating the tenth table of dishes.

Afterwards, Hans and the six mercenaries of Wing of God rode away in four luxurious Hummers in front of the restaurant.

And it wasn't until this time that Qian Jiaxin stood in front of the restaurant to bid farewell and finally came to his senses.Immediately, I just felt that everything that happened before was just like a dream.

It took a long time before Qian Jiaxin suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and then he lifted up his spirits again.

No matter what, today he got a way to atone for his crimes to Mr. Wu.

Now as long as he can donate enough old medicine to Guhua Xianzong, his crisis will be solved easily!
Thinking of this, Qian Jiaxin was very excited.

And in order to repay his nobleman, those two dogs and men just now will definitely not end well!
Immediately, a cold light flashed across the eyes of the young master of the Qian family!

It wasn't until around three or four o'clock in the afternoon that four Humvees drove into the outskirts of the city, in a large high-end villa.

And when Daisy Adams, who had been waiting for a long time, learned from Hans that Mr. Wu had gone to Dongyang alone, she couldn't help being shocked.

Immediately without any delay, the original plan began immediately.

In an instant, a convoy of more than a dozen luxury Hummers drove out of the villa.

And until the evening, this eye-catching luxury motorcade finally arrived at Liuzhou International Airport.

Immediately, the patriarch of the Adams family led the crowd onto the tarmac non-stop, and boarded the private jet that had been prepared for a long time.

After flying for more than three hours, the private plane carrying everyone landed at Qingzhou International Airport on the coast of Huaxia.

When the group came out of the airport, they got on the luxury bus that had been reserved in advance and went straight to Qingzhou Passenger Terminal.

But after arriving at the destination, it was already close to twelve o'clock in the evening, the pier had already been closed, and there were no more ships going out to sea.

Immediately, everyone was arranged to stay in a four-star sea view hotel.

Early the next morning, everyone who had a hasty rest for the night came to the passenger terminal after waking up, and boarded the luxury ferry bound for the Oriental Kingdom, the Fantasy Land.

And until the luxury ferry carrying more than 200 tourists started slowly and sailed out of the pier.

Daisy Adams and the others, who had booked the entire first-class VIP cabin, began to gradually relax from their tense nerves.

After eating the rich breakfast on board, Daisy, an old foreign lady who was already very tired, went back to her room early to rest.

But Wu You, who had been transformed into Meng Qingnan from the beginning to the end, was standing on the first-class deck with great interest.Facing the gentle sea breeze, looking at the vast and boundless blue sea, a faint smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But at this moment, an abrupt question suddenly came from behind.

"What are you looking at?"

(End of this chapter)

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