I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 801 Chris' request

Chapter 801 Chris' request
As soon as this remark came out, Betty was even more surprised. She didn't understand why the mercenary leader was angry when she agreed to be someone else's maid. It was really confusing.

But at this moment, Wu You was still smiling, and he didn't take that little loli's warning to heart.

Seeing this, Phyllis was immediately furious, and she was even more displeased with this tall and thin boy.

"Hmph, just wait and see, sooner or later you will cry!"

Snorting angrily, the little magic loli quickly turned around and chased after her leader.

"Hehe, these guys are really interesting. This trip abroad is finally not so boring."

Wu You, who was satisfied with the bad taste in his heart, immediately looked at the blonde beauty beside him with a faint smile, and asked with great interest:

"Miss Betty, are you really willing to be my master's maid?"

Hearing the sound, Betty came back to her senses, and then said angrily:
"The devil is willing, he is a scoundrel!"

Then, rubbing his temples, he said with a headache:
"Okay, don't mention that guy anymore. I'm a little tired now, so I'm going to rest first."

After that, he turned and left.

Seeing this, Wu You shook his head and chuckled, but didn't speak again.

Then he looked at the magnificent sea again, but his eyes showed something deeper than the sea...

In this way, the next morning, Mrs. Daisy, who had rested in her bedroom for a day and a night, finally showed up to have breakfast with everyone.

And at the dining table, several members of the Wings of God looked at the tall and thin boy with unprecedented coldness and coldness in their eyes.

They already learned from Phyllis what happened on the deck yesterday.

Everyone hated that Mr. Wu who dared to snatch his leader's woman.

Therefore, even the apprentice of that shameless guy was equally resentful.

If it wasn't for work reasons, they would have thrown it into the sea to feed the fish by now!

But at this moment, Wu You, facing those cold and stern gazes, didn't take it seriously at all, and still enjoyed the morning food leisurely.

But Mrs. Daisy, who saw that there was something strange in the atmosphere, couldn't help frowning slightly.Just when she wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere.

Sitting at the dining table, Chris with an indifferent face suddenly stood up and spoke first:

"Mrs. Daisy, I want to ask you something."

Hearing the sound, Daisy couldn't help being startled, then nodded and said:
"Captain Chris, what's the matter with you? Please tell me."

"Mrs. Daisy, Miss Betty, such a noble and beautiful angel, how can she serve as a maid for others, this is simply blasphemy!
So I would like to ask you to abolish the agreement reached with that Mr. Wu at the beginning. "

Chris said solemnly.

Hearing this, Betty in the field couldn't help being surprised.

She never thought that the leader of the Wings of God would openly make such a request to her grandmother for her sake.

This is really unbelievable.

At this time, Daisy, the patriarch of the Adams family, couldn't help showing a look of surprise when she heard the words.

Then he looked deeply at the white youth, frowned and asked:

"Captain Chris, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly make such a request?"

Hearing this, Chris seemed to have already made mental preparations, and said resolutely with firm eyes:
"Because I've always loved Miss Betty, and I don't want her to suffer even the slightest grievance. Therefore, I absolutely cannot accept the rude request made by that mean-spirited Mr. Wu."

As soon as these words came out, Daisy Adams was stunned on the spot, inexplicably shocked.

She never imagined that the head of the Wings of God in front of her would actually love her granddaughter, which is simply unbelievable.

But, but why?

How long have they known each other? Could it be love at first sight?

At this time, Betty, the person involved, was even more dazed, facing Chris's sudden confession, completely confused and at a loss.

At the next moment, Chris turned around, looked affectionately at the goddess of his dreams, and said softly:

"Miss Betty, do you still remember a poor boy who almost lost his life because of a serious illness on the streets of Texas 15 years ago?"

Hearing this, Betty couldn't help being startled, and then recalled that when she was seven years old, when she followed her grandmother to inspect the family property in Texas, she indeed found a thin and weak boy lying on the side of the road.

At that time, out of sympathy, she asked her servant to bring the seriously ill boy back to the mansion for treatment and recuperation.

After he recovered from his illness, he was allowed to stay in the Texas branch pharmaceutical factory as an apprentice.

And this incident is nothing more than an insignificant matter to the young lady of the Adams family.After so many years, Betty has long forgotten the boy.

If Chris hadn't mentioned it suddenly today, she wouldn't have remembered it at all.

But why does this young leader of Wings of God know so well what happened 15 years ago?
Is it, is it...

"That's right, Miss Betty, that poor boy whose life you saved back then was me."

After Chris said excitedly, he immediately bowed deeply to the blond beauty in front of him, gratefully saying:
"Thank you, Miss Betty, if it weren't for your kindness back then, I would be a handful of dust now."

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Daisy suddenly realized that when Chris was young, he had been favored by his granddaughter.

No wonder when talking about the commission for this operation, the powerful head of God's Wings only collected basic fees for other team members, but he himself didn't take any money.

At that time, Daisy thought that the powerhouses at the level of the leader of the Wings of God would not settle the commission together until the entire operation was over.

It now appears that this powerful and distinguished young man did not participate in this operation because of money at all.

But to repay his granddaughter's life-saving grace, he accepted this employment mission.

All this was beyond her expectation.

At this time, Betty stared blankly at the handsome young man who bowed to thank her, and then hurriedly waved:
"Captain Chris, get up quickly."

"Thank you, Miss Betty."

Chris thanked again, and then slowly straightened up.

And at the next moment, the young head of the Wings of God looked at the old woman on the chief seat again, and said very sincerely:
"Mrs. Daisy, now you know how deep my feelings for Miss Betty are.

So I absolutely don't allow others to show any disrespect to Miss Betty, even that despicable and shameless Mr. Wu is no exception! "

(End of this chapter)

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