I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 806 The Truth

Chapter 806 The Truth
In an instant, the crimson laser and the blue electric light collided together in the void.


With an earth-shattering bang.

A group of incomparably dazzling extreme light burst out suddenly!

In an instant, the entire venue was as bright as day, and everyone turned their heads away, not daring to look directly.

After a while, the breathtaking majestic flame gradually dissipated into nothingness.

Only then did the crowd turn their heads, and they were surprised to find that the white young man dressed as a western cowboy was completely unharmed at the moment.

It turns out that handsome young man is also a powerful superman!
"Okay, so strong, a strong man at the level of the leader of the Wings of God is indeed no small matter."

Mrs. Daisy couldn't help but exclaimed.

Betty on the side also showed shock at this moment.

It is incredible that the thin boy she helped 15 years ago has become so strong now.

"As expected of Captain Chris, that's amazing!"

Phyllis, who was injured and paralyzed on the deck, said with admiration on her face.

The other members of the Wings of God who were seriously injured also showed incomparable reverence.

As long as there is the head of the group today, that ugly guy who is neither human nor ghost will never end well!

But at this moment, the pirate captain standing proudly on the deck couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw that his laser cannon was blocked.

Immediately, the electronic eyes shining red on the left half of the mechanical face scanned the cowboy youth.

Immediately blurted out:
"The combat power is 800 million, which is equivalent to the peak of the Huaxia Martial God Realm. I didn't expect to meet a quasi-S-level superpower in this mission. This is really a bit unexpected."

Immediately looking at the white cowboy, he asked with interest:

"Who are you? Why do you want to protect the Adams family?"

"The head of the [-]th Wing of God Regiment, Chris, the Adams family is my employer for this mission."

Chris answered truthfully.

Hearing this, the biochemical eye on the right side of the pirate captain suddenly narrowed, and he snorted coldly and angrily:
"I didn't expect that the idiots of the Adams family not only didn't listen to our previous warnings, but now they even hired the Wings of God to resist. They really deserve to die!"

Hearing this, Chris couldn't help frowning, looked at the biomechanical transformation man suddenly, and said in a deep voice:

"I've already said who I am, now it's your turn to introduce yourself."

Hearing this, the pirate captain suddenly grinned ferociously on his frightening face and said:

"Okay, for the sake of seeing God, this president will grant your wish.

I'm Xavier, Vice President of Kiwanis Asia.

The purpose of coming here today is to kill those disobedient Adams family! "

As soon as these words came out, Daisy and Betty on the deck immediately turned pale with astonishment and were inexplicably shocked.

It turns out that the unknown organization that has been preventing him from looking for the iceberg is actually the biggest dark force in Citigroup, the Kiwanis!

This, this is simply too unbelievable!
At this time, Chris in the field suddenly showed shock when he heard this.

The Freemasons Association is a powerful organization that is famous all over the world!
It is rumored that it not only possesses countless powerful masters, weapons and equipment, and scientific research strength, but also has a world-leading super-class level!
There are even rumors that behind the Kiwanis, the Citigroup military is secretly supporting it!

Therefore, even some major countries in the world dare not provoke them at will, for fear of being secretly retaliated against.

And their God Wings, the mercenary group known as the number one in the world, is not worth mentioning in front of this extremely powerful Freemasons...

For a moment, whether it was Chris in the field or the members of God's Wings who fell to the ground, they all showed unprecedented shock.

And at the next moment, Daisy Adams suddenly stepped forward, turned to the terrifying reformer, and said solemnly:

"I am the current patriarch of the Adams family, Daisy Adams.

Our family has never offended the Freemasons, why do you obstruct our search operations in every possible way, and even use force to kill people for this.

Please give me a reasonable explanation now, otherwise, even if I spend all my family assets, I will make your Masons pay an unbearable price! "

Hearing this, the vice president of Kiwanis Asia, who was dressed as a pirate captain, couldn't help being taken aback.Immediately, a look of disdain and contempt suddenly appeared on the hideous face.

"Hmph, old woman, do you think our Tongji will be afraid of your Adams family? It's ridiculous!

If it was the Adams family decades ago, we might be more cautious.

But now in our eyes, you are nothing more than fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered, and there is nothing to worry about. "

After speaking proudly, the terrifying reformer immediately sneered and said:

"But since you are all going to die now, the president will let you be a fool.

The thing you are looking for is exactly what our Kiwis want.And as long as you get it, you can even completely change the pattern of the whole world!

So no matter what price we pay, we must take it as our own and never allow others to get involved!

Therefore, you disobedient guys will all die today! "

Hearing these incomparably hideous words, Daisy Adams was shocked beyond words.

It turned out that the Kiwanis were just like them, all looking for the iceberg back then.

But why?

Could it be, could it be because of that frozen prehistoric beast!
And just when everyone in the audience heard those weird words, they didn't know what to do, so they were at a loss.

The pirate captain in the proud position suddenly sneered and said:

"Okay, it's getting late now, you can go to see God!"

Then he raised the laser cannon in his left hand and pointed it at Daisy Adams in the field!


With a huge roar.

A thick laser beam shining with crimson light blasted out at top speed again, and shot towards the head of the Adams family!

And at this critical moment, Chris suddenly stepped in front of Daisy.

"Bang! Bang!"

With two loud bangs.

Two extremely bright blue electric lights suddenly attacked the laser light!

The next moment, the previous scene was repeated. After the laser collided with the electric light, they disappeared into nothingness at the same time.

"I don't care who you are, the Adams family is the employer of our God's Wings, and I will never allow you to hurt them at all!"

Chris said coldly with firm eyes.

"Hehe, the mercenaries of God's Wings really did their duty, so you should die with them!"

With an extremely cruel sneer, this terrifying biomechanical transformation suddenly stretched out his right arm.

In an instant, a thick scarlet tentacle covered with ferocious barbs suddenly shot towards the white youth!

(End of this chapter)

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