I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 808 God of Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 808 God of Thunder and Lightning
In an instant, under the shocked and inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience.

The arc of blue light shot out from the eyes of the young white man was instantly submerged in the low and boundless black clouds!

next moment.

"Kacha! Kacha! Kacha..."

The thunder was loud and deafening!
In an instant, the dense lightning and thunder that flowed all over the sky seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction, and they all poured down!

In an instant, the whole world was as bright as day!
Looking up at the thunderous and terrifying scene above the head, everyone in the audience was horrified, and their souls were dying!

And just when the countless lightning bolts were about to fall on the surface of the sea with an earth-shattering power.

They suddenly changed direction, and all shot towards the white youth in the midair!


With an unprecedented loud noise.

Chris was suddenly hit by countless lightning bolts at the same time, and instantly a ball of lightning, which was countless times more dazzling than the sun, suddenly appeared above the cruise ship!


For a moment, everyone was astonished to find that the hair on their bodies was standing on end due to static electricity.

The fishy smell of electrolytic ozone suddenly permeated the air...

Just the next moment.


A scream suddenly sounded in the field.

Looking along the prestige, only to see that the scarlet tentacles that were originally wrapped around the white man turned into pieces of coke and fell to the ground at this moment!

And the reformed man dressed as a pirate captain also immediately clutched his right arm, showing a look of extreme pain.

Between the lightning and the flint, the shining ball lightning suddenly began to shrink!
The next moment, a young man suspended in mid-air, covered in countless electric lights, appeared in front of the world!

For a moment, looking at the handsome young man who was shining with dazzling brilliance like a god, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded and shocked inexplicably.

"So, is that Captain Chris?"

Betty stared blankly at the mighty lightning youth with a face full of disbelief.

"The leader of No.19 Wings of God, God of Thunder and Lightning Chris.

It turns out that this is the real strength of this head, it is too powerful! "

Daisy Adams couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

At this time, the pirate captain, who was clutching his injured right arm, was already terrified in his heart.

In any case, he never thought that the superhuman could obtain power from the lightning in nature, which is simply unbelievable!
Immediately, the red electronic eyes on his mechanical face suddenly looked at the young man who looked like a god.

"The combat power is 2000 million! This, how is this possible?!
He was obviously just a quasi-S-level superpower with a combat power of 800 million, not even S-level.

Why is it now SS rank! "

In an instant, the biomechanical transformation man showed a look of panic for the first time.

You must know that even he has only about 300 million combat power, which is equivalent to an ancient warrior in the early days of Huaxia War Wonderland, and an S-class superpower in Citigroup.

And that young man has directly crossed two realms at this moment, becoming an SS-level superpower, whose strength is comparable to that of an ancient warrior in the middle stage of Huaxia War Immortal Realm.

This, this is too unbelievable!
But at this moment, Chris, who was covered in dazzling thunder and lightning in midair, and with a majestic aura, suddenly opened his eyes.


There was a shocking thunder, and two extremely bright dark blue lightnings suddenly shot towards the reformed people in the field!

Seeing the powerful dark blue thunderbolt, the pirate captain was terrified, and reflexively raised the laser cannon in his left hand.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

In the blink of an eye, countless crimson lasers suddenly faced the two extremely dangerous dark blue lightning bolts.

next moment.




Following an endless bang, a dazzling flame erupted in the field again!
After a long time, when the loud noise disappeared and the light dissipated.

Everyone looked back at the scene, but they were extremely shocked to find that the terrifying and terrifying reformer who was originally ferocious, was lying on the deck with a scorched body at this moment, motionless!
Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help but be ecstatic.

The young man who looked like a god easily defeated the pirate captain with just one "look", which was simply too shocking.

Now they are finally saved!
Immediately, everyone looked up into the air with great excitement. The eyes of the powerful superman youth were full of admiration.

However, at this moment, those Wings of God members who fell on the deck looked at the handsome young man covered in lightning in the sky, but they all showed expressions of incomparable grief.

They are very clear that the reason why Captain Chris can obtain such a powerful force at this moment is because he is burning his life rapidly!
I'm afraid that it won't be long before the leader they have always respected will be torn to pieces by the lightning that forcibly poured into their bodies!
"No! Commander Chris, quickly release the energy in your body! Otherwise, or you will die!"

Phyllis shouted desperately, her pretty face was covered with pear blossoms and rain, and she was overwhelmed with grief.

"Phyllis, thank you, but in order to gain the power to defeat that modified person this time, my body has been seriously overloaded, and now I can't reverse it."

Chris gave a helpless smile.

Hearing this, Phyllis and the members of God's Wings were heartbroken and grief-stricken.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience reacted, and then everyone was shocked inexplicably.

Could it be that the hero who saved them is really about to die? !

"Why, how could this be? Captain Chris, you, you..."

Betty looked at the handsome young man heartbrokenly, and wanted to say something, but she was choked up and unable to speak.

Suddenly, two crystal clear teardrops ran across the cheeks and shattered on the deck...

"Miss Betty, please don't feel sorry for me, let alone shed tears for me.

I hope that at the last moment of my life, I can still see your sweet smile.

Just like when I was a child, when I first saw you on the side of the road. "

Chris looked at the blonde beauty tenderly, as if seeing the little girl who gave him a new life back then.

And now, he finally repaid Miss Betty's kindness as he wished, even though he died without regret.

It's just that it's a pity that I can't guard her by her side in the future...

Chris shook his head slightly, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

And just when everyone was immersed in the joy of being rescued and the sadness of the hero's sacrifice.

A cold and ruthless roar suddenly sounded in the field.

"Damn it, you all have to die today!"

Immediately, the biomechanical engineer who was lying motionless on the ground slowly stood up!
(End of this chapter)

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