I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 81 Flying Sword

Chapter 81 Flying Sword
"Tiantian Bamboo? I've never heard of it."

Hao Changfeng racked his brains and couldn't remember the name, so he shook his head helplessly.

"This thing is very rare in the entire practice world, and it's understandable that you haven't seen it before."

As if satisfied with Hao Changfeng's previous performance, Wu You's tone was not as cold as before.

"My lord, what is the use of this bamboo?"

Hao Changfeng was curious like a student, and humbly asked Wu You for advice.But compared to Wu You's vast sea of ​​knowledge and experience, his experience is not as good as that of a primary school student...

"This is an excellent material for making flying swords."

Wu You replied calmly.

"Flying Sword!"

Hearing these two words, Hao Changfeng's heart suddenly set off a storm.

The flying sword is a special magic weapon in the legend, which was only possessed by some giants in ancient times.

It is said that this magic weapon can take the head of a person thousands of miles away, like searching for a bag.

You can also rely on the wind to control the sword and travel in the void, which is simply the supreme standard for practitioners to pretend to be cool.

But it's a pity that after living for such a long time, I don't even know what Fei Jian looks like.

"Then your lord wants to use this bamboo to refine flying swords?"

Hao Changfeng asked a little excitedly, although he knew it was none of his business, but it would be good if he could open his eyes.

"Refining the flying sword requires a lot of spiritual energy. It's not the time yet. Let's talk about it later."

Wu You said calmly, then nodded to Hao Changfeng and said, "You performed well today, so I will give you the remaining spiritual liquid."

Hao Changfeng, who regretted not being able to see Feijian at first, suddenly became excited when he heard this.Looking at the more than half of the spirit liquid left in his hand, he couldn't help but feel happy.

He is a spirit body now, and just needs the nourishment of spiritual energy. With this cloud of spiritual liquid, his spirit will be more condensed.

If there is a chance to get more spiritual liquid in the future, then maybe he doesn't have to take anything away.It is also a good choice to directly cultivate the soul and become a ghost cultivator.

Thinking of this, Hao Changfeng respected Wu You even more from the bottom of his heart.

"Master Xie Xianzun, Hao Changfeng wishes to be your servant forever in order to repay your kindness."

Hao Changfeng bowed deeply to Wu You.

"what ever."

Wu You said indifferently.

"Thank you, master."

Hao Changfeng was overjoyed, and hurriedly prayed again.

And when he got up again, he suddenly found that he was in a closed space with Wu You, and he couldn't help but wonder:
"Master, what, what is this place?"

"Pocket space."

Wu You said casually.

Hearing this name, Hao Changfeng was not unfamiliar. When he was a Foundation Establishment cultivator 200 years ago, he also had some magic weapons for storage.

But then, Hao Changfeng seemed to have seen a ghost, no, he seemed to be a ghost...as if he thought of something scary, he hurriedly said to Wu You:
"Master, life cannot be stored for a long time in the storage space, otherwise it will die soon, you..."

As he said that, Hao Changfeng looked at Wu You who was always standing there with a calm face.In an instant, he swallowed the next words back into his stomach.

For an old monster of Wu You's level, it is obviously unreasonable to speculate with normal people's thinking.

"What you're talking about is just an ordinary storage magic weapon, but my space magic weapon is a quasi-spiritual weapon."

Wu You seemed to be in a good mood, talking eloquently.

"Quasi-spiritual weapon!"

When Hao Changfeng heard the words, he immediately turned pale with astonishment.

From the descriptions of some ancient ruins before his death, he learned that magic weapons in the practice world are divided into magic weapons, spiritual weapons, and sacred weapons from low to high.

However, even though he was once the well-deserved overlord of this star, he only had a few magic weapons at most.

At that time, he still treated these magic tools as treasures, and he didn't dare to use them lightly.

But now I heard that Wu You, who is still in the stage of nourishing Qi, already has a quasi-spiritual weapon that is more powerful than a magic weapon.This huge sense of gap was really unbearable for him.

"Okay, I'm going out now, you can stay in this chaotic space temporarily. Even if you are only a spirit body now, there should be some benefits."

After all, Wu You is about to withdraw from the Chaos Spirit Ring.

But at this moment, he was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and began to look inside.

But unexpectedly found that in his dantian, in addition to the original four origin points, there are eight more origin points at this moment!
Looking at the eight new source points surrounding the Qi of Absolute Beginning that kept gushing out bursts of spiritual energy, Wu You immediately felt relieved.

He could feel that these new sources belonged to Liang Xiao and the seven children.

It seems that when I used spiritual energy to treat them, I also changed their physique, making them more able to absorb spiritual energy, that's why they started to learn the return to the source technique so quickly.

Seeing at this moment, all the twelve origin points in the dantian are continuously providing spiritual energy to himself.

Wu You did not choose to continue to withdraw from the Chaos Spirit Ring, but turned to look at the Tongtian Bamboo in the field.

"Since that's the case, then I will try my best to refine you today."

A confident smile appeared on the corner of Wu You's mouth, and he stepped to the side of Tongtian Bamboo.

"Master, are you?"

Hao Changfeng originally thought that Wu You was going to leave, but he didn't expect that he didn't seem to be leaving again.

"Refine the flying sword!"

After Wu You finished speaking, he already held one hand on the water-sliding and cold Bamboo Bamboo.

The next moment, under Hao Changfeng's amazed gaze, the three-meter-tall Polygonatum odoratum was broken into two sections from the middle.

Immediately, Wu You sent the Qi of Absolute Beginning from the dantian to the palm of his hand, and it turned into a gray light film, wrapping two sections of Tongtian Bamboo side by side in it.

Then all twelve cyan source points were taken out and surrounded by the light film of the Qi of Absolute Beginning.


Following Wu You's loud shout.

The gray film of light suddenly erupted into a brilliant halo, and the twelve cyan source points around it gushed out a large amount of spiritual energy for the consumption of the primordial energy.

Under Hao Changfeng's incomparably shocked gaze, the two sections of Bamboo Bamboo within the gray film began to slowly merge into one.

And at this moment, Wu You closed his eyes resolutely, and merged all his mind into the gray film of light.He began to finely describe and refine the integrated Bamboo Bamboo according to some mysterious rules.

This stage lasted for a long time, if it wasn't for the support of the aura of twelve source points, it would have been unsustainable at all.

After an unknown amount of time, Wu You suddenly opened his eyes, and shot out a divine light that seemed to have substance.

The gray light film in his hand shrank suddenly, bursting out with a monstrous flame that had never been seen before.

In an instant, a little blue light suddenly pierced the gray light film.


The sword cry like a dragon's chant resounded through the void.

Under Hao Changfeng's shocked and inexplicable gaze.

A cyan long rainbow suddenly entered the sky from Wu You's hand.

But it was a flying sword!
(End of this chapter)

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