I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 810 Battle of the Gods

Chapter 810 Battle of the Gods
Looking at the hideous, hideous biochemical octopus standing above the sea, everyone couldn't help being horrified.

At the next moment, I saw this huge monster with a height of nearly [-] meters, on top of the sauce-red flesh covered with mucus, it suddenly burst open countless huge mouths full of fangs!
At the same time, countless barbed long scarlet tongues whizzed out from each mouth, like ferocious giant snakes dancing wildly in the air!
Seeing this extremely terrifying scene, everyone on the cruise ship trembled involuntarily, their faces pale as paper.

At this time, Chris took a deep look at the terrifying monster in the sea.Then he turned his head to look at the field, the blond beauty who was already terrified, smiled softly and said:
"Miss Betty, don't worry, I will definitely not let you get hurt in the slightest."

Speaking, Chris suddenly looked up.

Immediately, a dazzling dark blue thunderbolt shot straight into the sky from his mouth!
Just the next moment.

"Kacha! Kacha! Kacha..."

The thunder and lightning in the sky were once again attracted, and they all poured down, shooting towards the white youth with earth-shattering power!

"Farewell, Miss Betty, may we meet again in the next life."

Chris smiled slightly, and then a majestic electric glow suddenly emanated from his whole body.

In an instant, the whole person turned into a ball of lightning with monstrous flames, resolutely shot towards the giant biochemical beast at extreme speed!
At the same time, the countless lightning and thunder that descended from the sky also changed direction, and bombarded the terrifying octopus together with Chris!

Seeing this shocking scene, everyone opened their eyes wide, showing disbelief.

And at this moment, the madness in the blood-colored pupils of the biochemical octopus that had turned on the destruction mode became more intense.

"Wow! Wow! Wow..."

In an instant, eight extremely thick scarlet tentacles covered with barbs rushed out of the sea!

Immediately without any hesitation, these eight huge tentacles, as thick as giant trees, suddenly volleyed towards the dazzling electric light that was coming!

In an instant, the God of Thunder and Lightning slammed into the terrifying tentacles of the God of the Sea with thunderbolts all over the sky!



Countless shocking loud noises suddenly resounded through the entire sea area!
At this moment, dazzling lightning, scarlet flesh, surging air waves, and splashing waves filled the audience!

Looking at the unprecedented shocking scene in front of them, everyone was inexplicably horrified and dumbfounded.

After a long time, when the loud noise stopped abruptly, the dazzling light gradually dimmed, and the sea returned to calm again.

This incomparable battle of gods has finally come to an end.

And when everyone looked back at the field with incomparable shock, they suddenly showed an unprecedented look of fear!
I saw that after this peerless battle, the giant biochemical beast standing above the sea, except for the pirate ship on its head turned into debris, its whole body was unharmed!

And that white youth, at this moment, is tightly entwined by the huge tentacles of that terrifying octopus, bowing his head, not knowing whether he is alive or dead...

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was horrified, and their souls were dying.

This, how is this possible?

The only hero they could count on was actually defeated by that monster!

"Hahaha, you idiot with only 2000 million combat power, you actually want to fight against 7000 million Poseidon, this is simply humiliating yourself, it is too ridiculous, hahaha..."

The pirate captain standing on the deck looked at the young white man captured by the biochemical octopus, and suddenly laughed hysterically.

Then he frantically looked at the people on the cruise ship, and said coldly and sharply:
"The sea god Poseidon who has turned on the destruction mode will instinctively devour all life, even my master is no exception!
So everyone here today will be buried with me! "

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but lose their wits, with expressions of incomparable despair on their faces.

This time they are really going to die here...

And at this moment, Chris, who was tightly entwined by terrifying tentacles in mid-air, slowly raised his head, looked at the blonde beauty in the field, exhausted his last bit of strength, and cried out hoarsely:

"Miss Betty, run away!"

Hearing the sound, Betty standing on the deck was suddenly overwhelmed with grief. This is a boundless ocean, where can she and her grandmother escape...

At this time, Mrs. Daisy, the patriarch of the Adams family in the field, also showed a look of incomparable despair.

Now even their only hope is in front of that terrifying biochemical behemoth, and they have no power to resist.

Then one can imagine how miserable the fate of these people will be...

But at this moment, the God's Wing mercenaries who fell on the deck looked at their regiment leader who had run out of oil and lamps, and everyone was devastated.

"I have no regrets about being able to fight to the death with Commander Chris."

Lori Mage Phyllis's eyes were red and swollen, and Pear Blossom cried with rain.

It was said that the other mercenaries also showed generosity and sacrifice.

For a while, the cruise ship was gloomy.

Everyone is completely plunged into deep despair, unable to extricate themselves...

And at this moment, a playful voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"Okay, I've seen enough of this good show, and now I can call the curtain call."

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being startled, and then looked along in amazement.

But the person who spoke was actually a tall and thin boy wearing cheap sportswear.

Seeing this, everyone suddenly showed doubts.

What is that kid talking nonsense about?Could it be that he was frightened and crazy?
Oh, what a poor guy.

But at the next moment, the tall and thin boy suddenly walked to the end of the deck, looked up at the huge and terrifying octopus, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"This octopus will be handed over to me to clean up."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned, and couldn't believe their ears.

Is that kid really crazy, to be so brazen?

At this time, the members of God's Wings in the arena also frowned.

What time is it now, that self-righteous brat is still talking nonsense, it's really shameless...

"Hmph, where did this little brat come from? It's so ridiculous that he's still pretending when he's dying!"

The pirate captain looked at the tall and thin boy contemptuously, and snorted coldly.

At this moment, Betty and Daisy's grandfather and grandson couldn't help but look at each other.

Could it be that Mr. Wu's apprentice was really scared out of his wits?Why did you start talking nonsense?
That terrifying giant octopus is no match for even the Thunder God of Wings of God.

What can he do for a mere Huaxia warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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