I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 817 surfaced

Chapter 817 surfaced
Hearing what the reformed person said, Wu You asked with great interest:

"Why are you guys looking for that iceberg?"

Hearing this, the pirate captain was silent for a moment, and then said again:

"Actually, I'm not very clear about this matter, I only know that this is an order personally issued by the president of our Kiwi Association.

Some people say that the purpose of searching for that iceberg this time is to obtain the genes of prehistoric monsters frozen in it, so as to create the latest generation of biochemical weapons!

Some people also said that there must be some ancient civilization or alien civilization in that huge iceberg that moves up and down according to the coordinates of the galaxy.If anyone can get it, it will definitely change the direction of the world!

Some people even say that the huge iceberg that sank into the bottom of the sea is the legendary Atlantis...

However, no matter what, we Kiwanis are determined to win that iceberg and will never let it fall into the hands of others.

So I advise you to give up this operation, otherwise there will be no good results! "

Hearing these words, everyone present couldn't help but be surprised.

It turned out that the Tongji Society paid so much attention to that iceberg, no wonder they sent such terrifying and powerful enemies to stop people like themselves from continuing to search.

And at this moment, Daisy Adams couldn't help asking:
"Then now, your Kidmaids, have you found that iceberg?"

Hearing the sound, the pirate captain couldn't help but frowned, then shook his head and said:
"Not yet, although we have been searching the southern waters of the Eastern Ocean for a long time, and even used advanced deep-sea sonar devices, we still haven't found that iceberg.

It should still be somewhere in the deep sea now, and it has not surfaced. "

Hearing this, Daisy suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.Now that the Kiwanis have not found the iceberg, they still have a chance.

However, at this moment, Wu You shook his head, smiled intriguingly and said:
"Counting the time now, the little frozen fish has already surfaced, but you haven't found it yet."

As soon as these words came out, the patriarch of the Adams family and the Asia vice president of the Kiwanis were stunned at the same time, unable to believe their ears.

The iceberg they were looking for had actually appeared now?
"This, how is this possible? According to the archives from 60 years ago, and Qi Heqing's description.

That mysterious iceberg is more than 1000 hectares in size, equivalent to about the size of [-] football fields!

If it surfaced on the surface of the sea, it is impossible for us not to have discovered it so far. "

The pirate captain shook his head in disbelief.

Serious doubts arose about what Mr. Wu said.

Daisy also showed disbelief at this time.

But at this time, Wu You just smiled and didn't say anything.

Then he asked the biochemical engineer again:

"Where do you keep Qi Heqing now?"

"The professor of archeology is currently in the temporary base set up by our Kiwanis."

Said the pirate captain not daring to hide.

"Where is your base?"

Wu You then asked.

However, upon hearing this, the vice president of the Tongji Society suddenly hesitated.

"What? Don't you want to answer my question?"

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing this, the pirate captain quickly shook his head and said:

"Mr. Wu doesn't know that the location of our temporary base can be said to be the safest place in the world today, and it is impossible for any outsider to get close."

"Really, then I am more interested in it."

Wu You said with a smile, and then said playfully:

"Now you just need to tell me the location of the temporary base, and I will promise to spare your life."

Hearing this, the vice-chairman of the Kiwanis Association Asia hesitated again, but he didn't care too much in order to survive. He finally gritted his teeth and said suddenly:

"Our base is at..."

However, halfway through the speech, the voice of the biomechanical engineer stopped abruptly.The body seemed to be petrified, and there was no movement anymore.

At the next moment, the electronic eyes on his mechanical face suddenly glowed red, and a blurry figure was reflected in the void!

"Hello, Mr. Wu, please forgive me for meeting you in this way."

The vague figure smiled slightly.

"who are you?"

Wu You asked with interest.

"I am President of the Citigroup Kiwis, Austin Childer."

The blurry figure reflected by the laser light replied politely.

Hearing these words, the God Wing mercenaries present, as well as the grandparents of the Adams family couldn't help but be inexplicably shocked.

The president of the Kiwi Association, that is the supreme commander of the entire Kiwanis Association!
The huge energy it possesses has made even many world powers dare not provoke it easily.

Moreover, it is rumored that the president of the Kiwi Association is a world-class powerhouse, like a god.

And at this moment, this peerless powerhouse with an incomparably prominent status and status, who can't see the end of the dragon, actually appeared here in this way, it is really incredible!
And just when everyone was shocked.

The corner of Wu You's mouth suddenly evoked a faint smile and said:
"What business do you want with me?"

"Actually, I have been in love with Mr. Wu for a long time, so I came here to visit today."

Austin chuckled.

"Oh? Do you know me?"

Wu You asked with interest.

"Yes, Kate Child, the president of the Huaxia Liuzhou Tongji Association, is my cousin of the same clan.

After I learned of Mr. Wu's superb ability from him, I have always yearned for you.

Today, after seeing your miraculously powerful power with this transformed human being, I am even more amazed. "

Austin admired sincerely, then bowed slightly, and apologized:
"First of all, I would like to express my deep apologies to the Liuzhou Tongji Association, the disrespectful offense to Mr. Wu's sect, and the trouble this reformed person has caused you.

A huge amount of compensation will be given to ask Mr. Wu for forgiveness. "

"Is that so, you really have a heart."

Wu You chuckled, and then asked calmly:
"You didn't show up here today just to apologize, did you?"

"Mr. Wu is a smart person, so I won't beat around the bush.

In fact, this time I want to ask Mr. Wu to do us a favor and find the iceberg where the prehistoric monster is frozen. "

Austin was blunt.

"Hehe, how do you know that I can find that little fish? Did Qi Heqing say that?"

Wu You smiled playfully.

The president of the Freemasons, Austin nodded and said:
"Yes, Professor Qi has already told us everything you said about the iceberg.

And the name of the sect you founded, Guhua Xianzong, is also engraved on that leftover black stone tablet.

And all this shows one thing, the only person in the world who can find that prehistoric beast is Mr. Wu! "

(End of this chapter)

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