I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 821 Reaching Toyo

Chapter 821 Reaching Toyo
It was near noon and the sun was shining brightly.

In the distant sky, the handsome young man stood proudly on the Ziwei sword with his hands behind his back, enjoying the magnificent scene in front of him, with a faint smile on his lips.

But at this time, Yuan Qianyu, who was wrapped in leather whips and shaking like chaff on the Tongtian Sword, was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery at all.

She could never have imagined that she would return to China in such a unique way...

Who is that Huaxia boy?How could he possess such unimaginable power.

It's really scary, it's incredible!
At this moment, she regretted a little, and agreed to the villain's request earlier.

Can one's own sect really defeat this extremely powerful guy?
However, when he thought of his sister's tragic experience, Yuan Qianyu was distraught and furious.

No matter what, she must do everything possible to make this damn guy pay the price, so as to comfort her sister's soul in heaven!

Thinking of this, Yuan Qianyu's gaze immediately became firm again.

And after flying in the sky for two hours, a piece of land suddenly appeared on the edge of the vast sea.

The Toyo Kingdom has finally arrived!
After a long time, the two long rainbows suddenly came to a deserted rocky coast, and then began to descend slowly.

In a moment, Wu You and Ji Chi floated down from the sword and stepped on the ground.

Immediately Wu You put away Ziwei Sword and Tongtian Sword.

With a "bang", Yuan Qianyu fell heavily to the ground...

"Alright Tour Guide, where should we go now?"

Wu You looked at the female ninja in front of him and asked with a smile.

At this time, Yuan Qianyu, who was bound by the whip and lying on the ground, said angrily:
"Are you kidding, how can I lead you the way now."

Hearing this, Wu You smiled lightly and said:
"You can let her go."

"Yes, Master."

Ji Chi respectfully accepted the order, and then with a light flick of his wrist, the long black whip wrapped around the beautiful ninja suddenly loosened.

Yuan Qianyu, who finally got rid of the shackles, did not dare to have the slightest thought of running away.

After all, Mr. Wu is an extremely powerful existence. Even if he wants to escape, he will definitely not be able to escape...

Suddenly, Yuan Qianyu stood up quickly, stretched his somewhat stiff body, and then looked around.

After a while, Shen Sheng said:
"This should be near Nagoya in the Eastern Kingdom."

"You don't need to tell me the name of the place, just tell me, are there any oriental warriors in this place? It's best to wear Gouyu."

Wu You said with a smile that was not a smile.

Hearing this, Yuan Qianyu's fair and pretty face immediately showed resentment.

Gritting his teeth suddenly, he said:
"Yes, of course there is, but I'm afraid you don't have the guts to go!"

"Presumptuous, a stinky girl who doesn't know good and bad, dare to speak disrespectfully to my lord, damn it!"

Ji Chi immediately sneered, and then raised the whip in his hand, intending to lash at the female ninja.

"Okay, this seat wants to hear, is there any place I dare not go."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Seeing this, Ji Chi resentfully put down his whip, and stared at the Oriental woman coldly.If she wants to play any tricks, I will definitely make her pay an extremely heavy price!

At this time, Yuan Qianyu looked at the front of his eyes, and said in a cold tone, his unequaled enemy:
"This place is not very far from Iga, my teacher's door, do you dare to go with me?!"

"Oh? Do you hate your sect so much? To let me be the first to clean it up, this is really righteous and killing relatives."

Wu You smiled lightly with great interest, then nodded playfully and said:

"Okay then, I will help you teach them a lesson, and lead the way."

"Hmph, it's not sure who will take care of whom, let's wait and see, when you cry!"

Yuan Qianyu snorted angrily, turned around and walked away.

"Interesting guy."

Wu You smiled lightly and shook his head, then stepped forward.

And Ji Chi gave the oriental female ninja a hard look, and then respectfully followed behind his master.

After a while, the three of them came to a ring-sea road not far away.

It happened that a yellow Toyota Crown taxi was slowly approaching.

Yuan Qianyu waved casually, and the somewhat old taxi stopped in front of the three of them.

With a "click", the door opened automatically.

Immediately, Yuan Qianyu sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Wu You and Ji Chi got into the car and sat in the back row.

In the cab on the right, an elderly driver who looked to be in his 70s and was wearing a neat uniform was taken aback when he saw the three men and women in strange costumes, and soon recovered.

Politely asked: "Hello, where are you going?"

"Go to Iga City."

Yuan Qianyu said expressionlessly.

"May I go to Nagoya Station first?"

"No, go directly to Iga."

Hearing this, the old driver couldn't help but glance at the girl dressed as a ninja beside him.

You must know that taxis in the East are the second most expensive in the world.From here to Nagoya Station, it costs at least 1 yen, which is equivalent to more than 700 famous coins.

And if you go directly to Iga, it will cost at least 7 yen, which is nearly 5000 RMB!
This expensive fare is also very unaffordable for ordinary Japanese people.Can these three young men and women in weird costumes really afford it?
"Are you sure you want to go directly to Iga City?"

The old driver asked again.

Yuan Qianyu was about to nod impatiently, but Wu You, who was sitting in the back row, took the lead and said with a smile:
"Do you have any delicious places here? I just came to Dongyang and haven't had lunch yet."

Hearing this, the elderly driver was taken aback for a moment, then asked politely:
"Is sir a foreign tourist?"

"This seat is from Huaxia."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing this, the old driver's eyes inadvertently showed a strange color, and then he covered it up, and said politely:
"We are just holding the annual hot spring festival here. If you are interested, sir, you can go there to taste the food and enjoy the nourishment of the hot spring."

Hearing the sound, Wu You suddenly became interested, and then smiled and said:

"Alright then, let's go to that hot spring festival first."

Seeing this, Yuan Qianyu was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but said coldly:

"Aren't you going to my teacher's door?!"

"I am tired all the way, I need to take a good rest first."

Wu You lay on the comfortable and tidy seat and smiled casually.

Yuan Qianyu frowned and wanted to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by Ji Chi's sharp voice.

"Stop talking nonsense, what the master says is what you say, if you dare to talk too much, let's see how I deal with you!"

Seeing the black leather whip in the woman's hand, Yuan Qianyu shuddered, snorted and stopped talking.

Seeing this scene, although the elderly taxi driver was astonished, he didn't say much.After entering the address on the navigation, the three of them drove steadily towards the destination.

(End of this chapter)

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