Chapter 825
After a long time, with the graceful sacrificial dance of the witches on the stage, the bright moon in the sky began to rise gradually.

It was not until after nine o'clock in the evening that the whole sacrificial activity finally came to an end.

Many tourists who were deeply attracted by this foreign culture left one after another satisfied.Excitedly prepared to go back to the hotel and have a good soak in the night hot spring.

After a long time, after all the tourists had left, all the parade personnel participating in the celebration came to the stage.

"Thanks to everyone's efforts, this hot spring festival can be successfully completed, thank you."

Takao Yamada stood in front of the crowd and bowed.

Immediately, everyone returned their salutes one after another, and the atmosphere on the scene gradually became active and relaxed.

And at this moment, a beautiful young girl wearing a red and white crimson dress, with long hair reaching her waist and a holy temperament, stepped on a pair of red button straw sandals and walked lightly into the arena.

But it was the soft and beautiful shrine maiden who performed Kagura dance on the stage before.

And when they saw this beautiful and holy girl, everyone present couldn't help showing respectful expressions.

"My filial husband pays homage to Master Qin Yin."

Takao Yamada suddenly bent down and bowed in reverence.

"Meet Lord Qinyin."

Immediately, all the Orientals in the field bowed and worshiped together.

The beautiful girl in front of her, named Kamo Kotone, was a full-time miko specially invited from Ise Shrine for this hot spring festival.

In the minds of all Orientals, witches are the spokespersons of the gods, so their identity and status are extraordinary and highly respected.

"Yamada-kun, everyone get up."

The beautiful girl named Kamo Kotone smiled.

Hearing this, everyone present straightened up.

"This time our hot spring festival in Gero was successfully completed, I am really grateful to Kotone-sama for your help."

Takao Yamada expressed his sincere gratitude.

"It's nothing, it's my duty."

He Mao Qinyin nodded slightly, then smiled and said:
"Now that the sacrifice is over, it's time for me to go back to the shrine."

Hearing this, Takao Yamada couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly said:

"Master Kotone, it's very late now, why don't you go back to Ise Shrine tomorrow.

We have prepared rooms for you in the best hot spring hotels in Gero. "

Hearing the sound, He Maoqinyin raised her soft cheeks, looked at the bright moon in the sky, then nodded and said:
"Okay, I'll just stay here for the night.

But there is no need to go to any hotel, I just rest at the shrine. "

Hearing this, Takao Yamada couldn't help frowning, feeling very embarrassed.

Although this Gero Shrine has a history of several hundred years, in modern times, there are no full-time witches and priests in it, and it only exists as a tourist project.

Because no one lives in this shrine all year round, the accommodation conditions and supporting facilities are not perfect, so how can the honorable priestess live here.

"Master Qinyin, the conditions here are really bad, you should stay in a hotel.

And we don't worry about you resting here alone. "

Takao Yamada persuaded him sincerely.

Everyone around also nodded in agreement.

Although this Miko is a clergyman from Ise Shrine, she is just a teenage girl.

How can you let him rest alone in this unpopular shrine? It's too worrying.

"Thank you for your kindness, but as a shrine maiden, the shrine is my home.

With the blessing of the gods, you don't have to worry about anything. "

He Mao Qinyin smiled softly.

Seeing that the miko is still stubborn, Yamada Takao and others are even more embarrassed.

And just when they were still trying to persuade them, a playful voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"You don't have to worry, I'll sleep with this little girl here today."

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being startled, and then looked along in amazement.

The person who spoke was none other than the Chinese boy in the ice-blue robe.

"Little brother, please don't make such jokes in our Dongyang."

Takao Yamada frowned and said in a low voice.

The other Orientals in the field also showed displeasure.

You must know that the shrine maidens are all virgins under the age of 25. It can be said that they are extremely holy in the hearts of Oriental people.

And this foreigner who doesn't understand anything, actually said that he wants to sleep with Miko-sama, this is simply blasphemy!
It's so nasty!

All of a sudden, all the Orientals in the audience looked down on this brat from China even more.

And at this moment, the gentle maiden Kamo Kotone also looked curiously at the rambling boy.

Immediately, he recognized at a glance that this person was the boy who almost caused him to make a mistake on stage.

Who is this person?Why do you always seem to be against yourself?

"Hehe, your thoughts are too dirty. I just plan to take a bath in the hot spring of this shrine tonight according to the agreement, and take good care of that little girl by the way."

The corner of Wu You's mouth curled into a faint smile.

As soon as these words came out, Yamada Takao couldn't help but frown.I did promise this Huaxia boy before, and after this hot spring festival is successfully concluded, I will let them enjoy the hot spring at the shrine in return.

But I didn't expect that he would expose this matter in front of Miko-sama, and it would be a bit troublesome now.

Sure enough, He Mao Qinyin frowned when he heard these words, and said in a cold tone:
"The shrine is a holy place, how can outsiders be allowed to bathe here casually, it's really outrageous."

As he said that, he looked at the rude young man who spoke unscrupulously to the shrine, his beautiful eyes showed sullenness.

Seeing that the Miko seemed to be really angry, Takao Yamada became very anxious.

In order to attract more tourists, in fact, they have already renovated a top-level natural hot spring accidentally discovered in the back of the shrine, but it has not been opened to the public yet.

Originally, the return I promised to the Huaxia boy was also the object of the trial operation, but I didn't expect to be discovered by the witch...

Immediately, Takao Yamada hurriedly explained:

"Master Qinyin, please listen to me. In fact, the hot spring this little brother mentioned is not in the shrine, but our newly built hot spring hotel in the back mountain..."

Before she finished speaking, He Maoqinyin opened her eyes wide and exclaimed in shock:

"What? You actually changed the back mountain of the shrine without permission, my God, do you know what you are doing!"

Seeing this, Takao Yamada and the others couldn't help but look at each other. They didn't touch the shrine, they just took advantage of the long-abandoned back mountain.

Is this Miko-sama too fussy?

But at this moment, an anxious cry suddenly came from a distance.

"It's not good, it's not good, Keiko, Keiko suddenly disappeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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