Chapter 838
"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and catch up with the master!"

Ji Chi scolded coldly.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Qianyu immediately came to his senses, but had no choice but to follow closely behind.

Seeing this, He Mao Qinyin hesitated for a moment, but finally followed up.

Immediately, under the earnest leadership of the Yamada father and daughter, the four of them all checked into the best hot spring hotel in Gero.

And just after the soft and beautiful maiden politely declined, but the kinky ninja angrily rejected Wu You's proposal to sleep together, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, Wu You, Ji Chi, Yuan Qianyu, and He Mao Qinyin and their party had eaten the sumptuous breakfast at the hotel.

Under the reverent eyes of many local people, I got into Hideo Yamada's small Toyota car and drove away from Gero.

Originally, Hideo Yamada wanted to prepare a spacious medium-sized car to take his benefactors to Iga City, but Wu You flatly refused.

Immediately, Ji Chi was reluctantly placed in the co-pilot position by his master.

However, Yuan Qianyu and He Maoqinyin, the two beauties, had no choice but to squeeze in the back row with Wu You...

After an unknown amount of time, the preoccupied Yuan Qianyu finally couldn't help but said in a cold voice:

"This time I'm going to Iga, if we take the initiative to hand over Gouyu to you, can you promise not to do it?"

"Yes, I have already said that I am not such a vicious person.

You can take the initiative to hand in the Chaos Stone, and this seat is also very happy. "

Wu You closed his eyes and smiled.

Hearing this, Yuan Qianyu felt a little relieved.

Although most oriental warriors regard Gouyu as their life, for their ninjas, although Gouyu is important, it is not that important.

Relying on his status and identity in Iga, Xiaozhi might be able to persuade Shimen to give this guy some gouyu and send this evil star away if he uses emotion and reason...

And right now.


Suddenly, with a screech of brakes, the small Toyota stopped suddenly.

The next moment, black smoke came out from the engine cover.

"Sir, I'm so sorry. My broken car seems to have broken down again. I'm going to check it out now."

Takao Yamada turned his head and said apologetically.

"It's ok."

Wu You chuckled lightly, then said playfully to the two women:

"If you don't get out of the car, how long do you still want to stay by my side?"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Qianyu and He Maoqinyin were suddenly extremely embarrassed, and suddenly opened the doors on both sides, and ran out of the car.

Immediately, Wu You also stepped out of the car with a faint smile.

However, after a group of people waited on the side of the road for a long time, Takao Yamada, who was sweating profusely, still failed to fix his broken car.

No way, everyone had to prepare to stop a ride.

But here is an inaccessible mountain road, and after a long time, there is still no car passing by on the road.

And just when Wu You impatiently wanted to sacrifice the flying sword and flew away with the three girls.

A gaudy bus, plastered with cartoon characters, slowly drove over from a distance.

But before Wu You and others intercepted it, the bus slowed down and slowly stopped in front of everyone.

As the car door opened, a teenager in orange casual clothes, a metal forehead protector, and messy yellow hair suddenly jumped out of the car.

When he came quickly to the crowd, the yellow-haired boy immediately put his hands on his hips and said with a grin:
"Hello, I am Uzumaki Naruto, and one day I will become a ninja beyond Naruto!"

However, the next moment, when the boy saw the faces of the four handsome men and beauties in front of him, his eyes widened and he was dumbfounded.

At this moment, a girl with short pink hair, wearing a red sleeveless top and a metal forehead like a hairpin, also hurried out of the car.

"Sorry, please don't listen to this guy's nonsense, we are cosplay lovers..."

However, when the pink-haired girl approached and saw the four young men and women clearly, she was as shocked as the yellow-haired boy.

The looks of these four people in front of them are so heaven-defying, they don't even need makeup, they are even more eye-catching than those top professional cosplayers.

Especially the handsome young man in the ice-blue robe inlaid with gold, who has a detached demeanor, is even more obsessed, like a heavenly man!

For a moment, "Uzumaki Naruto" and "Haruno Sakura" standing by the roadside were stunned.

At this moment, Hideo Yamada hurried over with his face full of oil stains, and said:

"Hello, may I ask where your car is going?"

Hearing the sound, the sluggish boys and girls suddenly came back to their senses.

"Me, our club is going to Ise to shoot a Naruto-themed photobook."

"Yeah, that's great, these four friends of mine happened to be going to Ise too, and my car broke down.

Could I trouble you for a ride?please. "

Takao Yamada bowed.

(End of this chapter)

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