Chapter 9
"Hmph, you're still brazen when you're about to die!"

Qin Yuanfeng snorted coldly, stared at Wu You with stern eyes, and threatened in a deep voice: "Tell me how you cured Duan Shuping. If the answer satisfies me, I will spare you."

"Do you want to know that much? Then I'll tell you."

Wu You raised the corners of his mouth and talked eloquently: "It's actually very simple. You just need to transfer the spiritual energy into the patient's body to revitalize the body, and naturally all diseases will not invade."

"Oh? You actually know aura?"

Hearing this, Qin Yuanfeng was a little surprised at first, and then angrily reprimanded: "You are talking nonsense, that Duan Shuping is already terminally ill, and you need a lot of spiritual nourishment to be cured. Since I stepped into Huajin, I have persisted in the technique of breathing for more than ten years. The accumulated spiritual energy is not enough for him to use, where did you get the spiritual energy from, an ordinary person!"

"A girl gave it to me at night. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do."

Wu You said casually.

"Damn it, there's not a word of truth out of its mouth."

Qin Yuanfeng scolded, and then there was a trace of greed in his eyes, and he tentatively said: "You have recruited me honestly, did you get something that shouldn't belong to you? Hurry up and hand it over now, maybe I will let you live .”

"I thought so too, but unfortunately I didn't have that luck."

Wu You shrugged helplessly.

"Hmph, you are really stubborn."

Qin Yuanfeng turned around angrily, and said to Qin Ming, "Go and pry his mouth open for me, and remember to hold your breath so you don't beat him to death."

"Yes, uncle."

Qin Ming excitedly rolled up his sleeves. He had been waiting for this moment all night, and now his wish could finally come true.

Stepping up to Wu You, Qin Ming smiled cruelly: "Your luck is really good tonight. Every time I want to make a move, you can always hide from me. It's a pity that no one can help you now. I can do whatever I want. Let off steam.

Oh, by the way, you'd better not beg for mercy later, because I have a hobby, the more the opponent begs for mercy, the more excited I will be fighting! "

After finishing speaking, Qin Ming grinned, raised his fist and struck Wu You on the head.If this punch is real, ordinary people will be seriously injured even if they don't die.


Wu You casually raised his palm, caught Qin Ming's fist, and twisted it.

Hearing a crisp sound of "Ka Ka Ka", Qin Ming's arm suddenly twisted like paper, and all the bones were broken.


A heart-piercing scream sounded, and Qin Ming's tall body instantly collapsed on the ground, trembling violently.

As if nothing happened, Wu You held Qin Ming's fist calmly, and continued to twist it downward, without any intention of stopping.

"Stop! Please stop! Don't, don't..."

Tears welled up in his eyes in an instant, and Qin Ming knelt down on the ground with an extremely painful expression, begging Wu You non-stop.

Wu You looked down, and at this moment, it was Qin Ming who was full of snot and tears, and said with a smile: "I just found out that our hobbies are similar, the more you beg for mercy, the happier I am."

Qin Ming blushed suddenly, and he didn't know if it was pain or embarrassment...

"Dark force warrior? How is this possible!"

Qin Yuanfeng turned around and saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but gasped.

From low to high, contemporary warriors are divided into four levels: Ming Jin, Dark Jin, Hua Jin, and Gang Jin.Further up, there is the unborn Martial Saint Realm, also known as the ancient warrior by outsiders.

He originally thought that Wu You was at most a martial arts enthusiast, and he was not at the same level as Qin Ming, who was a bright martial artist, and he should be completely crushed.

But who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary boy in front of him would actually be a dark martial artist, it was really incredible.

You must know that even Qin Yuanfeng himself entered the dark energy at the age of 30, and became a strong Huajing at the age of 49.

And the boy in front of him is only sixteen or seventeen years old at most, and he has already stepped into the ranks of dark energy.Qin Yuanfeng suddenly felt that he had been living on dogs for decades.

"Clan uncle, save me!"

Qin Ming shouted loudly.

"Useless things."

Qin Yuanfeng snorted coldly, stepped on the ground with his right foot, his body was like a cannonball, and rushed towards Wu You with an afterimage.

Seeing this, Wu You picked up the collapsed Qin Ming with one hand, and threw him forward with a wave of his arm.

"Go away!"

Qin Yuanfeng pushed aside Qin Ming, who had fallen from the sky, and let him fall into the distance like a broken sack, his life and death unknown.Then he continued to rush towards Wu You without slowing down, intending to subdue him in one fell swoop.

Wu You stood motionless on the spot, looking at Qin Yuanfeng with a calm face.

"Are you scared and stupid? If you knew it was like this, why did you do it in the first place? After I take you down, I will make it impossible for you to survive or die!"

Qin Yuanfeng grinned grimly, and crashed into Wu You's thin body.


A figure flew out.

Moments later, Qin Yuanfeng, who was in mid-air, looked bewildered.

Drawing an arc, Baji fell to the ground.

After a long time, Qin Yuanfeng, who was lying on the ground, stood up unsteadily, and pointed at Wu You in despair.

"You, you are, Gang, Grandmaster Gang Jin?"

"How is this possible, how is this possible!"

As if going crazy, Qin Yuanfeng stared at his blood-red eyes, stomped his feet and shot towards Wu You again.


A figure flew out.

Still Qin Yuanfeng...

When he got up again, he had regained some sanity.

"Grandmaster Gangjin, really a Grandmaster Gangjin!"

Qin Yuanfeng trembled all over suddenly, sweating coldly.

You must know that the highest level of warriors is Gang Jin. People in this realm have already vaguely glimpsed the ancient martial arts. They can release their own spiritual energy to form a body-protecting Gang Qi. It is difficult for ordinary firearms to hurt them in the slightest.

And Gang Jin warriors are respected as masters by the world, almost all of them are the masters of sects and family leaders.The same is true for the Qin family in Lingxi where Qin Yuanfeng lives.

Qin Yuanfeng raised his head and looked in shock at Wu You who looked calm in the distance.Sixteen or seventeen-year-old Gang Jin masters, this is even rarer than those unborn martial saints.

Thinking of something suddenly, Qin Yuanfeng withdrew his gaze, and suddenly ran towards the Land Rover parked beside him.

Just kidding, the master is here, so there is no way for him to survive.If you don't slip now, when will you wait?


Wu You said silently.

"You think I'm stupid, you just stop..."

Qin Yuanfeng was about to get into the car, but suddenly stopped in his tracks.The legs seemed to be imprisoned by something, and they couldn't move at all.

"Well, what's going on here?"

Qin Yuanfeng's eyes widened, and he looked at Wu You in the distance in disbelief.

I saw that the other party just stood there quietly, without even moving a finger.

Seeing this, Qin Yuanfeng suddenly realized something, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"Prisoning in space is a rumored ability only in the Martial Saint Realm."

"You are an ancient warrior!"

(End of this chapter)

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