Chapter 90
In the private room, when everyone saw Tang Liangying walking out the door angrily, they couldn't help turning their heads and glaring at Wu You.

This troublemaker really deserves his reputation.Miss Tang, who has such a cheerful temper and such a sunny personality, was irritated by him.No wonder this guy would offend the second young master of the Liu family, it was a wise move for the Wu family to drive him out of the house.

"There's a good show to watch now."

Wu You stood up with a chuckle, took a can of herbal tea, walked to the two rows of chairs in the box stand and sat down.

Then he looked down with great interest at the huge drama stage below.

And at this moment, the lights in the entire theater hall suddenly dimmed, and the curtain slowly opened above the stage.

Seeing that the performance had already started, Zhu Zimo and others who originally wanted to drive Wu You out of the box could only hold back the resentment in their hearts for the time being.

He walked forward helplessly, and sat down far away from Wu You.

Shen Feiyang also walked over quickly, sat next to Wu You, and said with a smile:

"Angkor, I really didn't expect you to be Miss Duan Gurou's fiancé. I really envy others."

"Really, I don't feel anything."

Wu You couldn't deny it, then opened the herbal tea and took a sip.

"Oh, Angkor, you are so full that you don't know how hungry you are."

Seeing Wu You's indifferent attitude, Shen Feiyang couldn't help sighing.Then he said suspiciously:

"By the way, Angkor, you just told Miss Tang that the stage is in danger. Is it true? What danger is there?"

Hearing this, Wu You nodded indifferently, and said with a playful smile, "You will know in a while."

After all, melodious music sounded in the hall, and the audience immediately fell silent, and the performance officially began.

This is a campus drama about youth and inspiration. It tells the story of a female high school student who loves dancing since she was a child, and lost consciousness in her legs due to a car accident.Afterwards, with the help of classmates and friends, after a series of conflicts and conflicts, the story finally overcomes difficulties and stands up again.

And Tang Liangying, as the heroine in the play, just appeared on the stage, her sunny and beautiful face immediately aroused cheers from everyone in the audience.

Next, Tang Liangying's beautiful and smart dance performance was even more amazing.

If it weren't for the presence of teachers from various classes, the group of vigorous high school students in the audience might have caused some trouble.

At this time, Tang Liangying, who was dancing to the music, seemed to enjoy being on the stage very much. With this feeling of being watched by everyone, the smile on her face couldn't help but become even brighter.

Hmph, that pretender is really talking nonsense, what's wrong with this stage.It's abominable to cause myself to worry for nothing!

Between dancing, Tang Liangying glanced at the boy surnamed Wu on the stand in the box, and couldn't help but let out a cold snort in her heart.

After a long time, when the music gradually fell, the scene was about to end.

Tang Liangying suddenly smelled a burnt smell, and floated up from under the stage.

But before she could react, one after another of scorching flames suddenly shot up from under the stage.

In an instant, she was trapped in the center of the stage by the raging fire!

The fire broke out extremely quickly and violently. Along the huge curtain, the entire stage began to burn violently in an instant, and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

Looking at the sudden raging fire, there was an exclamation in the hall of the theater.

All the students were shocked and overwhelmed, but fortunately the teachers reacted immediately.Shouting with extreme urgency, he guided the frightened students to quickly escape from the theater hall.

Tian Qiaoling's class, who was sitting in the back row, was the closest to the entrance of the hall, and was also the first group of people to escape from the fire scene.

And just when they happily ran to the square outside the theater, Tian Qiaoling, the class teacher, discovered that there were two missing students among the students she brought, but they were Wu You and Shen Feiyang!
"These two idiots, how long does it take to go to the bathroom!"

Tian Qiaoling cursed with a crying voice, and then quickly brought her students to a safe place.

"You wait here, no one is allowed to run around!"

After all, under the panicked eyes of the students, Tian Qiaoling took off her high heels and ran anxiously towards the gate of the theater barefoot.

At this time, the fire in the theater had spread to nearly half of the performance hall.Fortunately, under the command of the teachers, most of the students escaped safely without any stampede.


Everyone in the box also reacted from the horror, and quickly got up and ran back to the suite.

And the moment they opened the door, a puff of thick smoke rushed in, and the corridor was blocked by thick smoke!
Everyone closed the door immediately, and they all kept bending over and coughing.Although they were in the fire at this moment, their hearts were as desperate as falling into an ice cave.

They have no escape!
"Wu, Angkor, can you jump off with me in your arms?"

Shen Feiyang, who was in a desperate situation, suddenly remembered that Wu You was a master of martial arts who could jump off the roof and be safe!

Jumping from the box to the floor of the hall, that should be even more of a problem.

"Why are you jumping?"

Wu You sat on the chair, took a sip of herbal tea, and smiled slightly.

Looking at Wu You, who was like a normal person, Shen Feiyang was stunned.But then he came back to his senses and said anxiously:

"Angkor, I can't wait to burn my eyebrows now! You are a master of martial arts and can do light work, but I can't. Why don't you rescue me first, and then pretend to be calm?"


At this moment, a crisp scream suddenly resounded throughout the hall.

After looking around, it was Tang Liangying who was trapped on the stage by the flames.

At this time, she was so frightened that she fell down on the stage, shivering into a ball.

And it wasn't until now that she realized that what Wu You said was true, and this stage was really not safe.

However, it was too late to regret it at this moment, she was in the center of the sea of ​​flames, and no one would come to rescue her.

But when she thought that she was about to die in the flames, Tang Liangying shed tears of despair, and cried bitterly, trembling all over her body.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering loud noise erupted from the direction of the stage.

Everyone who hadn't had time to run out of the hall looked back in horror upon hearing the sound.

On the huge stage, a five-meter-tall ape-shaped giant beast surrounded by flames was displayed in front of everyone!
In an instant, everyone in the venue who saw this scene showed terrified expressions.

They really couldn't believe what they saw in front of them, which simply exceeded all their previous cognition.


The flame giant suddenly let out a loud roar, and hot flames shot out from its mouth.

Suddenly, the fire in the entire theater hall exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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