Chapter 906 Neat
"Father, that guy is the little boy who seduced my fiancee yesterday. I didn't expect him to come to my door today. Let me go and deal with him!"

Qianye Jingsheng happily asked Qianye Mingyin for instructions.

"Go, but take it down first before you start, don't dirty the venue."

Qianye Mingyin said casually.

"Yes, father."

Immediately, without any hesitation, Qianye Jingsheng walked quickly towards the two men and women.

Seeing this, the eldest son and second son of Qianye's family looked at each other, and then followed behind his third brother with a cruel sneer.

After a while, the three of them blocked the boy and girl's way.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that we could meet here. This is really destined."

Qianye Jingsheng stared at the Huaxia youth in front of him, and said coldly with a half-hearted smile.

"Hmph, you two guys are really bold, you dare to break into the trial conference, don't you know where this is?!"

The eldest son of the Qianye family shouted proudly.

"Come out with us now before we do anything!"

The second son of the Chiba family said fiercely.

In an instant, the three brothers of the Qianye family stared at the Huaxia boy as if they were looking at a dead person, their eyes filled with ferocity.

As soon as this Chinese brat leaves the scene, they will slaughter him to his heart's content, tearing his body to pieces!
At this time, Hiroichi Yamaguchi hurried forward and said to the pink-haired girl anxiously:

"Sakura, is this a place where you can come, don't leave quickly!"

But at the next moment, a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the Huaxia youth's mouth and said:
"Go away, or die."

Hearing the sound, the three brothers of the Qianye family were taken aback for a moment, and then became furious!
"Damn it, you dare to speak rudely in front of me when your death is imminent. It's really disgusting!"

Qianye Jingsheng shouted sharply.

"Jing Sheng doesn't need to talk nonsense to him, just take this impolite kid down, so as not to disturb the order of the meeting here."

"Okay big brother."

While talking, the three of them with cruel smirks, arrogantly forced towards the Huaxia boy.Prepare to capture him in one fell swoop, take him down and make his life worse than death!
And just when the three of them were very close to the brat and were about to strike.

A golden light flashed in an instant.




Following three soft beeps, blood splattered instantly!
The next moment, Qianye Jingsheng and the other three brothers felt a pain in their abdomen, and then looked down blankly, only to see that their upper body and lower body were split into two strangely!


"Help, help!"

In an instant, three terrifying screams resounded throughout the hall.

Looking at the third young master of the Chiba family who was cut in two in the pool of blood and howled in hysterical pain, everyone in the audience could not help but show an unprecedented look of horror.

No one expected that the boy who suddenly broke into the venue would cut all the young masters of Qianye's family in half!
This, this is simply unbelievable!
Who is he?How could such a murderous decision be made? It's really terrifying!


Seeing that all three of his sons were murdered, Qianye Mingyin's eyes were about to burst, and his whole body trembled violently!
He never imagined that the seemingly weak boy would actually be a powerful warrior.

If he had known this earlier, he would never have let his only three sons go to die.

But now it is too late, I can only watch my sons die, and the white-haired man sends the black-haired man...

"I am going to kill you!"

Immediately, Qianye Mingyin, who seemed to have fallen into a rage, rose up recklessly, suddenly turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards the field with a shocking momentum, intending to smash the murderer into pieces!
However, as soon as he approached him, he saw the young man wave his sleeve casually, and a stream of vigor that was hard to see with the naked eye shot out.


After a soft bang, Qianye Mingyin, who had turned into a black shadow, suddenly revealed his figure, with a bloody glow!
Immediately under the shocked and inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience.

The patriarch of the Qianye family, the Taishan Beidou of the oriental warrior world, and Qianye Mingyin were cut in half, and fell backwards with a blank face...

With a bang, he fell heavily into a pool of blood!
At this moment, tens of thousands of people in the hall seemed to be petrified, and they were completely stunned in place, dumbfounded.

In any case, they never expected that the father and son of the powerful Qianye family, which had been passed down for a long time, would be killed so easily in front of the young man without any resistance.

This is incredible!
"I, am I not dreaming? He, how can he be so strong?"

Hiroshi Yamaguchi stared at the scene with dumbfounded eyes, and couldn't believe his eyes.

God, who is that boy?Even Qianye Mingyin is not his opponent?

And just when everyone was shocked and inexplicable.

But I saw that incomparably terrifying young man, looking at the four "halflings" who were still alive on the ground, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Hehe, the whole family needs to be tidy."

At this time, Qianye Mingyin, who was paralyzed in a pool of blood, raised his head with great pain, looked at the boy in horror, and said tremblingly:

"You, who are you?"

And at this moment, I saw the sexy girl in the tight black leather jacket suddenly stepped forward with excitement, bowed deeply towards the boy, and bowed respectfully:
"Ji Chi greets the master."

"Great, the master is finally here."

The next moment, the soft and beautiful girl in the red and white witch costume couldn't help cheering.Immediately, he also walked forward with joy, bent his weak and boneless waist, and respectfully worshiped:
"Qin Yin greets the master,
Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked.

Suddenly, a thought suddenly rose in everyone's mind.

Could it be that the young man in the arena is the ancient warrior who blatantly destroyed the Grass Pheasant Sword and was the General of Huaxia? !

God, how is this possible?That boy looks so young, how can he have such great strength?

For a moment, everyone present couldn't help feeling shocked and inexplicable, and couldn't believe their eyes.

But at this time, Qianye Jingsheng, who was lying in a pool of blood, immediately lost his soul when he learned that the young man who killed him was actually that powerful ancient Chinese warrior.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally realized what a terrifying existence he had provoked.

I was lucky enough to escape a catastrophe yesterday, but today I still paid the price for my stupidity!
Immediately, the regretful Chiba Jingsheng rolled his eyes and died...

(Happy New Year to everyone, all things Wu You)
(End of this chapter)

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