I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 910 Heroes of the World

Chapter 910 Heroes of the World
"Oh my God, what is going on here? I, I'm not dreaming."

Yuan Laihua stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, the horror in his heart was beyond words.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that the aloof Lord Ise would condescend to pay respects to a Chinese.

This, this is simply unbelievable!
But at this time, the "halfling" Qianye Mingyin who was paralyzed in a pool of blood, seeing this scene, immediately lost his soul.

God, what kind of terrifying existence did I provoke?Even the Lord Ise wants to pay respects to him.

It seems that he is still dead, this world is really terrible!

Immediately, Qianye Mingyin rolled his eyes and died out of breath...

And just when everyone in the hall was shocked and inexplicable.

Wu You looked at the white-haired young man in front of him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Get up."

Hearing this, God Master Ise straightened up, looking at the benefactor who saved Ise Shrine and even brought him back from the gate of hell, his eyes were full of reverence.

"Why are you here too?"

Wu You asked with interest.

Hearing the sound, Lord Ise hurriedly replied:

"Sir, after thinking about it at Ise Shrine, I still don't trust you to come to Meiji Shrine alone. I'm afraid that Mister will encounter unnecessary trouble, so I quickly chased you over.

But it's still a step too late. I'm really sorry for letting those blind guys do something rude to you. "

Speaking of this, the white-haired young man was already afraid for a while, if he was one step late just now, all those idiots here today would all have to die!
Immediately, God Master Ise looked coldly at the people present and shouted angrily:
"What are you guys still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and apologize to this lord and ask for forgiveness!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience came back to their senses immediately, and then looked at each other in shock, not knowing what to do.

"Master, what, what is going on? Why do we have to apologize to the Huaxia people?"

Mistress Meiji asked with a look of surprise.

"Why? Because of strength!

Even if I am ashamed of myself in front of this gentleman, you fools dare to be rude to him, you are really killing yourself!

If this gentleman really made a move just now, none of you self-righteous guys will survive! "

Lord Ise scolded angrily.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall couldn't help being shocked.

No one expected that God Lord Ise, who is the strongest in the East, would take the initiative to admit that he is not as good as that ancient Chinese warrior.

This, this is too unbelievable!
However, no one dared to question the words of God Lord Ise, since he himself said so now, it must be true!
The strength of that ancient Chinese warrior must have far exceeded their imagination!
I'm afraid that even if they teamed up just now, they wouldn't be the opponent of that ancient Chinese warrior...

But no matter how powerful the ancient Chinese warrior is, as the spokesperson of the oriental gods, God Lord Ise shouldn't be so condescending to him.

"Master, who is that ancient Chinese warrior? Why do you respect and respect him so much?"

God Lord Retian couldn't restrain the doubts in his heart, and asked suddenly.

"Why? Because this gentleman is my savior, and also the benefactor of the entire Ise Shrine!"

Ise Theism is sternly speaking.

Hearing this, the audience fell into silence again for an instant.

In an instant, almost everyone showed an unprecedented shock.

No one thought that the ancient Chinese warrior would be the Lord of Ise, or even the benefactor of the Ise Shrine. This is simply unbelievable!

You must know that in the East, the Ise Shrine is a sacred and inviolable existence, and almost no one dares to be rude to it.

So how could the Lord Ise be in danger, and how could the ancient Chinese warrior be the benefactor to save the Ise Shrine?
For a moment, all the surprised and puzzled eyes of the audience focused on God Lord Ise.

And as if seeing the doubts in everyone's hearts, Lord Ise shook his head and sighed:

"The current Ise Shrine has been destroyed."

As soon as these words came out, tens of thousands of people in the hall couldn't help being dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their ears.

How could the Ise Jingu, which has lasted for thousands of years, be gone?
Then at the next moment, God Master Ise sighed again, and began to briefly describe to everyone what happened in Ise Shrine the day before yesterday.

When everyone present heard that God Lord Ise was unexpectedly attacked from behind by a rebellious Onmyouji and was fatally injured, they couldn't help trembling and worried.

And when they heard that those evil onmyojis had seized the Yata Kyou, released all the seals underground, released countless terrifying monsters, and destroyed the entire Ise Shrine, everyone in the audience was even more frightened and horrified.

"In the end, if this gentleman hadn't arrived in time to turn the tide, I would have died at this moment. The survivors of the entire Ise Shrine will also become food for monsters."

When God Master Ise said this, he involuntarily looked at the Huaxia boy, his eyes filled with gratitude.

And everyone in the audience who heard all this was already shocked beyond measure.

In any case, they never thought that the Ise Shrine suffered such a terrible catastrophe, it was really terrible.

What was even more unexpected was that the person who saved all of this would be an ancient Chinese warrior.

This is simply incredible!
And it wasn't until this moment that Hiroichi Yamaguchi in the field finally realized it.

It turns out that what the Huaxia boy said last night is true, the Ise Shrine really no longer exists...

"Now you know why I respect this gentleman so much."

Lord Ise spoke loudly.

Hearing the sound, tens of thousands of people in the hall immediately reacted.Immediately, they all looked at the ancient Chinese warrior in the arena, with inexplicable respect suddenly showing in their eyes.

It turned out that the villain in China in their eyes was actually a peerless hero who saved the entire Ise Shrine, as well as the Lord God!

In an instant, God-Master Meiji and God-Master Atsuta looked at each other, and immediately stepped forward resolutely, bowing to the Chinese boy and apologizing:

"I'm sorry sir, just now we were foolish and believed the slander, that's why we were rude to you.

I also ask you, my lord, to forgive us for our disrespect. "

At this time, the patriarchs of the Ping family in the field also hurried forward and bowed deeply towards Wu You.

"My lord, I'm so sorry. I just blamed Qianye's family for not being able to see Mount Tai. They dared to take action against you. They really deserve death."

"That's right, although we and the Chiba family are collectively known as the Bando Happei family, we are very disgusted with his behavior.

This time the adults will rectify it, it is really satisfying..."

(End of this chapter)

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