I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 915 Shocking and inexplicable

Chapter 915 Shocking and inexplicable
Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help feeling extremely nervous.

Although they had heard the story of God Lord Ise before, this ancient Chinese warrior was very powerful.

But after all, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I'm not so convinced.

And the terrifying power of that ancient monster, they can clearly remember it.

Could this seemingly young boy really be the opponent of the demon who has lived for thousands of years?
Under everyone's serious suspicious eyes, Wu You came to the arena calmly.

But at this time, the black-haired old man possessed by an evil spirit looked at the young man who threw himself into the trap, and suddenly said with a sinister smile:

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect you, a brat, to be so bold, to actually try to challenge this deity, you are really looking for your own death!

But this deity should really thank you, if it weren't for you, maybe I'm still sleeping in the Excalibur right now.

As a reward, the deity will give you a good time. "

After speaking proudly, the black-haired old man's face was full of contempt.

At this time, Wu You looked at the ancient evil spirit indifferently, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Little Chang Chong, since you want to thank me, then hand over the quasi-spiritual weapon in your hand.

For the sake of the magic weapon, maybe this seat can make your death easier. "

"Small, little bug?"

Hearing this, the black-haired old man couldn't help being startled, and then flew into a rage!
He never thought that this guy who was about to die would dare to speak such wild words, even humiliating himself!
This is simply damn it!
In an instant, the black-haired old man who was possessed by an evil spirit stared at the Huaxia boy with blood-red eyes, and said with a ferocious face:
"Stupid and arrogant brat, I will definitely let you live or die today!"

As soon as the words fell, the Grass Pheasant Sword surrounding him suddenly shot towards the Huaxia boy with a majestic momentum!

It is about to tear him into pieces!

Seeing this, everyone on the ruins couldn't help being terrified, and their souls were dying.

This mighty artifact, the Grass Pheasant Sword, can destroy even the peerless magic performed by the three divine masters in one fell swoop.

I'm afraid that the ancient Chinese warrior will not even have any scum left in the end!
It's over, it's over now...

"Hmph, self-righteous guy, it's really not a pity to die."

Ashiya Michiman coldly snorted contemptuously.

"Go to hell, my grandson's vengeance will finally be avenged today!"

He Mao Zhongxian shouted sharply.


Between lightning and flint, the Grass Pheasant Sword suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, engulfing the Huaxia boy in an instant!

A moment later, just when everyone thought that the ancient Chinese warrior was gone.

The golden light gradually dissipated, but the young man who was hit by the grass pheasant sword was standing there safe and sound, unharmed!
But the mighty Grass Pheasant Sword was already knocked flying at this moment, trembling in mid-air...

Seeing this unbelievable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked and couldn't believe their eyes.

They never expected that the ancient Chinese warrior could resist the shocking sword of the ancient monster so easily, which is too unbelievable.

"How, how is this possible?"

He Mao Zhongxian stared dumbfoundedly at the unscathed Huaxia youth, his whole body trembling involuntarily.

"God, him, how could he be so powerful? Even the Grass Pheasant Sword can't help..."

Ashiya Michi was dumbfounded, his mind went blank...

But at this time, the black-haired old man who was possessed by the evil spirit stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and his heart was already beyond shock.

In any case, he never expected that under his powerful offensive, the boy would be safe and sound.

This is simply incredible!
And at the next moment, Wu You looked at the black-haired old man calmly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"It's not rude to come here, you can also take the sword from me."

The voice just fell.


A sword cry, like an ancient dragon, suddenly resounded throughout the entire world!

In an instant, a peerless divine sword with rising purple energy was displayed in front of everyone!

The next moment, everyone in the audience stared in shock.

The shocking divine sword suspended in the air suddenly turned into a supreme sword shadow shining with purple light, like a dragon coming from the east with purple energy, it shot towards the black-haired old man with majestic momentum!

Seeing this, the black-haired old man who was possessed by the evil spirit suddenly turned pale, without any hesitation, he made a gesture with his fingers.

In an instant, the grass pheasant sword suspended in the air suddenly flew backwards and blocked in front of him.

Immediately after that, another bright golden light shone out!
At the same time, the purple sword shadow that shot out also burst out an incomparably majestic and vast purple energy!

In an instant, the golden light collided with the purple air.


A huge, earth-shattering roar suddenly resounded through the sky.

In an instant, the air waves rolled, and light and shadow splashed in all directions.

Affected by this monstrous momentum, everyone present almost fell to the ground, and everyone showed horror.

After a long time, when the majestic and boundless power subsided.

Only then did the crowd look in shock at the field in amazement.

And at the next moment, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

I saw the black-haired old man who was originally aggressive, but now he was dressed in rags, and even a stream of black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, obviously seriously injured.

And that mighty artifact, the Grass Pheasant Sword, was broken in two at this time, and fell to the ground like scrap iron...

Seeing this shocking scene, tens of thousands of people on the ruins couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

No one thought that the mighty ancient monster would be so vulnerable in front of that Chinese boy, it's really unbelievable!
"Okay, so strong!"

Yuan Laihua stared blankly at the Huaxia boy, already shocked beyond measure.

And when he thought that he still wanted to provoke this extremely terrifying peerless god, Yuan Laihua suddenly shuddered and became terrified.

If God Lord Ise hadn't arrived in time just now, I'm afraid that he is already dead now...

And many oriental powerhouses who had the same feelings as him also showed an unprecedented shock.

It wasn't until this moment that they finally realized why God Lord Ise always respected that ancient Chinese warrior.

Because that boy is really too strong!Simply beyond everyone's imagination!
"Master really has the foresight, this gentleman is really amazing!"

Lord Meiji couldn't help admiring.

"Yes, as long as this gentleman is present today, then Yamata no Orochi's plot will not succeed!"

God Master Atsuta said excitedly.

At this time, everyone in the audience also recovered from the previous despair, and then everyone showed joy.

Great, now they are finally saved.

(End of this chapter)

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