I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 925 Treasure Hunt

Chapter 925 Treasure Hunt
Seeing that they didn't have to go into the water anymore, Preserved Dan and Zhouzi who were standing on the shore couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ahem, in fact, the old man has just decided to capture the thief with his own hands. I just didn't expect Xiao Ning to move so fast that she wouldn't even give me a chance."

Preserved egg shook his head and sighed.

"That's right, I also have this intention. I originally wanted to stop Master Tianhu, but it was still a step too late."

Zhouzi felt lost.

Seeing the shameless appearance of these two people, Huyouzi on the side had already greeted the eighteen generations of his ancestors.

However, in the face of these two extremely powerful and terrifying guys, he can only behave with his tail between his legs, daring to be angry but not daring to speak.

"Hmph, you just wait and see, I must find a chance to report this matter to the master today, and you will have a good time then!"

The lake wanderer secretly decided.

At this time, as soon as Ying Ning dived into the lake, he found that, as Preserved Egg said, the water in the lake was indeed somewhat cloudy and the visibility was very low.

If she hadn't been wearing the goggles turned into Qianhuan Yunshang, she wouldn't be used to opening her eyes in this lake...

There is no way, now I can only quickly find that treasure and leave this ghost place quickly.

Immediately, Ying Ning started to speed up suddenly, swimming towards the bottom of the artificial lake.

However, as the dive got deeper and deeper, the visibility in the water became lower and lower. In the end, Ying Ning could only continue swimming by feeling.

It was a long time before she finally reached the bottom of the lake, which was full of sediment, but all around was chaos.Wanting to find the treasure that the rabbit said is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Just when Ying Ning was at his wit's end, a blue light suddenly flashed not far away.

Seeing this Yingning's eyes lit up, she immediately swam there without any hesitation.

When she came close, she suddenly discovered that the blue light she saw just now was actually a shimmering blue fish tail.

But when Ying Ning looked at the fish tail's upper body in amazement, her eyes suddenly widened, her face full of disbelief.

The upper body of the blue fishtail is surprisingly a human body!
Omg, beauty, mermaid!

And just when Ying Ning was inexplicably shocked.

The "monster" with a fishtail body seemed to sense someone behind him, and fled in a panic without looking back, disappearing in the muddy lake water in an instant.

Seeing the mermaid's swimming speed, Ying Ning couldn't match it, so she had no choice but to give up the pursuit.

Then he looked at the place where the mermaid was before, only to see unusually huge shells lying quietly on the bottom of the lake, and nothing else.

Seeing this, Ying Ning simply picked up the huge shell with both hands and swam towards the lake.

After a while, he broke out of the water and saw the sun again.

When Yingning came to the lake with the huge shell in his arms, Zhouzi, Preserved Dan and Huyouzi rushed forward.

"Master Tianhu, are you okay?"

Zhouzi asked with concern.

"Girl, where is the thief who stole my lord's treasure?"

Preserved egg looked around.

At this time, Ying Ning threw the huge shell in his hand on the ground, and the diving suit on his body changed into a gorgeous dress again. After taking a deep breath of fresh air, he opened his mouth and said:

"I told you, don't believe me, the guy who stole things from the museum seems to be a mermaid."

"A mermaid? What kind of monster is that? A Kappa from the East?"

Zhouzi said with a puzzled face.

"Hmph, even mermaids don't know about it, it's really long hair but short knowledge."

Pidan snorted coldly in disdain, then asked Yingning again:

"Girl, have you killed the thief?"

"No, the mermaid's underwater speed is too fast, I only saw a back, and it ran away without a trace."

Ying Ning shook her head, then pointed to the huge and abnormal shell on the ground.

"This is what the mermaid didn't have time to take away."

Hearing the sound, the lake wanderer immediately stepped forward and opened the huge shell with a diameter of more than one meter.

Suddenly, a burst of rich aura suddenly drifted out!

I saw that it contains spiritual energy, all kinds of plant branches, seeds, and fruits!
Seeing this, the four of them couldn't help but feel refreshed. They could clearly feel that almost every one of these plants in the shells was a rare spiritual herb, which was very extraordinary.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to get so many treasures in order to chase one treasure. God help me!"

Hu Youzi laughed triumphantly.

"Well, for the sake of capturing these rare treasures, let's let the thief go for now."

Preserved egg said, also showing the color of satisfaction.

"Master Tianhu, shall we still go to that museum now?"

Zhouzi asked suddenly.

"Don't go there for now. The cultural relics have just been lost there, and they must be under strict investigation now. Let's talk about it later in the evening."

After Ying Ning finished speaking, she turned her head and glanced at the sparkling artificial lake.

"Okay, let's go first."

Immediately, the lake wanderer picked up the huge shell on the ground, followed Yingning and the other three, and swaggered away from the artificial lake.

Not long after the four of them left, a delicate and pretty head with sea blue hair suddenly appeared on the vast and sparkling lake.

But on this little head, a pair of beautiful blue eyes like the blue sea are full of anxiety at this moment.

After hesitating for a moment, he resolutely swam to the shore...

It was past noon and the sun was shining brightly.

In an ancient small town not far from the National Museum of Tokyo.Ying Ning and his team brought the "trophy" happily to the door of an elegant and clean hotel.

And just when the four of them were about to enter the shop to rest, Ying Ning suddenly stopped, and looked behind her with a slight frown.

"Master Tianhu, what's the matter with you?"

Zhouzi asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I just feel as if someone has been following us? But I just checked carefully with my spiritual sense, but I didn't find anything unusual. It's really strange."

Ying Ning shook her head.

"Don't think about it, girl, I didn't feel anyone following us. You must be out of oxygen underwater, just rest in the hotel for a while."

Preserved egg said casually.


Saying that, Ying Ning and his party walked into the hotel.

And at the next moment, behind the building opposite the hotel, a beautiful little girl wearing a blue dress with fine scales, with long blue hair exuding a halo, quietly poked out her delicate white head .

With her beautiful blue eyes like the sea, she looked timidly at the terrifying robbers who walked into the hotel, her eyes full of anxiety.

She never thought that all the spiritual materials she had collected so hard were taken away by those robbers.

What, what should I do?

For a moment, tears welled up in the little girl's eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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