I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 949 as you wish

Chapter 949 as you wish

"My God, this is really a legendary fairyland!"

The middle-aged stared blankly at the Qionglou Yuyu suspended in the air, and the beautiful fairy above it, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

Then he took a deep breath, trying to calm down his ups and downs.However, the next moment, he suddenly felt refreshed and full of energy.

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, then took two deep breaths, and immediately felt extremely refreshed all over his body.

This, is this the legendary immortal energy?
My God, this place really deserves to be a blessed place where gods live, it's really amazing!

The next moment, the middle-aged man suddenly opened his mouth wide and poured "Xian Qi" into his belly...

At this time, although the chaotic space is very huge, the tonnage of each ship is not small.

Therefore, soon the lower space was full of ships.

And in the next moment.


A dragon chant that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell resounded throughout the space.

In an instant, a huge monster that covered the sky and the sun rose from the ground!

It is indeed a majestic black dragon!

For a moment, looking at the huge and terrifying dragon above the head, everyone on the ship was completely shocked.

"Oh my god, then, is that the legendary dragon?!"

The middle-aged exclaimed uncontrollably.

He could never have imagined that there would be a real dragon in this blessed land of the cave, it was simply unbelievable!
And at this moment, a ship suddenly appeared in the midair, and was easily picked up by that incomparably huge black dragon.

The next moment, ships appeared one after another on top of the gigantic body of the giant dragon.

Seeing the unimaginable scene in mid-air, everyone was dumbfounded, beyond shock.

But at this time, the huge blood-colored pupils of the black dragon glared at the crew members below him, and snorted coldly:

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen a dragon-backed boat? What a fuss!"

Then, looking at the crowded ships in the space, he complained softly to himself:

"It's really embarrassing to squeeze so many people in at once.

Now it seems that the chaotic space is still a bit small..."

Soon, the black dragon's huge body was already full of ships.

In the next moment, under everyone's shocked eyes.

Two figures suddenly jumped down from the floating city.

In an instant, a gorgeous and holy ten-tailed white fox and a nine-tailed green fox surrounded by black air were displayed in front of the world!

Looking up at the sky, everyone on the ship couldn't help but be dumbfounded by the majestic, dreamlike and gorgeous white fox, and the hideous and terrifying huge green fox.

At this moment, ships appeared out of thin air again.

The two gigantic demon foxes, one white and one green, were entwined in the air with their huge fox tails.

And at the next moment, a burly giant wearing black scale armor, six-armed hooves, and two horns on his head suddenly appeared in the void!

Immediately, countless thick black long whips burst out from his hand, spreading in all directions like a dragon!
Suddenly, many ships were firmly bound in the air.

At this moment, looking at the extremely shocking scene above their heads, everyone seemed to be petrified, and they were completely stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.

"Well, that Mr. Wu is really a living god..."

Looking at the ships hanging in the sky, the middle-aged man felt an unprecedented turmoil in his heart.

For a moment, when the last ship appeared out of nowhere in the chaotic space, all the ships were assembled one by one!

At the same time, countless viewers around the world who watched the live broadcast, the last picture they saw was frozen in that horrible scene.

Immediately, all countries in the world were deeply shocked by the extremely terrifying scene in the previous live video.

No one thought that the originally majestic sea would turn into a vast and boundless ice field in an instant!

What's more, I didn't expect that they would all be frozen into ice sculptures, and eventually shattered into ice slag...

This, this is too unbelievable!
(End of this chapter)

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