Chapter 955
And when Wu You stepped to the bow of the cruise ship, looking down at the people who had been waiting on the ground for a long time, a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"You can come up now."

It was said that Ying Ning, Yuan Qianxue, God Lord Ise, Mrs. Daisy, Qi Heqing and others who had been waiting for a day and a night.Immediately reacted, and then hurriedly boarded the cruise ship.

But when a group of people came to the deck, they found that the young man in front of them seemed to be no different from before yesterday's retreat.

"Master, do you already have a way to save Xiaoyu?"

Ying Ning asked with great anticipation.

Immediately, everyone around also showed hope.

I really want to know what Wu You did after retreating for a day and a night.

At this moment, Wu You smiled playfully and said:

"See for yourself, and you'll know if you don't."

As soon as the words fell, Ying Ning and the others felt a blur in front of their eyes.

When they realized it, they had already arrived in the chaotic space with the luxury cruise ship under their feet.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being a little surprised, wondering why Wu You suddenly stuffed them here again.

But at this moment, Ying Ning, who looked at the distance in surprise, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"This, is this chaotic space?"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked around suspiciously.

At the next moment, everyone on the cruise ship showed unprecedented shock.

I saw a vast and boundless space as far as the eye could see, without seeing the edge at all, and it was impressively displayed in front of everyone!
Looking at the incomparably vast and strange land in front of them, everyone was completely stunned in place as if petrified, dumbfounded.

God, is this really a chaotic space?How can it be so vast?
And if it wasn't for the distant void, one could faintly see a Qionglou Yuyu floating out of thin air, exuding bursts of blue light.They really couldn't imagine that this was the chaotic space they were familiar with.

And it wasn't until this moment that they finally realized that the magic weapon that Wu You mentioned during his retreat yesterday was actually upgrading the Chaos Spirit Ring.

It now appears that he really succeeded.

The chaotic space, which was originally only the size of four football fields, has increased by at least [-] times at this moment!
It is equivalent to a huge city capable of accommodating 200 million people!
This, this is simply incredible!
For a moment, everyone on the cruise ship was beyond shocked by the scene in front of them.

After a long time, everyone finally calmed down the turbulent waves in their hearts.

Immediately, Ying Ning and the others couldn't help revealing expressions of astonishment.

Although the chaotic space has become larger now, what does this have to do with that ancient giant beast?

At this moment, everyone fell into confusion again, full of confusion...

At this time, Wu You, after stuffing the luxury cruise ship into the chaotic spirit ring, stepped on the Ziwei sword alone and soared into the sky, turning into a purple long rainbow and disappearing in the distant sky.

At the same time, in the three major regions of Kyushu, Shikoku, and Kinki located in the southern part of the East Ocean, countless coastal cities have all been hit by a monstrous tsunami.

Although many people have evacuated urgently, tens of millions of Orientals were still swept away by the waves.

Nearly a quarter of the entire Eastern Ocean was affected by this peerless catastrophe, causing incalculable losses.

And all of this may just be the prelude to this catastrophe...

Because that extremely terrifying ancient giant beast is still advancing towards the northern part of the East Ocean at a very fast speed, as if it is about to drive all human beings to extinction!
At this time, the eyes of the whole world were all focused on Dongyang, and countless people around the world were deeply shocked by the devastating disaster caused by the ancient giant beast, and they were terrified.

However, in the face of Dongyang's request for help, all countries expressed that they were helpless.

In the face of the terrifying monsters that are not even effective for nuclear bombs, perhaps only the Ultraman of the Eastern Kingdom can contend with them.

It's a pity that the reality is not movies and anime after all, not every disaster will have a hero come...

And under this peerless catastrophe, only Huaxia opened up the country's major airports and ports in a humanitarian spirit, allowing Orientals to temporarily seek refuge in China.

And sent many fleet cruise ships to Dongyang to help it transport people urgently.

Of course, in this process, overseas Chinese working and living in Toyo were given priority to evacuate.

At this time, all countries in the world have also used all monitoring methods to closely monitor the actions of that ancient giant beast.

And the results will be announced to the world in real time without any concealment.

At this moment, in the face of this unprecedented worldwide disaster, all countries are sharing information without reservation, and this is the only thing they can do now...

During this catastrophe, many daring reporters risked their lives to go to the disaster-stricken area in the East, wanting to record this peerless catastrophe enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

Countless people around the world have also seen the devastated Toyo with corpses strewn across the fields through the lens of these reporters.

Immediately, everyone was deeply shocked and shuddered by the scene like purgatory on earth.

In the afternoon, Osaka is located in the Kinki region of the East, the second largest city in the East.The once bustling urban area is now completely silent.

Most of the countless Oriental people living and working here have already evacuated to the north.

On the streets of the huge city, there were hardly any people to be seen at the moment.Only some old people who do not want to leave still stay in their own houses, quietly waiting for the coming of death...

At this time, a civilian helicopter with a news interview logo flew into the empty city of Osaka and landed on a skyscraper near the sea.

When the cabin door opened, a short-haired woman wearing a camouflage reporter uniform and holding a microphone stepped off the helicopter.

Then he walked quickly to the edge of the skyscraper, held on to the railing, and looked out to the sea in the distance.

At this moment, a young videographer with a camera in hand jumped off the plane and hurried to the short-haired woman, persuading her anxiously:
"Miss Miki, I think we should leave quickly, this place is too dangerous."

"The more dangerous the place, the more newsworthy it is. Coming here is my destiny."

The short-haired female reporter said firmly.

"But, but that terrifying ancient giant beast, if it really launches an attack, it may be too late to escape."

The young cameraman said in panic.

"The reason why I came here today is to witness and report the rumored thousand-meter tsunami.

I want the whole world to know how terrifying that ancient giant beast is.If you don't concentrate the power of all countries to kill it, what serious consequences will there be! "

The short-haired female reporter said resolutely, her eyes filled with hatred and grief.

(End of this chapter)

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